Late Shift
Parr's plan sucked anyways
What was he going to do with the original anyways?

Did he really think the Tchois wouldn't recognize that it's not their family heirloom they're receiving?
And since he was the one selling it, he would have been their first suspect.

What was he thinking? xD
< >
Показані коментарі 13 із 3
The idea behind Parr's plan was to use the crash (which he had arranged himself) to mask the identity of the forged bowl. If you go to Woe's and then escape from the hotel through the window, May-Ling will mention how thermoluminescence dating is used to determine the age of the pottery; but the results could be tampered with by having the forged bowl exposed to extreme heat in the fire following the crash, making it "indiscernible from the original." I'm unsure as to whether this plan would have worked or not; but, of course, Parr hadn't counted on Matt and May-Ling surviving the crash and rescuing the bowl from the burning van - meaning that thermoluminescence dating could still be used reliably.

As for no longer being able to sell it without suspicion: I doubt Parr would've tried to sell it (after all, he's wealthy enough already, and already made money on it at the auction); instead, he may have been satisfied simply in the knowledge that he still owned the original.
Автор останньої редакції: joshuabaker121; 15 лют. о 5:15
Цитата допису joshuabaker121:
The idea behind Parr's plan was to use the crash (which he had arranged himself) to mask the identity of the forged bowl. If you go to Woe's and then escape from the hotel through the window, May-Ling will mention how thermoluminescence dating is used to determine the age of the pottery; but the results could be tampered with by having the forged bowl exposed to extreme heat in the fire following the crash, making it "indiscernible from the original." I'm unsure as to whether this plan would have worked or not; but, of course, Parr hadn't counted on Matt and May-Ling surviving the crash and rescuing the bowl from the burning van - meaning that thermoluminescence dating could still be used reliably.

As for no longer being able to sell it without suspicion: I doubt Parr would've tried to sell it (after all, he's wealthy enough already, and already made money on it at the auction); instead, he may have been satisfied simply in the knowledge that he still owned the original.

Omg thank you! Now it all makes sense. Good job figuring this out bro
Цитата допису thegrandgame:
Omg thank you! Now it all makes sense. Good job figuring this out bro

No worries. Glad to have helped.
< >
Показані коментарі 13 із 3
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