Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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FannaD 17 Jan @ 10:45am
Ukrainian Localization
Well, this question has been overdue for a long time, but yes, I want to talk about Ukrainian localization.

In general, it is worth noting that in my opinion the list of languages ​​for such a game is too small. The game is officially localized only in 9 of the most popular languages ​​on Steam, which is really not enough. The need for an expanded number of languages ​​in the game has been suggested for a long time, although up to 16 of the most popular, including Czech, Italian and Ukrainian. I already expect something like this from the DLC "Götterdämmerung", but no miracle happened.

My expectations were connected with the company's strange policy regarding localizations and translations. For example, in Steam, the pages of the last 3 additions have Ukrainian translations, namely the already mentioned "Götterdämmerung", "Arms Against Tyranny" and "By Blood Alone". This led to the idea that work on the translation is underway, but 2 years have passed, and there is no translation.

Therefore, I consider it necessary to write a number of theses in favor of the need to add Ukrainian localization to the game:

1. Economic aspect. The Ukrainian video game market is developing rapidly, fueled by the desire of Ukrainians to develop their cultural space and separate themselves from the russian one. Thus, Ukrainians have become much more likely to buy video games in general, and especially those with Ukrainian translations. For example, in 2023, the CD Projekt Red studio created a Ukrainian localization for Cyberpunk 2077 as a gesture of support. However, in October 2024, it hired a top manager who will be responsible for implementing Ukrainian localization in all subsequent video games of the studio. The gesture of support turned out to be very profitable.

2. Reputational aspect. Currently, the reputation of Paradox Interactive in Ukraine is not good. Mostly due to the fact that the company raised prices for games in our region by 2 times, which, against the background of the difficult economic situation in the country, looked like a real mockery. Adding Ukrainian localization could significantly improve the reputation among Ukrainians, and therefore increase sales of the game and subsequent additions... even at such unpleasant and unfair prices.

3. Low resource requirements. The desire to play your favorite strategy in your native language has pushed many Ukrainians to take active action, so the game currently has a fan translation. Despite the fact that this is a mod, it is very high-quality and popular. Currently, the mod is used by almost 13,000 players, and it has been viewed 25,000 times, which is a very high indicator for a modification. This once again indicates the desire of Ukrainians to play in their native language. It will be enough to add this mod to the list of official localizations, and continue to cooperate with this team in terms of Ukrainian translation. Despite the fact that this translation is fan-made, it is not inferior in quality to the official one, and was also improved with the participation of the Ukrainian community of the game. This is all that our community needs now.
This mod is called very simply "Ukrainian Localization".

4. Humanity. Currently, our people are going through difficult times, both militarily and culturally. A large number of Ukrainian enthusiasts are now creating quite a few modifications and Ukrainian translations for them, allowing fellow citizens to play in their native language. Such mods as: Ukraine Above All, The Last Hetman (unfortunately removed for unknown reasons), Ukrainian State: the Great Reborn, Flames of eastern Europe, Eastern Frontlines, Rise of Kharkiv and many others have been created. In addition, more than 100 mods have already been translated, or are in the process of being translated by enthusiasts. All this is part of the community's contribution to the development of the game, and your company. So... do Ukrainians still not deserve an official translation of the game? What else do Ukrainians need to do to finally be able to comfortably play in their native language? Only "Paradox Interactive" can answer this question.

Well, that's the end of my little report, I thank everyone who read this text and twice thank those who will leave a comment. If anyone has any more questions, I am ready to answer them and support a healthy discussion on this topic. I hope this text will have at least some impact.
Last edited by FannaD; 20 Jan @ 10:02am
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Showing 1-15 of 243 comments
or1s 17 Jan @ 11:30am 
Ну так-то да это будет выгодно для авторов, но с другой стороны есть тот же Русский язык, вероятно смысла будет немного
Last edited by or1s; 17 Jan @ 11:31am
FannaD 17 Jan @ 11:39am 
Originally posted by or1s:
Ну так-то да это будет выгодно для авторов, но с другой стороны есть тот же Русский язык, вероятно смысла будет немного

Хоч українці і знають російську, та грати нею, чи розмовляти для більшості стало просто неприємно. Якби було мало сенсу, то 13000 українців не встановлювали б модифікацію для додавання української. А це, якщо брати за основу стімовську статистику популярності мов, приблизно четверта частина усіх гравців, що значно перевищує середнє значення гравців, що користуються модифікаціями. Я чудово також можу грати англійською, так як добре знаю цю мову, але знову ж... це зменшує загальне задоволення від гри.

Також, я вважаю що достатньо добре описав кожен з пунктів, тож наступного разу читай уважніше.
Плуш 17 Jan @ 11:58am 
Підтримую. Доволі багато українців грає в хойку. Я сам принципово не використовую російську мову та граю з модом на українську або просто англійською. Думаю, що я не один такий.
Зробити хоча би механічний переклад розробникам було би не так складно та це вже було би хоч чимось.
chatGPT final boss
Last edited by thats crazy; 17 Jan @ 4:28pm
FannaD 17 Jan @ 5:38pm 
Originally posted by thats crazy:
chatGPT final boss

Я підтримую. Так би мовити як молодший розробник USTGR. Сам коли немає перекладу що сумно, граю на англійський. Зазвичай я із за цього не дуже вдумуюсь у історію і менш цікаво грати. А те що не те що УПА немає у грі, які по хвакту там влаштували повне повстання і захопили території окуповані райхом ( що ніякій армії без держави хіба не вийшло, принаймні я не чув ), там навіть голодомору в СССР немає як дебахву чи взагалі чогось. Навіть Закарпаття де була ♥♥♥♥♥ Українська держава не було національне. Я вже не кажу щоб воно повставало як у дорозі, але щоб взагалі не було корки??? Я здивований, що вони хоча б зробили Вишиваного. Та й колабаранта добавили в Україну за райх такого нереалістичного...
FannaD 18 Jan @ 3:24am 
Originally posted by Sterben2222:
Я підтримую. Так би мовити як молодший розробник USTGR. Сам коли немає перекладу що сумно, граю на англійський. Зазвичай я із за цього не дуже вдумуюсь у історію і менш цікаво грати. А те що не те що УПА немає у грі, які по хвакту там влаштували повне повстання і захопили території окуповані райхом ( що ніякій армії без держави хіба не вийшло, принаймні я не чув ), там навіть голодомору в СССР немає як дебахву чи взагалі чогось. Навіть Закарпаття де була ♥♥♥♥♥ Українська держава не було національне. Я вже не кажу щоб воно повставало як у дорозі, але щоб взагалі не було корки??? Я здивований, що вони хоча б зробили Вишиваного. Та й колабаранта добавили в Україну за райх такого нереалістичного...

Є така справа. Розробникам дійсно не вистачає глибшого вивчення історичних деталей. З іншої сторони... сама по собі гра дуже поверхнево і вільно інтерпритує події другої світової, тож... допоки буде добре отримати просто локалізацію)
I would be very happy:steamhappy: if you add Ukrainian localization to your game.

Here are some translators who are working on Ukrainian localizations:
UNLOCTEAM - https://unlocteam.com/
SBTLocalization - https://sbt.localization.com.ua/
Last edited by ShubaDuba; 18 Jan @ 3:30am
ah yes the usual copy past from the Ukrainian group, stop bugging EVERY steam discussion with this, you speak English, and you speak/understand Russian you have 2 choices for your ability to understand this game.

Make your own mod with it if you actually care... which you dont... the Chinese did it and do it for every major mod as well, go actually do something rather than copy pasting your usual response.
Підтримую додавання Української до HoI 4:blasangel:
Artguy 18 Jan @ 3:59am 
I agree:steamthumbsup:
Romchik 18 Jan @ 4:06am 
I support the addition of the Ukrainian language to our favorite game. It will truly attract a large Ukrainian community and increase the game's popularity.
The Ukrainian language is simply essential for the game! :winterpenguin2023:
FannaD 18 Jan @ 4:13am 
Originally posted by The Merchant Guild:
ah yes the usual copy past from the Ukrainian group, stop bugging EVERY steam discussion with this, you speak English, and you speak/understand Russian you have 2 choices for your ability to understand this game.

Make your own mod with it if you actually care... which you dont... the Chinese did it and do it for every major mod as well, go actually do something rather than copy pasting your usual response.

I copied absolutely nothing, and wrote this text from scratch. Considering that you are most likely from Great Britain, then thanks to the imperialism of your ancestors you will not understand this, but consuming any content in a language other than your own... is simply not pleasant. I understand English, I understand Russian, but I simply do not want to play games in these languages. I want to play in my own native language. I want to think less about the translation in my head, and enjoy the gameplay and plot more. Besides... you again did not read what was written. There is already a mod with a Ukrainian translation, and it is very high-quality. However, the modification is still not an official translation. When it is a mod, you have to wait a lot of time, after each update, until the modders translate new content and a considerable number of problematic points. The official translation will be pleasant for Ukrainian players, it will increase the popularity of the game on the Ukrainian market, which will benefit the development company. And considering the modders who are already translating, it will be pretty easy for the company to localize this game. So... why don't you like this idea so much? What's your problem?
Last edited by FannaD; 18 Jan @ 6:49am
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