Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

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Any tips/lore?
Hi! I'm new to the Warhammer franchise... Semi new I guess Gladius Relics of War was the first Warhammer game I played! I was wondering any tips for this one? This is my second Warhammer game and was also wondering the lore (Yeah I know... YouTube...) too in this game I mean or the lore entirely help would be appreciated! (Sorry if I come out as nice... Can't help it :(...)
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fl1ckyy9 19 Feb @ 7:48pm 
Valden21 23 Feb @ 11:08am 
-You can still take damage during executions, so be careful about when you try it. HOWEVER, executions are the only way you can heal, so if you need to heal, and you have the opportunity, grab it. Executing a Gretchin (the little green guys) is an instant thing; it doesn't require a QTE like the other executions do.
-Don't become too attached to any one weapon. In service of the God-Emperor, ALL weapons have their uses.
-If you hear a roar, and you see something small and orange rush at you, KILL IT! It's a bomb-squig.

As for lore, oof, that's quite a big question. The website lexicanum.org, IMO, is the best place to go for lore information. But if you want said information trimmed down, we're happy to help. What exactly d'you want to know?
Last edited by Valden21; 23 Feb @ 11:09am
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