Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Project Moon  [developer] 19 Sep, 2017 @ 3:41am
Notice about language XML modification
The English version is being translated into English by professional translation companies.

However, for languages other than English, there is a financial difficulty in translating at the early access stage.

There is a real difficulty in supporting the official translation of other languages, but we decided to make it public so that you can modify all of the language files used in the game.

We apologize for the inability to support translations in multiple languages.

You can edit the language file by referring to the guide below.

<Language xml modification guide>

1. Change text

You can change the text inside the game by modifying the XML files in the path below.

  • AgentName.xml: Name information of an employee.
  • (lang)\AgentLyrics_(lang).xml: An employee's script.
  • (lang)\AngelaDesc_(lang).xml: Angela's script in the management part.
  • (lang)\Skills_(lang).xml: The name of the work
  • (lang)\creature\ *. XML: Text used for Abnormality.
  • Localize \ (lang) \ Story \ *. XML: Story text.
  • Other XML is the text used for the UI.
※ Precautions
  • Korean comments in XML are used during development. Therefore, there is no relation to the current XML structure.
  • There is dummy text that is not used in the actual game.
  • If you change any data other than text, the game may not work.

2. Changing the font

You can change the font in the Font.xml file in the path below.


There are four fonts for each language, and you can change the font by entering the font name.

If the value is empty, use the default font of Lobotomy.

The names of the fonts that can be input can be confirmed by clicking on the upper right corner of the title screen.

Supported fonts may vary depending on the language.

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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Jomo 23 Jan, 2018 @ 11:40pm 
I would help with the grammar corrections as well as personality alignments if I only had time and your permission... But then again, my school year is almost over by March~ I'm actually correcting said grammar errors and even adding new lines that fit the personalities of the Sephirahs and the agents. As for Angela and the rest of the story, I won't touch the files until I finish the game up to Day 45, at least. I might spoil myself~
Icon of Win 26 Jun, 2018 @ 11:56pm 
If you are using a professional company to translate to English, you need to know that there are several typos in just your tutorial dialogue alone. I hope you aren't paying too much for them. I am fine proofreading these things for you for no charge. Feel free to contact me.
Ellmite 25 Mar, 2019 @ 1:23pm 
Hey Project Moon. If you want a translator for the german language, feel free to contact me.
Elzquiem 9 Apr, 2019 @ 12:32pm 
Hi there. I have some questions about XML edits.

Originally posted by Project Moon:
If you change any data other than text, the game may not work.

I tried to add folders containing new files (following the convention : file_languageExtension.xml), added all new tags for a new language in files that needed it (and respecting the order) and added a new "supportLanguage" in ResearchDesc.xml for potential translation but it didn't worked (Can't load a game, neither play challenge mode).

I guess languages may be at least declared once somewhere in a C# script in order to work (Out of my reach if it's the case).

Therefore, my question is the following : if I do an attempt to translate texts, the hacky best way to do it is to overwrite an existing language ?

EDIT : my bad, I just messed up the spelling in one of the xml tag, and now I can load again. The addendum question would be the following : how do I make a new language appear in options from the xml (unless it's hard coded) ?

Also is it possible to edit the name of attack type ? (R,B,W,P)

Originally posted by Project Moon:
There is dummy text that is not used in the actual game.

I noticed that when I saw unknown Abnormalities in XML like the Price of Silence. Do we need to translate it anyway for the game to work correctly ?

Same question for Don't Touch Me, since it's a special case. We have unused text in its xml.
However, but we still see its name, ID and flavor text in the game and I didn't find any other references to it outside this very xml file. So do we need to translate it all, or just the name and flavor text ?

Originally posted by Project Moon:
You can change the font in the Font.xml file. There are four fonts for each language, and you can change the font by entering the font name. If the value is empty, use the default font of Lobotomy. The names of the fonts that can be input can be confirmed by clicking on the upper right corner of the title screen. Supported fonts may vary depending on the language.

I was curious to check this (since my native language is a pain when it comes to accents for text encoding/display) and here is the content of the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <fonts> <font lang="kr"> <title></title> <subtitle></subtitle> <context></context> <antique></antique> </font> <font lang="en"> <title></title> <subtitle></subtitle> <context></context> <antique></antique> </font> </fonts>

Sadly, it's empty. Well, I mean, content in XML tags are null, and I don't know how your font system works to put anything relevant inside.

How do we add another font if needed ? Do we need to put the font in a special folder ? How do we link it to the game ? It would be perfect if you can give a detailed example.

Thanks in advance for your answers.
Last edited by Elzquiem; 9 Apr, 2019 @ 1:17pm
Vardis 4 Aug, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
Originally posted by ThatGoodTaste:
If you are using a professional company to translate to English, you need to know that there are several typos in just your tutorial dialogue alone. I hope you aren't paying too much for them. I am fine proofreading these things for you for no charge. Feel free to contact me.

Ditto on that. I really hope the "professional" translation was inexpensive, since they did a poor job for a professional.
SteeleWulf 30 Sep, 2019 @ 9:27am 
So at this point I am guessing the english translation will never be fixed? Its pretty terrible and hard for me to understand what certain words mean. There is a lot of important....gibberish words is the only way I can describe them. Its very frustrating because I really want to like the game but the hard to understand gibberish kills it for me.
Ellmite 30 Sep, 2019 @ 10:23pm 
So many people want to help out for free, but ProjectMoon does not seem to feel it necessary to accept help. No reaction here at the forum. Sad.
audrans 26 Apr, 2020 @ 2:40am 
Hi, I'm starting to work on a french translation, if one day, I finish it, how can I send it ?
Kírby 9 May, 2020 @ 2:05am 
How much are the costs of a translation?
And why i never seen a game with a language translation DLC? :)
audrans 30 May, 2020 @ 9:48am 
I search the xml file for the "100% seed of light ending" do you know where it is ?
Enable the damn workshop then!
P1oy K1ckshaw 31 Oct, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
Where can I find the accessible simplified Chinese fonts? It really hurts my eyes. I checked the upper right corner of the title screen (the moon icon i guess?), can't click on it
Wolfer336 7 Jul, 2021 @ 6:41pm 
Hey Project Moon, I'm wiling to rewrite the Spanish translation, it's pretty bad, really bad, so send me a message if you guys want the translation files, I'm going to make them any ways :)
Wolfer336 7 Jul, 2021 @ 8:56pm 
By the way, seen those Spanish files translation and comparing other files like English and Korean, I understood why you guy maybe don't replay to these messages :'(
Day 45 was tough. I reopened it 10 times and never got past it
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