Dead Cells

Dead Cells

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Messbass Sep 8, 2017 @ 8:41am
How to access the Beta Branch (PSA: Back up your saves)
We're going to be releasing all of our updates into beta for at least a week before we release them into the wild. This means that if you want to play all the latest features you can, but that you'll also be exposed to all the newest bugs and crashes... Read on if you're game!

How do I get in?
To access the beta follow these instructions:
Go to your Steam game library
Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties"
Select the tab "Betas"
In the first dropdown box select "beta - "
Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading
Start playing.

If you play with your save files in the beta version, you will not be able to use them in the stable version, until we push the beta branch out to the public.

If you are worried about losing you save then head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

You can have one save slot dedicated to the beta branch and one to the old branch simultaneously, but you must revert to the stable branch to be able to use it.