

Fallen King Too Easy
First, really enjoy the game. Great work.

I've won with all the characters on hard and am about to go through on extreme, but with the only boss for all the 'evil' characters being the Fallen King, the boss level is a bit of a joke.

All one has to do is prioritize getting items that increase chance of getting colored dice, increase size of dice bag, and make sure to walk into the fight with dice bag filled with colored dice and I often kill the Fallen King in a single round.

My personal "challenge" is to try to end each run with 99 hit points for both companion and hero, which I find I can do 75% of the time.

When I first played the game, playing on easy, the king was a little difficult until I realized the fairly simple best methods. There are only a couple hero characters who provide any real challenge on hard. I essentially can't lose unless I pick bad trinkets.

I would scale the Fallen King with the difficulty and actually have the difficulty be incrementally harder the further to the right in the Hero list one goes.

Unrelated, there seem to be some pretty bad game balance issues with the items for sale. More than half of the gold-generating items: A simple calculation shows that they are all a bad deal (net negative value) unless they are received in the first store. Many of the silver-generating items are decently balanced price-to-return. The only gold generating item that's good is the one that gives a gold at the end of each stage and does 5 damage to the hero. It's slightly too good if one has a healing companion or similar.

Love to see some more dev work on making the runs more difficult/complex puzzles for higher level heroes and difficulty levels... Maybe a handful of user-settable types of difficulty: more hitpoints on monsters, more difficult monsters, more or less gold.

I myself prefer difficulties that increase without killing off the gold. The items and the way they combine with hero powers is most of the fun, so making gold a lot harder to earn would make the game less fun.

I'll let you know when I get through the whole set on extreme.

