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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Natalino 12 Jun, 2020 @ 7:50am
Forum Rules and Guidelines

Our rules are straightforward and are in place to create a better place for everyone. We ask that you follow them at all times.
  • Be kind, friendly, and respectful towards others. We will not tolerate any racism or derogatory attitudes.
  • Spamming is not allowed. Do not abuse text formatting.
  • Post in the appropriate sections. Please read the guidelines below about the different forum sections.
  • Advertisements are not allowed unless it is content that is created for the game, such as fan pages, videos, screenshots, etc.
  • All content posted has to be work-friendly, so no pornographic, NSFW, or political discussions are allowed.
  • You can only have one account on this forum. If your main profile is banned, you can read but cannot use the forum for posting/commenting.
  • The forum is English only to allow everyone to communicate in a common language and for all our admins/moderators to assist you. We ask everyone to use English as much as possible.
  • Use the search function on the forums and read the FAQ before asking questions; chances are we have already answered them!
  • Respect and follow the instructions from the staff. They have the last say in these forums.

    If a moderation action you do not agree with is made, try to resolve it with the moderator, but if no solution is given, contact us via email with details. We will review the case.

In addition to the above, you must follow the Steam Discussions Rules and Guidelines:


Forum Sections Use
  • General Discussions: This is where you can discuss the game, ask questions, and interact with everyone. All discussions should be related to the game, otherwise please, use the off-topic section.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: We value your feedback and suggestions! Please, post them here, and we will review them. Do your best to keep rants to a minimum and provide constructive criticism.
  • Support: Experiencing a technical issue? The community and The Meta staff will assist you with any issues related to KovaaK 2.0.
  • Off-Topic: All other discussions that are not relevant to any of the sections above. The forums rules and guidelines still apply under this section.
  • Workshop Discussions: Posts related to workshop content.
  • Events & Announcements: Important information and official announcements will be posted here. Only The Meta team members post threads under this subforum.
Last edited by Natalino; 12 Jun, 2020 @ 8:49pm