

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Svenijesus 5 Nov, 2015 @ 5:34pm
Game Suggestions
Post any of your ideas for Roguelands here in this thread.
Last edited by Svenijesus; 13 Nov, 2015 @ 12:50pm
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Showing 1-15 of 1,465 comments
Shortea 6 Nov, 2015 @ 9:59am 
• I will keep updating this post instead of making new ones •

• An Item that lets you go to back to the Ship.
- Could be rarely dropped by some Boss making it a permanent Item
- Could also be a craftable/purchaseable Item that is single-use

• PvP
- Every game needs PvP

• Actual "open world" Boss Stages
- Could open a portal behind the normal ones after killing X amount of enemies
- For the Final Boss for example

• Smash to the Ground
- Helpful in battle
- Could be one of those Battle-Kits
- Could be a skill of an Item
- Could be the ability of a race

• Stamina charge time decrease
- It recharges way too fast
- Almost infinite flight

• Dropping items out of the screen
- Atleast for the Ship
- Lost 9999 Credits and a whole lot of other stuff because I dropped it out of the Ship
Last edited by Shortea; 6 Nov, 2015 @ 12:00pm
foxtails 6 Nov, 2015 @ 12:16pm 
- different types of sword attacks
- more enemies vs astroids floating around
- Ai team mate for Single player mode
- Ability to level upgrade Ai team mate as player level goes up
- Ability to allow droid to teleport player back to ship with 25% penalty to collected items
- minor item crafting in the field
"The D" 6 Nov, 2015 @ 12:39pm 
ariel combat has a lot to be desired.. most of the time its just a bouncing game and getting lucky on their positioning, maybe 360 directional lance attacks?
Evo! 6 Nov, 2015 @ 2:45pm 
I have suggested some of these things before but not here, in my emails for the beta test. I will update this instead of making more. Also, im still updating this, i hope your looking sean xD

•Add in Open environment based worlds
- Something like a forest world with shallow caverns here and there.
- A surface for all worlds but they have cavy blocked off areas else where

• Give stats, chips or weapons specifically wielded by a certain class.
- like the classes you begin with in character creation
- For example, the mercernary gets speed chip, aether blade (if your wanderer it can be blue maybe?) and a speed and HP bonus and etc

• Make the open hub area a teleporter or destination you can go to on the travel map.
- This will make it less confusing and realistic.

•Add fuel to the game.
- if you run out of fuel, you must continue to gather fuel via your current planet
- While dormant, you may be attacked by a ship passing by and lose stuff.

• Make the game harder by making the gear harder to get.
- Possibly add a chance of failure during crafting.
- Make the rarity randoms much higher.
- Make the 1st tier the starting weapon.
- Make the areas to get these special tier 2's and 3's in either specific spots or have them similar to that in the v.3 where there is a slight chance to get them off of certain plants.

• Add in a in-game chat and something to track friends.
- Possibly something in the side bar that shows hp, vital state, and weapon being wielded.
- Something like a Universal chat, a combat chat, and a normal chat.
- Maybe make it an item to track friends.

• Add in a mini-map.
- Possibly a tangible starting or craftable item.
- Could show locations of allies.
- Could show current hostile enemies (while in combat mode).
- Could be zoomed out.

• Add in more types of weapons and change some around, make more in the same tier.
- Maybe a medic gun for the medic class preset that heals.
- Maybe a boomerang.
- Make cannons destroy floating obstacles (boulders and stalagmites) and stun enemies (also balance them by having much decreased attack speed)
- Maybe allow gunslinging (gun duel wielding) for pistols and there is an added effect for doing so with certain combos or using the same two types.

• Boss drops and companions (Taken. half at least)
- The boss should drop a unique, uncraftable weapon with a unique ability and rarity.
- If this is implemented, it should be activated differently or more rarely to prevent farming.
- Add companions or mounts. Mounts could be anything from normal horses to hover bikes.
- Mounts would be de-activated in activation of combat mode.
- Certain companions will act like drones but with an ai.

• Edit the textures for packs.
- Make them have like a white case with the medical plus sign.
- Make HP have red, mana blue, stamina yellow etc.
- Make droid fuel a jerry can style with maybe a little more futurstic style.

• Make starting items and boss items soul bound (also certain other items or maybe a type of cursed weapon. Better stats but it is soulbound).
- If they are soul bound, they stay on the character forever but can not be stored.
- Can be dropped.
- This is to help prevent duplicating starting items and make the 2nd suggestion more viable.

• Add a jet pack of sorts.
- The centurion can begin with it (to help fighting with the lance)
- It can be crafted or bought by a speacial dealer for technology.
- It will take way more energy (maybe 3 per second and less depending on chips and tech?)
- It will be expensive

• The use for world fragments could be to expand chest space or repair stuff (durability should be a thing except for boss items).
- This would be a good way to expand chest space. But make it really expensive
- It should cost around 10000-100000 for one slot.

• Speacial Dealers.
- They will be located in the central hub or some home base for your faction.
- They will sell specific, hard to craft gear and tools and maybe emblems.
- Since they are specific they should be 5x more expensive than mid way shops.
- There could be a tech seller that sells things like the jetpack i suggested.
- They could be unlockable or you can save them via some story mode or something.

• Story
- Add in a more intereactable story.
- Make cutscenes
- Make story quests that trigger events.

• Let us name servers
- So we dont get confused
- Please Sean
- Let us name servers
- Also let us have more server slots please

Check my Reply to This comment for more
Last edited by Evo!; 7 Jan, 2016 @ 7:27pm
Rehtaelle 6 Nov, 2015 @ 11:15pm 
First things first, PLEASE REMOVE THE LUNGE FROM THE LANCE. It gets me killed more than it does the killing. I played starbound before melee aiming of any description and that was tolerable. Having to either move forward or backward in order to NOT faceplant into an enemy is not helpful.
Svenijesus 6 Nov, 2015 @ 11:22pm 
Then don't use a lance. You start with a sword and can always get a new sword or even go for a gun or something. I like the lance as it is honestly.
The Muffin Man 6 Nov, 2015 @ 11:26pm 
Multiplayer in-game chat please ;^)
Gremlin5000 6 Nov, 2015 @ 11:34pm 
-An indicator that shows where your friends are in coop
-possibly an indicator showing whether you've crafted something before
-a way to view the anvil thing and the recipe book at the same time
-a tutorial
-Make it harder to die in coop, at the moment it's far too easy
-I'd love to see more interesting affects on weapons and armor but I'm sure that's already going to be coming
-Some way of getting the hell out when you're stuck bouncing between 2 mobs you aren't doomed
-please make lances easier to use, at the moment everytime I try to use one I end up dead (that may be because I'm really bad or because they don't work very well
-I'd love to see some more varied environments in the game so there isn't just two types of rooms
Last edited by Gremlin5000; 6 Nov, 2015 @ 11:43pm
Hobbes 7 Nov, 2015 @ 12:44am 
When you return to the ship, you get your HP back. I'm not sure why that wasn't a choice already, but it should be, if you choose to go on, that's risk, I get that, but if you choose to bank your progress, you should also heal up at that point.
Rehtaelle 7 Nov, 2015 @ 1:39am 
Originally posted by Svenijesus:
Then don't use a lance. You start with a sword and can always get a new sword or even go for a gun or something. I like the lance as it is honestly.
It wasn't clear initially that the starting weapon is based upon your chosen class. It's even less clear what class starts with what. I had assumed that going for dexterity and tech would give me a gun if at all possible since that makes the most sense in a combination.

And the lunge would be nice if there weren't contact damage, or maybe if the lunge were for if you were holding forward when attacking. If I'm not holding a direction when swinging a melee weapon, isn't that because I would like to NOT go either backwards or forwards? It makes the already fiddly lance which has a narrow hitbox to deal with enemies on a vertical plane even fiddlier.

And I get the added hazard of the floating blocks (as annoying as they are) but do they need to move so quickly and be so large in the first stage?

Also, it would be REALLY nice if when getting more max health via level up, we could also get more current health? Not a whole refil, but enough to make it so your progress is keeping you alive. Because the game will suckerpunch you. You can constantly lose health to things that aren't really your fault, such as a fast moving rock coming down at the same time you jumped up, or one enemy knocking you into an enemy off screen for bonus damage.
Last edited by Rehtaelle; 7 Nov, 2015 @ 1:52am
Forcy 7 Nov, 2015 @ 2:00am 
I would really like to see where I'm going:
I got killed several times now, when I jumped down somewhere and couldn't see if there were enemies.
Maybe you could make it so that when you hold a key (e.g. ctrl) you can look further around by moving your mouse (like in Starbound). Because the jumping enemies can just appear from nowhere otherwise..
Manel 7 Nov, 2015 @ 2:42am 
Procedurally Generated Worlds.
Rehtaelle 7 Nov, 2015 @ 3:18am 
Originally posted by Hobbes:
When you return to the ship, you get your HP back. I'm not sure why that wasn't a choice already, but it should be, if you choose to go on, that's risk, I get that, but if you choose to bank your progress, you should also heal up at that point.
Or at least partially heal. I'd settle for just a single, guaranteed medkit.
Smash 7 Nov, 2015 @ 5:22am 
I would like to see a shop npc to sell useless items.
I'd also like to know what an item do before crafting it with the recipe : like the description of the item in the inventory.
Manel 7 Nov, 2015 @ 5:29am 
Very Important Suggestion:
Add The Graphical Option Of Adding Or Not A Black Outline To All The Sprites
you know, I would probably play it wihtout the black outlines!
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