Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

No sandwiches are allowed.
My idea for tenth class:
Class: The Recruit
DecoyBall it stuns soldiers on impact when thrown its recharge is similar to flying guillotine or sandman's baseball. It has a special ability to lure sentries to it instead of self/teammate or make stickies prematurely explode.
StickyTar: Works opposite of Demoman's stickybombs where enemies get stuck to your flypaper trap. stock only traps them. a(n) up/side grade depends on what else it does. A " sticky target " makes victem more vulnerable to projectiles. A "sticky tarp" lengthens the trap time. A "stinky tar" makes enemy more vulnerable to fall damage and fire. A "sticky tarwet" makes enemy bleed.
Sled: (Its a shield used to bounce like captain america's only you ride it.) Stock you slide across ground and if enemy gets in your way you damage him. ShedSled: adds Bleed. Medshed damage caused to enemy gets you health. Fledshed:You can bounce of objects to fly/jump/bounce. Santashed: You leave ammo or health pack. Bedshed: Instead of doing damage you stun enemy. Headshed:A shed wear you land on top your enemy and he dies it equals instant headshot.

This lovable character has a belly like heavy, has grin like scout, wears a beanie, has a child's voice and is shorter than all the other classes.

He says several things such as "You're not my daddy." "Momma-AAAAH" "Oopsy" "That's All?" "Yikes!"

He runs as fast as medic, but his health is like pyro.

Taunts: Teabag with fart, thumbs up with a big smile, a killing taunt where he punts an enemy crashing to their death.
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 72
GameChanger 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:26 
引用自 DAM187TOP
My idea for tenth class:
Class: The Recruit
DecoyBall it stuns soldiers on impact when thrown its recharge is similar to flying guillotine or sandman's baseball. It has a special ability to lure sentries to it instead of self/teammate or make stickies prematurely explode.
StickyTar: Works opposite of Demoman's stickybombs where enemies get stuck to your flypaper trap. stock only traps them. a(n) up/side grade depends on what else it does. A " sticky target " makes victem more vulnerable to projectiles. A "sticky tarp" lengthens the trap time. A "stinky tar" makes enemy more vulnerable to fall damage and fire. A "sticky tarwet" makes enemy bleed.

This lovable character has a belly like heavy, has grin like scout, wears a beanie, has a child's voice and is shorter than all the other classes.

He says several things such as "You're not my daddy." "Momma-AAAAH" "Oopsy" "That's All?" "Yikes!"

Taunts: Teabag with fart,
Firstly, the ''DecoyBall'' can simply be a medic Ubercharged. It lures the sentry away from teammates, does it not? Sticky Tar sounds useless, as I can EASILY see what's below me. You want this character designed like the both the Scout and Heavy? Doesn't sound unique, it just sounds like Scout's and Heavy's lovechild. Why would you want a child fighting in TF2? Do you know how much of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it would cause? His voicelines are WAAAY to random. ''You're not my daddy''? When I read the taunts section, I came to the conclusion that you're underaged. C'mon, ''Teabag with fart''? Are you serious?
Mucinex 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:32 
We don't need a tenth class.
MentallyillGamer(Kaddam) 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:35 
引用自 DAM187TOP
My idea for tenth class:
Class: The Recruit
DecoyBall it stuns soldiers on impact when thrown its recharge is similar to flying guillotine or sandman's baseball. It has a special ability to lure sentries to it instead of self/teammate or make stickies prematurely explode.
StickyTar: Works opposite of Demoman's stickybombs where enemies get stuck to your flypaper trap. stock only traps them. a(n) up/side grade depends on what else it does. A " sticky target " makes victem more vulnerable to projectiles. A "sticky tarp" lengthens the trap time. A "stinky tar" makes enemy more vulnerable to fall damage and fire. A "sticky tarwet" makes enemy bleed.

This lovable character has a belly like heavy, has grin like scout, wears a beanie, has a child's voice and is shorter than all the other classes.

He says several things such as "You're not my daddy." "Momma-AAAAH" "Oopsy" "That's All?" "Yikes!"

Taunts: Teabag with fart,
Firstly, the ''DecoyBall'' can simply be a medic Ubercharged. It lures the sentry away from teammates, does it not? Sticky Tar sounds useless, as I can EASILY see what's below me. You want this character designed like the both the Scout and Heavy? Doesn't sound unique, it just sounds like Scout's and Heavy's lovechild. Why would you want a child fighting in TF2? Do you know how much of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it would cause? His voicelines are WAAAY to random. ''You're not my daddy''? When I read the taunts section, I came to the conclusion that you're underaged. C'mon, ''Teabag with fart''? Are you serious?

Well who says stickytar has to be visible since it only affects enemies. As for decoyball the sentry thing was more of a plus thing-besides I was thinking of the game dodgeball without outright saying you throw a ball at an enemy's head.

Yes I was joking when I said he should have a teabag with fart sound for taunt. You know what would be even more hilarious? If you pilfered a green gassy cloud and it actually was a kill taunt.

Yes it is a chi-I mean a midget. I want to give every essence that The Recruit is wet behind the ears when it comes to war and that he's the newest addition to the team.
MentallyillGamer(Kaddam) 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:36 
引用自 Robert Barone
We don't need a tenth class.
So? We don't need hats either.
Mucinex 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:43 
引用自 DAM187TOP
引用自 Robert Barone
We don't need a tenth class.
So? We don't need hats either.
True. I'd still play TF2 even if it didn't have hats. But you have to remember, Valve spent 9 years developing and balancing out the classes. They haven't added a new class in any of their previous games and they won't start now.
Bastion (已封鎖) 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:44 
This class sounds as mature as the COD community.
MentallyillGamer(Kaddam) 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 2:44 
引用自 Robert Barone
引用自 DAM187TOP
引用自 Robert Barone
We don't need a tenth class.
So? We don't need hats either.
True. I'd still play TF2 even if it didn't have hats. But you have to remember, Valve spent 9 years developing and balancing out the classes. They haven't added a new class in any of their previous games and they won't start now.

Never know.
Obv 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 7:32 
What does the title have to do with the contents of this thread?
Mucinex 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 7:34 
引用自 Obvious Shizzel
What does the title have to do with the contents of this thread?
He misspelled sandviches.
Zyroxeon 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 8:39 
引用自 Robert Barone
We don't need a tenth class.
Nordii723 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 9:19 
I think enough thought was put into tf2 classes. I think this 10th class would be superior to the others, thus bringing the game out of balance.
Zyroxeon 2013 年 1 月 6 日 下午 9:41 
There are 3 groups of classes, Offense, Defense and Support. Each has 3 balanced classes within. We do not need anymore groups since there is literally nothing more to add and if they were to add another class, they would have to add another 2 in order to balance it out.
MentallyillGamer(Kaddam) 2013 年 1 月 7 日 上午 12:03 
引用自 Zyroxeon
There are 3 groups of classes, Offense, Defense and Support. Each has 3 balanced classes within. We do not need anymore groups since there is literally nothing more to add and if they were to add another class, they would have to add another 2 in order to balance it out.

Please explain how this class is overpowered? What classes would it end up overpowering? How will it unbalance the game? Why would 2 more classes be needed that present classes couldn't handle?

Should I need to explain my post to you? Are you that dense? Did I not give enough detail? What weapons you think are overpowered and what nerfs need be set in place to balance it out?

Are you really trying to discuss this idea or just blow it out your ear as a troll?
Zyroxeon 2013 年 1 月 7 日 上午 12:23 
引用自 DAM187TOP
引用自 Zyroxeon
There are 3 groups of classes, Offense, Defense and Support. Each has 3 balanced classes within. We do not need anymore groups since there is literally nothing more to add and if they were to add another class, they would have to add another 2 in order to balance it out.

Please explain how this class is overpowered? What classes would it end up overpowering? How will it unbalance the game? Why would 2 more classes be needed that present classes couldn't handle?

Should I need to explain my post to you? Are you that dense? Did I not give enough detail? What weapons you think are overpowered and what nerfs need be set in place to balance it out?

Are you really trying to discuss this idea or just blow it out your ear as a troll?
Sadly, the definition of troll has been lost over the years.

And wouldn't you look at that, it's my old nemesis DAM187.
MentallyillGamer(Kaddam) 2013 年 1 月 7 日 上午 12:32 
引用自 Zyroxeon
引用自 DAM187TOP
引用自 Zyroxeon
There are 3 groups of classes, Offense, Defense and Support. Each has 3 balanced classes within. We do not need anymore groups since there is literally nothing more to add and if they were to add another class, they would have to add another 2 in order to balance it out.

Please explain how this class is overpowered? What classes would it end up overpowering? How will it unbalance the game? Why would 2 more classes be needed that present classes couldn't handle?

Should I need to explain my post to you? Are you that dense? Did I not give enough detail? What weapons you think are overpowered and what nerfs need be set in place to balance it out?

Are you really trying to discuss this idea or just blow it out your ear as a troll?
Sadly, the definition of troll has been lost over the years.

And wouldn't you look at that, it's my old nemesis DAM187.

If you can't discuss the flaws appropriately with my post then why bother replying at all? I mean other than to be a naysaying troll who only wants to derail my thread instead of actually being constructive.
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