Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

still miss this crap
still miss this crap
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
If you deem it crap then why do you miss it? :P
Waingro 16 Feb @ 1:20pm 
Same reason you say by to your majestic turds in the morning. Not everything needs to be a 10 to be loved.
Originally posted by Waingro:
Same reason you say by to your majestic turds in the morning.
The only majestic thing here is your projection :P :D

Originally posted by Waingro:
Not everything needs to be a 10 to be loved.
But you missed the point mister "the joke flew over my head"...
It was a sarcastic nitpick at a language misuse / lack of respect towards it...
( or to put it differently: very "American" way of using England's language... )
Schrö 17 Feb @ 7:48am 
Still miss it. Opensource it!
Originally posted by Schrö:
Still miss it. Opensource it!
Open source it?! :D

Dude... you are talking about Nexon of all companies.
They would rather bully you with lawyers for whole eternity long before they would EVER agree to open source their product...
The Icon
Waingro 28 Feb @ 2:51am 
Originally posted by B1tF1ghter:
Originally posted by Waingro:
Same reason you say by to your majestic turds in the morning.
The only majestic thing here is your projection :P :D

Originally posted by Waingro:
Not everything needs to be a 10 to be loved.
But you missed the point mister "the joke flew over my head"...
It was a sarcastic nitpick at a language misuse / lack of respect towards it...
( or to put it differently: very "American" way of using England's language... )
Pretty sure the joke went over your head Mister offended. Cry me a river now, hot is thick boomer.
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