VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

Weird issue making drinks
I've survived the first half of a night fine, but now Sei has come along and I need to make her something small, sweet and icy. Unfortunately, no matter what I choose I get bizarre text in the box underneath the drink. For instance, most recently it said "#u??!!" when I tried making a non-alcoholic small sugar rush on the rocks. But it doesn't matter which drink it is, I get these weird garbled messages and cannot proceed. What a letdown this game has been.
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1-3 / 3 のコメントを表示
Try giving her a Moonblast and see if it works. According to the guide, this is the right drink to serve here.
That worked, thanks.
Mantis の投稿を引用:
That worked, thanks.
You're welcome :)
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