Team Fortress 2
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Medic's Mediguns
I've been lately enjoying playing as Medic but also getting so frustrated.
Main reason is the medigun itself.

It's common knowledge that the stock is by far the best in all situation due to the invincibility part. Many will disagree but it's a good medigun that can save many people as possible in 1 single uber or simple wreck the team.

KritzKrieg is amazing as well but tend to be always beaten by the stock.

I do like Quickfix since it's made to multi heal so many people as quickly as possible and can withstand the stock's assault although not the kritz's one. And it's still great for anti knockback and stuns.

I'm still not used with Vaccinator, i think it's because i have to remember to switch type damage, check the ubercharge fill and be sure to remember to not mess up. It's nice, in order to beat it, you just have to create a huge pressure to the medic and his patient.

Although i do like all the 4 mediguns, i can't help but getting asked to use the stock wisely
It's not like i'm bothered but it really kills the mood to choose freely the weapon.

So, in other words, i was wondering how do you usually go on with the mediguns. The Medic is just an important class and checking the situation in the battlefield is very important.

Thanks for reading in advance.
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Showing 1-15 of 49 comments
smithney 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:23pm 
Well, I usually use either Kritz or stock Medigun, it depends on situation. Kritz is for KOTH or small maps, or when we need to generate pressure on the enemy, so I use it with Vita-saw as a melee weapon since I may die a lot. Stock Medigun is for general situations, I sue it with Übersaw, because Übersaw kicks ass <3. I also use Vaccinator when we already got another medic on the team because it keeps important teammates alive, but I don't use it as much as Kritz or stock, this one should be used with Solemn Vow, but I like using Vita-saw with it because you get the first charge almost instantly after respawning.
TL;DR: If you don't like stock, use Kritz, or Vaccinator in pubs.
Last edited by smithney; 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:24pm
Puddingtame 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:24pm 
lol if someone complains about my healing I usually stop healing them. The Kritzkrieg is awesome when defending or in MVM. I don't like the new one, you really gotta manage it properly and just isn't as useful and slow overheal does make a difference in keeping someone alive.
smithney 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:26pm 
Originally posted by His Dudeness:
lol if someone complains about my healing I usually stop healing them. The Kritzkrieg is awesome when defending or in MVM. I don't like the new one, you really gotta manage it properly and just isn't as useful and slow overheal does make a difference in keeping someone alive.
I think it helps a lot in managing health of important targets. It operates differently from the two great mediguns (sorry Quick-fix) and helps you save your main medic or other important teammate when needed. But overally it is inferior to the great ones.
Last edited by smithney; 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:26pm
Puddingtame 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:30pm 
One thing I did like about the new one is that I found it easy to sacrifice a bar and be able to have a better chance at surviving while fleeing. Actually just having four bars is nice too bad the other mediguns dont have that.
Octavia 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:31pm 
I use whatever healing method I want; if someone complains, I tell them to go Medic or stop complaining. Chances are, even using a Quick-Fix, I'm contributing more to the team as a whole than they are; factor in how all Mediguns are actually decent, if used properly, and they have little viable complaints.

I prefer the Medigun due to the versatility and how it allows me to easily take on most threats, but I do love the Quick-Fix due to how it's a Medigun focuses on healing many people as quickly as possible. I generally use whatever the team needs, so the Quick-Fix is used if there's another Medic on the team, while if there's none and we need to push a Sentry, I use the Medigun; if I feel like using another one, it sucks for my team, but I fail to see everyone complain about the Tomislav or Brass Beast Heavy, the Black Box Soldier, the Huntsman Sniper or the Dead Ringer Spy who can't backstab anyone, so I'll be damned if I'll let their double-standard complaints have an effect on my gameplay.

I really love it when a person using a bad weapon for the situation, such as a Liberty Launcher, Black Box or the Tomislav, and yet complain about my Medigun choice; if they happen to do that, then I'd suggest you complain about their weapon choices. Either they're intelligent and they'll understand, or they're an idiot and will continue to uphold a double-standard because you're a Medic; either way, I'd suggest you ignore them and simply use what you like.
smithney 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Jetty:
KritzKrieg is amazing as well but tend to be always beaten by the stock.
Almost missed this one, Kritz isn't meant to be a counter or buffer to stock and vice versa. Their Ubers should be used differently, they have different charge speeds and different effect. It should be noted that stock Uber is like a counter to Kritz Uber, but if you have a competent team, you'll notice that you can kill enemy stock-using medic and his pocket with your Uber before he has to chance to prepare his.
And about Quick-fix: I liked Quick-fix, and even thought I'm no longer using it I must say it is useful and fun. Sadly, it cannot beat stock or Kritz in terms of versatility or sheer power.
Last edited by smithney; 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:36pm
Chrizie 12 Jan, 2013 @ 2:36pm 
i always use the festive medigun. the regular Ubercharge is my favorite, and i always use it unless i'm asked to use something else. that's also why i'm happy that valve made a festive medigun, so i can continue to use it, and still feel kinda rich, because it's worth quite something.
Hexenwulf 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:01pm 
I use the Quick-fix to get people to stop spamming the "Call for medic" key.
Last edited by Hexenwulf; 12 Jan, 2013 @ 8:00pm
smithney 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:04pm 
Originally posted by Zero Gun: Fenrir:
I use the Quic-fix to get people to stop spamming the "Call for medic" key
Yeah, Quick-fix is pretty good at team healing, the reason you posted here is one of the reasons I liked Quick-fix too.
Chairforce 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:21pm 
Eventually nothing beats stock's solid overheal competences and its ability to make 2 of your teammates temporarily invulnerable but any form increasead Über-rate greatly go together with the various unlocks like the Overdose, the Vita- or the Ubersaw that are based on your charge-meter; the Quick-Fix to a smaller, the Kritzkrieg to a bigger extent but especially the Vaccinator with their great charge-rate to combat-impact ratio arrive at mind.
smithney 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:26pm 
Originally posted by ROYAL_CHAIRFORCE:
Eventually nothing beats stock's solid overheal competences and its ability to make 2 of your teammates temporarily invulnerable but any form increasead Über-rate greatly go together with the various unlocks like the Overdose, the Vita- or the Ubersaw that are based on your charge-meter; the Quick-Fix to a smaller, the Kritzkrieg to a bigger extent but especially the Vaccinator with their great charge-rate to combat-impact ratio arrive at mind.
Don't talk about Übersaw when you talk about faster Uber charging ratio, especially not about using Übersaw and Vaccinator in the same loadout.
Reason: 1 Übersaw hit will give you only 1/4 of one mini-charge of Vaccinator, that means only 1/16 of the total Übercharge.
Last edited by smithney; 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:26pm
Eshmil 12 Jan, 2013 @ 3:27pm 
I believe that the stock is best, but if ure healing a really good player (Good scout, Demo, Soldier, or sometimes heavy), then a kritzkrieg can do fatal damage. I still havent found one of those people though :P
Originally posted by smithney:
Don't talk about Übersaw when you talk about faster Uber charging ratio, especially not about using Übersaw and Vaccinator in the same loadout.
Reason: 1 Übersaw hit will give you only 1/4 of one mini-charge of Vaccinator, that means only 1/16 of the total Übercharge.

There is no reason to use the ubersaw and vaccinator at the same time (or even the quickfix). Solemn Vow is a better choice, but there isn't a medic weapon that works well with the Vaccinator. I'm not a fan of the Amputator outside of Medieval as it makes you extremely vulnerable. Everyone is already gunning for the medic and now you want me to stand still? Not going to happen.
Originally posted by Jetty:
So, in other words, i was wondering how do you usually go on with the mediguns. The Medic is just an important class and checking the situation in the battlefield is very important.

Thanks for reading in advance.

Depends on what your team needs. I generally start with Krits as there is normally another medic that goes uber. I've given up on my Quickfix as teams who rely on that tend to get steamrolled by teams using ubers and krits as the quickfix offers no answer to them. So I have a strange Quickfix avaliable for trade if anyone wants it. I'm still not sure where the Vaccinator comes in. I've played a few hours with it, but it's different. I feel to make it useful, you need two on one guy providing 2/3 resistence. And that takes away from the rest of the team. The Vaccinator is useful against level 2 sentries though as it provides a solid damage resistence against bullets (vs dealing with bullets AND explosives). But I'd still rather have an uber or a krits.

I'd say right now it's 75% Krits, 20% Uber and 5% Vaccinator.
Boxcar Comorant 12 Jan, 2013 @ 4:04pm 
Medigun is incredible at pushing, perfect, the best Medigun besides Kritzkrieg, Kritzkrieg is god-like at defense, tops all other Mediguns in KOTH hands down, perfect sidegrade. Vaccinator is decent, could use a few tweaks like calculating Crit Resistance Correctly, once that is in it'll be perfect at countering Kritzkrieg. Quick-Fix is mostly a fun weapon, outdone by alternatives thanks to lack of overheal. All it does is make Group Healing easier and get Medic to the battlefield faster, but a good Medic knows how to keep a group alive with just Overheal buffing and Crit Healing.
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