Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds not starting entity?
Hey y'all, sorry if this is a bit of a silly question, I've only played about 10 hours or so of this game (absolutely loving it so far) and I'm on my fourth restart (got pretty far in my first run, second and third I couldn't get enough escaping entities for the training department's missions)
ANYWAY every time it's always given me the option to only select OneSinGoodDeeds as my starting entity, but this time it didn't give me an option and I got something else instead? Had to redo the day several times to get through day 1, and day 2 i got to select OneSinGoodDeeds as my second entity from a choice of three (like you would any other day). I looked on the wiki and it says OneSinGoodDeeds is always the first entity, is there a specific trigger that causes that to not happen? Or is it just a glitch?
I didn't want to look too far on the wiki because I'm playing the game completely blind as it's a lot of fun that way, but my I'm so so curios as to why this has happened.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Zaffy; Mar 4 @ 2:42pm
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What was the other one?
There's a well known bug that if you choose an abnormality but don't have the room to put it in your facility because of how you distributed your department expansions, then reset to day 1 before you expand the facility enough to get it in there, it'll replace one sin as the first abnormality to be put into your facility. It's easy enough to fix by just resetting to day 1 a second time though.
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