Battlezone 98 Redux

Battlezone 98 Redux

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Enigmatistic 10. juli 2017 kl. 15:18
(TRO) Hook, Line & Sinker bug
Needed to create a thread to bring more attention to this issue. After further investigation regarding why I couldn't complete TRO mission "Hook, Line & Sinker" I found a scripting error. If you activate the nav beacon placed near the portal you have full vision of all units entering and exiting the portal. A few moments after the APC arrives, the pilot is scripted to abandon the APC and return through the portal. Sometimes this act is successful and sometimes the pilot is not able to eject without being apparently squashed by the APC. Why then later are you supposed to snipe the APC when there is clearly not a pilot at that time?
This mission needs the script altered so 1. The pilot never abandons the APC 2. The APC does not require to be sniped.
I believe option 1 is more preferable since this mission scripting is causing errors and for the player to fail without ever doing anything wrong.
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Viser 1-15 af 55 kommentarer
Seqan 10. juli 2017 kl. 15:39 
Any such undertaking to correct this mission would have to be a mod. It's a known issue, but as development has stopped, a modder will have to take to it.
Novus Ordo Seclorum 10. juli 2017 kl. 17:46 
The real question is: Why are you the ONLY one with this issue?
Sidst redigeret af Novus Ordo Seclorum; 10. juli 2017 kl. 17:46
Enigmatistic 10. juli 2017 kl. 18:33 
I don't believe I am the only one with the issue as Seqan said "It's a known issue". I'm pretty certain Deus has stated they heard others mention the problem as well however could not replicate it. Again, I uninstalled/re-installed and verified cache numerous times. The game was operating at default levels. This is why I couldn't believe some people were actually NOT experiencing this problem.

That said, the way the mission plays out is clearly in error. You are supposed to snipe the APCs' pilot to end the mission but the pilot is ejecting and vanishing into the portal. That shouldn't be happening at all, the pilot has no reason to exit the APC. Keep the pilot inside the vehicle and this issue is solved. This IS a problem that needs to be fixed. This is campaign breaking and the player does absolutely nothing wrong to trigger it.

Original video for reference:

Error discovery (7:52 mark is when pilot abandons APC):

EDIT: I've deleted the videos. Bug still exists.
Sidst redigeret af Enigmatistic; 19. apr. 2018 kl. 17:43
Bobcat Betty 10. juli 2017 kl. 19:12 
The funny thing is, there should be no reason that this mission is behaving differently in BZR than it did in TRO

The pilot's hitbox didn't change

The APC's hitbox didn't change

The mission's script didn't change

The fact that only a few people are noticing the bug at all, on top of that, just makes it absolutely bizarre. If I were experiencing the bug myself, I'd be trying to come up with a modded version of the mission so that people with the bug could get through it. Since I'm not seeing the bug, though, I literally don't know what I could do to help...

Hopefully with enough attention on this issue, Rebellion will get Ken or someone to slap a patch on it... there are a lot of bugs in the game that I personally care about more, but anything that's preventing campaign completion for some people should probably be #1 on the list.
Novus Ordo Seclorum 10. juli 2017 kl. 19:42 
I played this mission a bunch of times and can't reproduce the bug, so it is indeed bizarre. :spazhorror:
Enigmatistic 10. juli 2017 kl. 20:28 
I played this mission perfectly well until the last patch, "The Big Patch" was released. That's what broke it for me.
Sidst redigeret af Enigmatistic; 11. juli 2017 kl. 8:13
Dixon 7. okt. 2017 kl. 22:52 
I'm doing my first playthrough of TRO (only ever played original Bzone back in the day) and am also experiencing the issue of the suicidal pilot. Has anyone found a way to resolve this, or is there a method I can use to skip this mission? Would love to continue playing, however this bug is preventing me from moving forward.
DustRider 8. okt. 2017 kl. 2:07 
Nope, that suicidal bugger is still out there. What gets people thrown off is that it's rare. And funny thing is that it's not a one in a hundred play throughs rare it's one in a hundred MACHINES rare.
DustRider 8. okt. 2017 kl. 2:15 
So for anyone else that stumbles into this issue you'll have to skip the mission in order to move on. I know it breaks your heart but it's all we got for it. Like cutting off a limb to take care of an infection. So here it is for the record
Its the .DEF file named CpProgress located under the save folder in the Battlezone redux directory. Open it useing note pad and modifiy the desired campain to a higher value
current = 8
furthest = 9
current = 9
furthest = 10
That aught to do it.
Theres parts for other campains as well
Seqan 18. okt. 2017 kl. 12:32 
Oprindeligt skrevet af DustRider:
Nope, that suicidal bugger is still out there. What gets people thrown off is that it's rare. And funny thing is that it's not a one in a hundred play throughs rare it's one in a hundred MACHINES rare.

With that in's a stupid idea.

Has anyone who experiences the bug tried running in windowed mode at a lower res?

I realize how dumb and non-functional this sounds, but if it's a machine-side issue, this might change things up just enough to get the bug to quit.
Enigmatistic 19. okt. 2017 kl. 15:45 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Seqan:
Has anyone who experiences the bug tried running in windowed mode at a lower res?
I haven't but I honestly just want the script altered. Stop the pilot from abandoning the APC and this whole problem disappears.
Seqan 19. okt. 2017 kl. 22:37 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Enigmatistic:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Seqan:
Has anyone who experiences the bug tried running in windowed mode at a lower res?
I haven't but I honestly just want the script altered. Stop the pilot from abandoning the APC and this whole problem disappears.

Won't happen and frankly, it's not something a modder can do. Besides, the pilot abandoning the APC is part of the whole narrative of that mission.
Enigmatistic 20. okt. 2017 kl. 14:44 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Seqan:
Besides, the pilot abandoning the APC is part of the whole narrative of that mission.
What? You're supposed to snipe the APC at the end of the mission. No pilot, no snipe...
ivan.folghera 3. juni 2019 kl. 4:17 
I have encountered a very similar bug.

The APC appears and moments later I fail the mission with the message that the APC was not to be allowed to return to Elysium despite it sitting at the portal right in front of me.

If I wait by the portal and kill the APC then the mission hangs a few seconds later and the game crashes.
Herp McDerperson 3. juni 2019 kl. 15:20 
Oprindeligt skrevet af ivan.folghera:
I have encountered a very similar bug.

The APC appears and moments later I fail the mission with the message that the APC was not to be allowed to return to Elysium despite it sitting at the portal right in front of me.

If I wait by the portal and kill the APC then the mission hangs a few seconds later and the game crashes.

Why don't you beat the mission properly? Again - you have to stay WELL AWAY from the portal until you are told "don't let him get away!"I've done some testing to ascertain what is "too close" in the past and I'll make an annotated map shortly.
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Dato opslået: 10. juli 2017 kl. 15:18
Indlæg: 55