theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Graham 13 Feb, 2018 @ 5:14am
Board Rules
These rules apply to all theHunter releated Steam boards, subforums as well as comment sections. Please familiarize yourself with the rules before posting.

Official Moderators and Community Manager

Expansive Worlds Staff or Moderators will never ask you for your login details to your account. Never give them out. If you suspect that someone is impersonating Expansive Worlds or Avalanche Studios staff or Moderators please reach out to me, EW_Graham.

Community Manager: EW_Graham

Volunteer Moderator Team on Steam:
Alf Tupper
Tundra Puppy
The Littlest Hummingbird

Contrary to a popular opinion the Moderator Team, as well as Community Manager, are not programmers who work on the code or game, please keep that in mind. We are here to work with the community and be a direct link to the Dev team for feedback, news, and updates.


The official board language is English so please try to post in English, too, in order for other users to participate in discussions and exchange ideas. Language specific threads (Example: Looking for German speaking hunting partners) are allowed. Please do not hijack an English thread by posting there in a different language. Such posts may be removed without further comment.

Play Nice

Respect is the name of the game. Respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, and general disrespect. Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you don't agree with it, point out why - respectfully.

Political, religious and other sensitive comments

Political and religious discussions are not allowed here. If it is believed that the end result of a discussion will be political or religious, the post may be removed. Likewise, strong political and religious sentiments should be kept out of profiles, signatures, and other content. The same applies to comments about other person's sex or nationality.

Let the conversation flow

Do not try to draw attention to your post by posting in all capital letters, using excessive punctuation, etc. While everyone wants their posts read, we ask that you refrain from using sensational tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Do not hijack topics. Posting comments which severely disrupts the original conversation within a thread is prohibited.

This also applies to taking threads off topic with extensive negativity or 'spamming' of such across multiple threads with different topics as well as posting falsehoods or misinformation.
Posts like these may be removed by staff or moderators without further comment.


Advertisement of 3rd party websites, sales, etc. without the previous approval of the Community Manager (EW_Stefan) are not permitted and will be removed without further comment. If users continue to post advertisements on the boards this may lead to a ban from the forum.

Removal of posts and threads

Moderators and the Community Manager have the final say when it comes to moderation and removal of threads and posts. We will not remove criticism as long as it is not violating our board rules by being inflammatory, rude or off topic, etc.


Last edited by Graham; 5 Sep, 2018 @ 12:44am
Date Posted: 13 Feb, 2018 @ 5:14am
Posts: 0