Team Fortress 2
Old Market Gardening Videos
I praised Soundsmith for his trolldier videos. Multiple people went to me and claimed that there were YouTubers who made marketgardening videos before Soundsmith. I don't just mean a montage of market garden kills, I mean showing their life as a soldier with the market garden and doing either live commentary or post editing commentary on their play. 10 people said there were 3 people who did it before Sounthsmith. 15 told me there were before him. 30 people told me that 7 YouTubers did it before Sounthsmith. Only problem is, it didn't occur to me to ask them during the games and everyone disappears from the server during the mapvote. So um, who did market garden videos before Sounthsmith? I've seen troldiers in game long before him, but I never saw videos about it other than the odd montage.
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smile hace 21 horas 
They were probably talking about Star_, Blu, and Muselk
Última edición por smile; hace 21 horas
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