Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

R3N0 1 月 24 日 上午 1:48
Try out the Alara Prime game if you miss GitS:FAO
Currently at CBT stage, request the invite via Steam page and try it out.

Looks interesting.
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B1tF1ghter 1 月 24 日 下午 12:11 
I'm not going to comment on "looking interesting" part - tbh to me looks rather unoriginal... but to each their own...
It could even be debatably said this game is a "copy-cat" blend of at least 2 different games, w/ some blatant UI rip-offs...
But alas...

I'm instead going to TLDR some technical aspects that an average Steam user may potentially have not enough due dilligence ( or patience ) to find out themselves...
For some ppl it matters, for some it doesn't. This is just dry info for those who care:

1. Tencent is involved. At the very least financially.
The game is published by Tencent's " "international brand" " ( translation: it's just Tencent with a different name slapped on it to confuse ppl who won't research any deeper ) called "Level Infinite".

2. Claims to use Easy Anti-Cheat. Which, for those who don't know, is kernel level. This does have some security implications, even tho there's a sizeable crowd online of people proudly ignorant and ready to defend it for no reason at all at any given time.

2B. The only existing ProtonDB report for this game is from 3 years ago and suggests the anti-cheat Linux support was disabled at the time. Whether it works on Linux nowadays or not - that I do not know...

3. At least one game published by "Level Infinite" had Nexon involvement of some kind.
( source: )
Whether this is a red flag for THIS game or not - make your own mind.
As an annual reminder - I strongly recommend for anyone with common sense who values their time, money, and sanity - to stay away from ANY Nexon-related products and services...
If you know, you know...

4. There are unofficial talks of the game being cancelled:

5. The game uses Unreal Engine ( 4 or 5 ) which due to fundamental 'default setup' of those engines ( which a lot of developers tend to not bother to EVER change ), micro-stuttering can be expected ( certainly not ideal for "pseudo esports dynamic fps shooters" ).

All this information is, again, for those who care.
Those who don't care can spare their fingers from furiously typing keyboard warrior reality bending excuses for a company that they don't work for...
Anyone else I ask to act in calm and rational manner, curb your emotions, it's just a game, there will be more.

By the way, good luck in 2025 for anyone reading this!
Kae717 1 月 27 日 下午 7:42 
引用自 B1tF1ghter
I'm not going to comment on "looking interesting" part - tbh to me looks rather unoriginal... but to each their own...
It could even be debatably said this game is a "copy-cat" blend of at least 2 different games, w/ some blatant UI rip-offs...
But alas...

I'm instead going to TLDR some technical aspects that an average Steam user may potentially have not enough due dilligence ( or patience ) to find out themselves...
For some ppl it matters, for some it doesn't. This is just dry info for those who care:

1. Tencent is involved. At the very least financially.
The game is published by Tencent's " "international brand" " ( translation: it's just Tencent with a different name slapped on it to confuse ppl who won't research any deeper ) called "Level Infinite".

2. Claims to use Easy Anti-Cheat. Which, for those who don't know, is kernel level. This does have some security implications, even tho there's a sizeable crowd online of people proudly ignorant and ready to defend it for no reason at all at any given time.

2B. The only existing ProtonDB report for this game is from 3 years ago and suggests the anti-cheat Linux support was disabled at the time. Whether it works on Linux nowadays or not - that I do not know...

3. At least one game published by "Level Infinite" had Nexon involvement of some kind.
( source: )
Whether this is a red flag for THIS game or not - make your own mind.
As an annual reminder - I strongly recommend for anyone with common sense who values their time, money, and sanity - to stay away from ANY Nexon-related products and services...
If you know, you know...

4. There are unofficial talks of the game being cancelled:

5. The game uses Unreal Engine ( 4 or 5 ) which due to fundamental 'default setup' of those engines ( which a lot of developers tend to not bother to EVER change ), micro-stuttering can be expected ( certainly not ideal for "pseudo esports dynamic fps shooters" ).

All this information is, again, for those who care.
Those who don't care can spare their fingers from furiously typing keyboard warrior reality bending excuses for a company that they don't work for...
Anyone else I ask to act in calm and rational manner, curb your emotions, it's just a game, there will be more.

By the way, good luck in 2025 for anyone reading this!

many thanks! :moxes:
ADDanimeNut 1 月 28 日 下午 3:57 
If you can get the GITS group to get on board with this game, it definitely be great to play something that is similar. I really would like to try a few rounds in multiplayer. There is just not enough people playing it. I was just recently invited to the Beta through the store page.
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