Tiny Pasture
Some quality of life suggestions.
Got this game 2(?) days ago.... enough to have it playing non stop for *looks at clock* 37.8 hours on file... At this point I have unlocked and maxed all of my Facilities, I have unlocked all of my Items, and I have bought all of my Decorations. I'm starting to try for all Red quality (4 star) my animals in my Encyclopedia at this point.

So far I've really enjoyed this game. There are some minor things I would like to see added, and I think they're mostly minor QOL things.

1.) Upping the speed of brooms/bees. I have a 4k monitor, 3840x2160, even though I put the bees smack in the middle of my screen and at max speed they can still take *forever* to get to the animal they're heading to. More so if that animal is super wanting to stay at the butt end of the screens. I also located the broom to the very side because its not as pretty as the other facilities and they tend to just be really slow when there is a mess waaaaay at the other end of the my screen even at max speed. A wee bit of a boost at max would be nice, or the ability to put down two?

2.) A way to turn off the check marks that pop up on the plants that are also feed plants. Once you understand what a full grown plant looks like I don't need a line of checks covering up the pretty background. Or having a setting letting hungry animals 'pick' the plants themselves if they're hungry, even if they gave less fullness if they do so would be nice. Maybe "cubs" can't because they're too small, or haven't learned how to. *shrugs*

3) I know this one isn't a QOL and would mean more work for your animators, but having some animal interaction with some of the decorations would be nice. Maybe the birds sitting on the signs/fence/mailbox, cherry blossoms floating around the trees, cats sleeping on the bench. Or Animal on animal interactions? Corgi's chasing cats, cats chasing birds, hamsters sleeping on Capybaras. Again not a QOL but something cute for later.

4.) I've seen it somewhere else mentioned but generation notes for animals that came from breeding. Just so we can understand a bit better how we got from a gray quality (1 star) to a rainbow quality (5 star). Also, better explorations on how breeding works would be really nice. How do you go up in quality, what exactly is the adult earning rate range for a species of animal, how that effects the quality. This information could be put in the Encyclopedia so that it is more than a "You've got these animals at these qualities" even if its something we have to "learn" as we encounter and level up animals/quality through breeding. Also a more clearer understanding that adult animals are going to leave the pasture /forever/. But hey you get their abandoned child xD

5.) Explain how animals get sick. The first time I left my animals over night for some idle gaming most were sick, but after I treated them by the next time I did so I never saw another sick animal. What causes an animal to be sick?

6.) Being able to choose what foods we can use in the Cuckoo House would be nice, even if it still requires us to level it up to get more access to different foods. I think being able to have the full range of foods that you can choose from the Items page would be nice, but you still have to fully unlock them from the Item's list before you can use them in the Cuckoo House. Only feeding the animals the Acorns even though I can give them cake is a little bit of a let down. Or allowing us to put down more than one cuckoo houses once we have fully unlocked all the slots in your pasture.

7.) Being able to breed the animals in your Warehouses would be super nice, even if we have to "Pay to have a breeder come and help" because they don't have the Mystery Curtain. Again this could be an option once you've unlocked all the slots for your pasture or maybe unlocked all the slots for *that* Warehouse. So having to unlock all the slots for each warehouse to gain access to the "breeder help" in different Warehouses, maybe you have to pay a different amount depending on the quality you get, or instantly sell it to the breeder if its a quality you don't want. Just an idea. The breeder could even have a longer CD then the level 1 mystery curtain, or maybe even a 1 hour CD that you can't bring down. Just a thought.

8.) Another non QoL request that I'm sure you've heard a lot is the ability to play with your animals.

9.) OH! In the breeding screen, when you select an animal, all animals of that species that can be bred only shows up on the list, that way we don't have to scroll for forever trying to find the one lit up animal that can be bred.

I understand this is a brand brand new game, and I'm loving it, and funny enough my cat enjoys watching the animals too, and a lot of these requests/suggestions aren't exactly 'easy' but I wanted to voice them in the hopes that they gain some traction and maybe we'll see them in future patches. Great game! I really look forward to seeing how it continues.