Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Project Moon  [developer] 6 Mar, 2017 @ 4:26am
Short Bug Tracker / 버그 제보란
If there are short bugs such as typos, UI issues, etc., please comment here.

If you see a bug where the game stops or does not work, please refer to the link below.

오탈자 문제, UI 문제 등 짤막한 버그가 있다면 이 곳에 댓글로 적어주세요.

게임이 멈추거나 진행이 되지 않는 버그가 발생했다면 아래 링크의 글을 참고해주세요.

Last edited by Project Moon; 6 Mar, 2017 @ 4:29am
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Showing 1-15 of 809 comments
Watermelon Cat 6 Mar, 2017 @ 5:52pm 
I've noticed a minor bug when you send an employee immediately back into a room after they just finished. Specifically, the green "success" bar at the bottom does not appear.
yw9962 7 Mar, 2017 @ 9:48am 
근데 도감에서 관리법이나 설명 부분을 보면 조사 같은 거 틀린 게 하나하나 버그제보하기엔 너무 많아요ㅠㅠ 특수문자 오타같은 것도 있고... 걍 모든 환상체 도감을 볼 수 있게 만들고 하나하나씩 읽어보셔야 할듯...
Last edited by yw9962; 7 Mar, 2017 @ 9:48am
yw9962 8 Mar, 2017 @ 3:20am 
알리우네 폭력 작업 도중에 탈출해서 다시 기분 나쁨됐는데 격리실에서 가만히 있네요 탈출한 상태인데
Piyo 8 Mar, 2017 @ 5:04am 
UI문제가 있습니다.
정보팀에 있던 무엇이든 도와드립니다랑 지휘팀에 있던 역병의사가 날이 바뀌면서 자리가 바뀌었는데요.
정보팀으로 옮겨간 역병의사에게 작업을 선택하면 정보팀(보라색) 직원들의 목록이 바로 뜨고,
지휘팀으로 옮겨간 무엇이든 도와드립니다에게 작업을 선택하면 지휘팀(노란색) 직원의 목록이 아니라 정보팀(보라색)직원의 목록이 뜨네요...
Last edited by Piyo; 8 Mar, 2017 @ 5:04am
Twintaileddragon 8 Mar, 2017 @ 1:57pm 
If you assign an employee to a sector you haven't unlocked yet, you aren't able to use them until you unlock that floor but you can start the day with 0 employees assigned to the floor your on. I mistakenly sent an employee to the 4th sector on day 1 and started the day with no one to take care of the Abnormality
Ekimmak 8 Mar, 2017 @ 4:43pm 
I think that The Child of Galaxy is unintentionally handing out multiple buffs.

The descriptions seem to say that he should only hand out one pebble, but it looks like any visit or interaction will give a stacking buff.
yw9962 10 Mar, 2017 @ 7:14am 
12번째 사도가 기계나 웰치어스 같은 애한테 즉사당해도 체력 바(+정신력 동그라미)가 남아 있네요
Watermelon Cat 11 Mar, 2017 @ 8:26am 
If you lower the background music volume, it does not carry from day to day, though the slider remains set to whatever you chose, it is display only and has no effect. You can reset it by adjusting the volume again, but it must be done again for each day.
Watermelon Cat 15 Mar, 2017 @ 8:15pm 
It seems like the dialogue on days 14 and 15 are for the same options. It just makes you do the same thing twice.
yw9962 19 Mar, 2017 @ 8:53am 
은하수의 아이랑 고요한 오케스트라 식별코드 3번째가 둘 다 55에요
Last edited by yw9962; 19 Mar, 2017 @ 8:53am
yw9962 24 Mar, 2017 @ 3:56am 
알리우네 순간이동도 안하고 공격도 안하네요
KuroMegumi 29 Mar, 2017 @ 4:56pm 
I am not sure if this is a bug but the Poor Screenwriter's Note appeared maxed out in reasearching when I got it for the first time
Bing Chilling 1 Apr, 2017 @ 6:29pm 
I had a bug with Red Shoes and Apostles. My female employee was possesed and then she met one of the apostles. After that I could control her and send to other abnormalities. This only occured when she met Apostle. (sorry for my bad english :P). Oh and she suppressed abnormalities with her axe.
Last edited by Bing Chilling; 1 Apr, 2017 @ 6:29pm
Ryona 2 Apr, 2017 @ 6:55pm 
빨간 두건의 용병 특수 작업을 시행하고 빨간 두건의 용병이 제압을 시도 하다가 환상체가 다른 부서로 이동할때, 이동하지 않고 그자리에서 멈추는 버그 있습니다.

조치 부탁드립니다.
Last edited by Ryona; 2 Apr, 2017 @ 6:57pm
Watermelon Cat 2 Apr, 2017 @ 10:14pm 
Suggested spelling correction for challenge mode:

This is the end of the story we have prepared.

In challenge mode, no more departments are added.

Energy Requirement Will be Increased Day by day up to 99 days.

There are no more save points in challenge mode.

Observation level will be saved.
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