Ultimate Sheep Raccoon

Ultimate Sheep Raccoon

how to start/leave?
How in the hell do you leave and start the game? I have to keep closing down the game and starting it back up again because i have no clue how to leave lobbies, and i also have no clue how to start the game. I have pressed every button on the controller and have clicked everywhere on the screen to try to leave lobbies and to start the game. Im the host and theres 4 players but i cant for the life of me work out how to start the game. I also cant work out how to leave lobbies which forces me to have to keep closing the game and restarting it.
I assume that pressing 'play.exe' bottom left would start the game, but pressing it isnt doing anything. And i assume that pressing B or pressing the red icon top right would leave the lobby, but doing either of these things isnt leaving the lobby. Am i dumb or is the user interface really that unintuitive? I dont think i am dumb because ive been in several 4 player lobbies where other people are the host and they also seem to be struggling to work out how to start the game
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On controller, there is a "B" button in the top right of the lobby screen (indicating the control to use). On keyboard, I'd imagine it's either Backspace or ESC to go back.

Once you get into a match, you have to place down the object you're holding if you have one, and on keyboard you press ESC then Leave (or Exit? don't remember what it says). On controller you press Start with the same effect.

To start a match, you have to select a character and a map, then it'll start the lobby. It's weird that there's no waiting system (from what I can tell) but it's still pretty early so that should get fixed/changed. It's a bit buggy right now so might not work, there's also a lot of disconnects so idk.

This is how it works *normally*, but it seems like you're having a bug preventing you from pressing B to leave the lobby. I imagine it could be a steam input bug or the game not seeing your controller (had an issue or two with that). There could also be some other underlying issue, so I'd suggest just posting a bug report or something.
Last edited by Greenie /Taxibutler; 21 Feb @ 8:33pm
Originally posted by Greenie /Taxibutler:
Yeah i know that theres a red B top right, but like i said; pressing the B button and pressing top right doesnt do anything.
I know that character needs to be selected, what im saying is is that the game doesnt progress from this character selection screen, its impossible to get to the map selection screen which comes after.
I dont have any problems when im actually in the game playing, i know about pressing the start button and exiting from there, when i say that i dont know how to leave the game, i mean that i dont know how to leave the lobby when in the character select screen.
To be more clear: All of the problems that im having are in the character select screen, im saying that i dont know how to leave the character select screen and dont know how to start the game from the character select screen, pressing B or pressing top right doesnt leave the lobby, and i have no idea how to start the game from this character select screen, i assume i press 'play.exe' bottom left but pressing that doesnt do anything. I just keep getting stuck in the character select screen with no way to leave the character select screen, have 4 players who have selected character but no way to start the game from here and no way to leave from here.
I have managed to play the game from joining other people, i have no idea how they are progressing from the character select screen to the map select screen though because i cant for the life of me work out how to get from the character select screen to the map select screen when i host. I have also seen a lot of other hosts when i join them moving their cursor all over the screen for ages as well though seemingly not knowing how to start the game, so seems like im not the only one who doesnt know how to start the game.
So yeah pressing B or top right is supposed to go back to lobby as i suspected (but like i said; it doesnt work). But how to start the game? like how to leave the character select screen in order to get to the map select screen?
pressing 'space' or 'enter/return' once everyone has picked their character will bring up the map selection screen.
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