Late Shift

Late Shift

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Crimsonland 2 Apr 17, 2020 @ 12:28pm
How to skip scenes on keyboard?
Hello. When I played on gamepad, game said “press R2” to skip.

What key I need to use to skip scenes on Keyboard?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
theringmaster55 Jun 3, 2020 @ 5:48am 
You can not skip on the PC version
Crimsonland 2 Jun 4, 2020 @ 12:22pm 
Hi. What about MAC version?
Seems it's alsonotpossible to skip with OS4 gamepad on Mac?
sicod Jun 8, 2020 @ 9:13am 
Wait, they added the skip scene functionality on non PC versions but have not patched the PC version to have it? Seriously? I mean the worst I can do is write a bad review and tell everyone on social media to never buy anything even vaguely related to this company, but geez.
DukeFavre Nov 17, 2024 @ 7:51pm 
Originally posted by sicod:
Wait, they added the skip scene functionality on non PC versions but have not patched the PC version to have it? Seriously? I mean the worst I can do is write a bad review and tell everyone on social media to never buy anything even vaguely related to this company, but geez.

+1 add skip scenes :'(
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