Steam Controller

Steam Controller

nimrod_yanai 2 Sep, 2016 @ 10:20pm
Controller Configuration missing
Hi all!
I have the strangest issue. I read that if I want to customize my steam controller "per game," there is a "controller configuration" button in the "manage game/shortcut" section.
However, when I open steam, that option is not there for any game - steam or non-steam.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Shallex 2 Sep, 2016 @ 11:53pm 
When you have the Steam Controller plugged in, right click on a game in your library and there should be something along the lines of "Configure Controller" or something like that. Or so I thought.
Vepar 3 Sep, 2016 @ 12:26am 
Is your controller ON and paired with Steam? That option won't show unless Steam recognises the controller.
nimrod_yanai 3 Sep, 2016 @ 12:26am 
Until you said that, I didn't even realize the controller had a USB connection, I just used it remotely ROFL

Well connecting it to the computer via USB made the option appear, but now the controller doesn't work with non-steam games when I run them through big screen mode...

Any ideas?
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Date Posted: 2 Sep, 2016 @ 10:20pm
Posts: 3