Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Project Moon  [developer] 6 Mar, 2017 @ 4:15am
Suggestions and Ideas Tracker / 건의사항 제보란
If you have few suggestions or ideas about the development of Lobotomy Corporation, please comment here.

Lobotomy Corporation의 개발에 관한 짧은 건의 사항이나 아이디어가 있으시다면 이 곳에 댓글로 적어주세요.

Last edited by Project Moon; 1 May, 2017 @ 6:07am
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Showing 1-15 of 784 comments
Watermelon Cat 6 Mar, 2017 @ 5:49pm 

Suggestion 1: Add an Abnormality specific On/Off Switch

Methodology: I would recommend looking at how Don't Starve does this. The various game mechanics can be turned up, down, or off. I think all you need is an on/off control, but a percentage chance might be nice also.

Explanation: This provides several benefits:

1. If there is something a player really doesn't like, they can just turn it off and still enjoy the game.

2. A player can increase or decrease the challenge.

3. When new content comes out, you can turn off other abnormalities to make sure you get to see the new stuff.


Suggestion 2: Change game mechanics for abnormalities which react badly in a positive mood.

Methodology: I think the best way of doing this would be to just make one action move only one mood step. For example, if you perform a negative action on a happy abnormality, it can only go down to neutral. Similarly, you can't skip from Bad straight to good. An exception would be for those abnormalities which only have only 2 states.

I would also advocate that it is capped at the mid-point of the state it moved over to.

Explanation: There are several issues with these:

1. These things are easy to deal with early on when you have no observations, but hard to deal with later on. This punishes the player for exploring the game's lore and trying to advance.

2. Escapes are fun, but the same one over and over gets old fast.

3. It is too random. Until these were introduced, the game was about figuring things out, and every issue had a right answer.

4. Also, if you go with my recommendation for how to fix this mechanic, it would make the game more forgiving for new players.

5. Neutral actions work, but they are not much fun having to monitor for exact timing.


Suggestion 3: Alriune escapes much too quickly in a good mood.

Methodology: Do what you did with Nameless Fetus. Provide time enough to react.

Explantion: Even with high level, fast working staff, I have never managed to prevent Alriune from escaping in a good mood.


Suggestion 4: Punishing Bird Escapes too often / randomly.

Methodology: Add a static timer like with others like Nameless Fetus. If you don't interact with it for X time, it goes out, maybe even with a visual cue.

Explanation: It is annoying to constantly have this thing breaking out. It gets old fast. It is fairly easy to deal with, but it detracts from fun after a while.


Suggestion 5: Start Cycling Abnormalities In/Out as days progress.

Methodology: Add a chance for an abnormality to periodically be replaced with another.

Explanation: This will just keep the game fresh. At current it gets a bit repetitive once you get into challenge mode and max out on new abnormalities. After that happens, there is nothing to do but repeat the winning pattern.


Suggestion 6: Add an ability to move staff.

Methodology: Just allow an option to tell an employee to move somewhere in the facility and stand around for a bit before wandering back to their control room.

Explanation: Adds a bit of strategy. For example, if there is a breakout about to happen and you see it coming, you could get your staff ready in advance, rewarding the player for seeing the situation coming.

Also, it would allow you to get your key staff in position in advance for actions requiring timing.

Watermelon Cat 6 Mar, 2017 @ 7:16pm 
Suggestion 7: Please tie employee names and appearances to their gender.

Explanation: It is confusing sometimes when the character that is named Adam is a female for instance. I've sort of gotten used to it, but it would be nice to have them consistent.
Watermelon Cat 6 Mar, 2017 @ 7:44pm 
Suggestion 8: Don't require all dialogue options in Story Mode after first playthrough

Explanation: It would be nice to skip the dialogue in story mode after you've already seen it once. In particular the part with having to go through all dialogue options which repeats is something I wouldn't miss. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story, but after you've seen it once or twice, it just becomes something to click through.
Brassqund 6 Mar, 2017 @ 8:22pm 
I posted a suggestion some time ago so I am going to paste it here:

Suggestion: Personnal note
That would be great if we could add personnal notes on abnormality.

You can add something like:
"Kill x with y personnality when doing z task."
"Didn't harm y when doing the same task as x... maybe the personnality make it angry"

That would make it easier to do observations,
specially when you didn't see that abnormality for a while
and didn't have the "research" about it yet.
nyamnyami 7 Mar, 2017 @ 4:37am 
지금있는 도움말도 좋지만 첫시작할때 기본적인 조작법을 알려주는 튜토리얼 모드가 필요할거 같아요. 예를들면 작업을 어떻게하는가, 특수작업에 관한설명(특수작업은 이러한것이다!정도), 마우스 상호작용방법의 이용 방법, 도감의 이용방법 같은걸 직접 시키고 알려주는 튜토리얼말이에요.

왜냐하면 저도 예전 데모를 해봐서 로보토미를 잘안다고 생각했지만 구입하고 플레이후 실황을 보고나니 생각보다 이용하지 않았던 기능이 많았다는걸 깨달았거든요. 실황을 보지않은 사람도 혹은 이 게임을 처음 접하는 사람도 쉽게 접할수있게 나중이라도 개발되었으면 좋겠네요.

튜토리얼에 대한 아이디어라면 앞으로 플레이할 환상체의 신비를 지켜주기위해(?) 대신할 튜토리얼 직원을 넣은다음에 안젤라와 함께하는 튜토리얼 교실~ 이런것도 좋을것같네요.
특수작업 짬뽕시켜주기를 하면 기분이 크게 상승한다던지말이죠!

항상 열심히하는거 보면서 응원하고 있습니다! 프로젝트문 힘내시길!
Last edited by nyamnyami; 7 Mar, 2017 @ 4:49am
Twintaileddragon 7 Mar, 2017 @ 2:25pm 
Originally posted by Watermelon Cat | food.tf:

Suggestion 3: Alriune escapes much too quickly in a good mood.

I have to disagree. i like the concept of how quickly things can go wrong. It keeps you on your toes

A new mode would be nice. A mode where everything is random every day and you constantly have to adjust your strategy. Random abnormalities, Random Employees with varying levels, random upgrades and they would change every single day out of your control. It would really make you have to think about what you're doing and it wouldn't be possible to get used to it so it would never get boring.
Watermelon Cat 7 Mar, 2017 @ 4:30pm 
I wouldn't mind if it were like say Abandoned Murderer where there is a variable timer and you have a decent chance of stopping it. My objection to Alriune's timer is that from my experience (and I spent a lot of time trying to find a way) there is absolutely no chance to stop it once it hits green.

It might be possible somehow with the right combination of traits to max out work rate, but I've never seen it. To me that is broken.

Compare that to two Abnormalities which you also have to be careful with in terms of your timing: Magical Girl and Nameless Fetus.

Both of them punish you for not being on your toes, but neither of them is a special problem if you react as soon as the opportunity to act arises.

So, that is why I think Alriune needs fixing in one way or another. There is no correct way to deal with it except for delaying it endlessly. Whichever way you go, it gets old really fast dealing with it every single day, especially in challenge mode.
Twintaileddragon 7 Mar, 2017 @ 5:53pm 
Originally posted by Watermelon Cat | food.tf:
I wouldn't mind if it were like say Abandoned Murderer where there is a variable timer and you have a decent chance of stopping it. My objection to Alriune's timer is that from my experience (and I spent a lot of time trying to find a way) there is absolutely no chance to stop it once it hits green.

It might be possible somehow with the right combination of traits to max out work rate, but I've never seen it. To me that is broken.

Compare that to two Abnormalities which you also have to be careful with in terms of your timing: Magical Girl and Nameless Fetus.

Both of them punish you for not being on your toes, but neither of them is a special problem if you react as soon as the opportunity to act arises.

So, that is why I think Alriune needs fixing in one way or another. There is no correct way to deal with it except for delaying it endlessly. Whichever way you go, it gets old really fast dealing with it every single day, especially in challenge mode.

I must admit that now that I completely see what he's talking about it would be nice to have a fighting chance.
On another note that random every day thing I suggested earlier sounds like a good idea right? I'm only asking cause I've had this idea for a bit and I'm not sure if it's something people would like and would give replay value or if It just sounds good on paper and isn't at all. You seem to have a good grasp on what you enjoy in the game and you're able to explain it thoroughly so I'm interested to see what you'd think:steamhappy:
Ekimmak 7 Mar, 2017 @ 7:23pm 
I'd like it if you could view the new abnormalities in Challenge Mode before the day starts. At the moment, there's no way to tell what's waiting for you, or if Plague Doctor has been swapping them around.

I agree on Alirune/Silent Orchestra: there's no way to control how much of the gauge is filled or depleted by a single action, and it becomes very troublesome once you hit Challenge mode where everyone has to pull double shifts. An alternate suggestion would be the ability to call off an action, so you don't have to deal with a fully successful action sending her from "almost green" to zero.
Watermelon Cat 7 Mar, 2017 @ 7:24pm 

It sounds like an interesting game mode and it would be a good way of addressing the repetitiveness that tends to set in with challenge mode after new stuff stops being added in. It would help with the replay value especially if it sort of tipped the scales against you.

I would suggest it would work better to do it with level and staff count continuity, mainly because this game doesn't typically beat you in a day. There are lots of ways to squeak by. It wears you down when your ability to keep up with things falls short of your ability to absorb losses.

Also, there is an upgrade for increasing staff leveling rate which randomizing would eliminate the value of.

The most fun I've had with it was a game when I clicked on Don't Touch Me (just to see if I could fix it) and managed to build back up afterwards with about half staff surviving the day. It was fun trying to figure out how to keep things going with a huge disadvantage and make up ground while doing so.

Also, I am sort of a completionist type of gamer myself. I like to figure things out and get things running smoothly. I also like building up my team and keeping them alive.

This being said, a completely random game might be fun too especially if you have a chance of having a lot of low level staff and having to figure out how to survive.

The idea itself sounds pretty cool though, and I would agree that it would help with one of the games weaker areas right now in that it gets a bit repetitive after a while.

Last edited by Watermelon Cat; 7 Mar, 2017 @ 9:47pm
ZinHon 8 Mar, 2017 @ 3:29am 
뚜껑 따인 웰치어스는 보라음료가 확실히 엄청 좋긴한데 마시는게 엄청 힘들어요.
기분좋음 칸이 별로 많지도않고 최고치일때는 별도의 작업이 않되서 마실수가 없죠
단 한 가지의 악과 수백 가지의 선행 처럼, 매우선호가 아닌 약간 선호하는 정도의 작업도 없어서 유지해주기도 힘들고 워낙 빨리 내려가서 유지한다한들 직원이 마시러 가기도 전에 이미 사라지더군요.
그래서 생각해봣습니다, 매우선호말고도 약간 선호하는 작업들을 만들어 주실 수 있나요?
단 한 가지의 악과 수백 가지의 선행 처럼 사용하면 무조건 수치가 0 이되도록 하는식으로는 않될까요?,직원이 여왕벌이나 마법소녀같은걸 다루다보니 정신상태가 너덜너덜해져도 마실수가 없더라구요..
만약 해주실 수 있다면 정말 감사할꺼같습니다.
qwerty 8 Mar, 2017 @ 9:16pm 
1. 잉여스러운 직원 회복방에 직원 배치할 수 있게해서 관리에 효율적일 수 있도록 활용 가능하게 해주세요. (현 지휘팀, 정보팀)

2. 스토리 중에 재생되는 동영상 일부 영어로 되어 있는 거 한글화 해주세요. ?박스의 설명창에도 피해 종류 설명이미지가 한글화되어 있지 않습니다.

3. 에너지를 다 모았는데 다음 일자로 넘어가지 못하는 현상 수정좀요. 도전모드에서 많이 걸립니다.

4. 특별고용과 역병의사 따까리 직원의 능력치 하향조정 해주고, 관찰레벨에 따른 작업성공률 하향조정해주세요. 이 두 개가 게임을 너무 쉽게 만드는 요인이 되어서 아무리 환상체가 늘어도 게임을 재미없게 만듭니다.

5. 새 탈출 빈도와 능력치 재조정해주세요.

6. 컨텐츠가 많이 부족합니다. 재미있는 게임인건 사실이지만, 제값을 못하는 게임 인 것도 사실입니다. 컨텐츠 부족이 극심한데 관찰레벨을 다 찍은 사람들도 즐겨할 수 있도록 극악 난이도의 챕터를 좀 주셨으면 합니다. 인디게임이라는 것을 생각하면 그럴 수 있는데 지금 환상체 늘리는 것보다, 신규 환상체 나오면 뜰 때까지 플레이하면서 나오면 관찰하고 관리하고 초기화는 이런 반복적인 컨텐츠의 순환을 다른 방향으로 전환하는 것도 중요하다고 생각합니다.

7. 그냥 제 아이디어인데 일시정지없이 실시간으로 다른 사람과 환상체를 관리하는 코옵모드도 있었으면 좋겠는데요. 지금 존재하는 환상체들이 전부 들어가있는 회사를 혼자서 일시정지를 하면서 한다한들 에너지모으기에도 그렇고 필드 위에 환상체가 많아질 수록 게임이 많이 루즈해진다는 것을 알 수 있었습니다. 이런 문제점을 2명의 관리자가 일정 수의 부서를 나눠가져서 2인 플레이라는 시스템을 만들어 이용하면 게임의 질을 효과적으로 높일 수 있지 않을까 싶습니다.

p.s 신규 부서 디자인 진짜 그렇게 해서 내게요?
yw9962 10 Mar, 2017 @ 4:00am 
알리우네나 사과같이 텔레포트 하는 애들 ai 좀 상향해 주세요...
ex) 알리우네는 직원 1명이라도 있는 곳으로 텔레포트 하게 해주세요....
걔네들이 가만히 있는 버그는 고친건가요?
그리고 관리직 직원이 없다면 고요한 오케스트라가 탈출할 때 다른 부서로 이동하게 해주세요
(알레프니깐 세피라가 아니라 시설 전체를 파괴할 수 있게 해주세요)
yw9962 10 Mar, 2017 @ 4:00am 
그리고 마법소녀 빔 바로 앞에서도 맞도록 바꿔주세요
Last edited by yw9962; 10 Mar, 2017 @ 4:01am
yw9962 10 Mar, 2017 @ 4:28am 
고요한 오케스트라 알레프인데 체력이 종잇장이에요 ㅠㅠ
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