Death's Door

Death's Door

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Iocaine Powder 27 Jan, 2022 @ 1:01pm
Difficulty setting. Please?
I like this game. I like the narrative, I like the metroidvania.

I am just too old to 'git gud'.

I played games before your wipersnappers were born. Just throw us old people a bone and put in a setting to make it so I do not have to do every battle 20 times. I am old wioth kids and a job, I do not have the time or dexerity.

I want to like this and see more. I just cannot appreciate what you have crafted if I get stuck.

I do not care if the setting is called 'Adult Diapers setting', just let me see your creativity....
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Showing 1-15 of 70 comments
Lily 27 Jan, 2022 @ 2:48pm 
It gets easier and you die a lot less after you progress a bit. I am not a whipper-snapper. Playing using keyboard and mouse.
Iocaine Powder 28 Jan, 2022 @ 11:22pm 
I have now played a lot but unfortunately decided it is not the game for me until there is a difficulty setting. Playing the same boss battle 40 times is not fun for me.

For a game with such a nice aesthetic it is shame it is inaccessible.

I am glad other people are enjoying it though.
littlek0i 19 Feb, 2022 @ 5:19am 
Idk, this game is very forgiving. You have no penalty for death, and you may skip most enemies. Just run past them.
Perseus 19 Feb, 2022 @ 10:26am 
Originally posted by wildraid:
Idk, this game is very forgiving. You have no penalty for death, and you may skip most enemies. Just run past them.
There is technically a penalty for death, you go back to the last checkpoint.
OP stated attempting boss battles repetitively as being a problem, but they didn't say anything about enemies.
nitrometano 19 Feb, 2022 @ 2:42pm 
Look, I agree SIMPLY because of the existence of the Lord of Doors boss battle. The games turns into a really, really long hookshot challenge with no checkpoints and no healing pots. I'm getting real tired.

I *know* I have learned the pattens of the boss, I have memorized most of the charging doors position. I just get pummeled down in low visibility corners of the 2.5 perspective arena when I can't see projectiles emerging. I have vanquished all silent servants. Got all upgrades. Found all the temples. But right now I'm not having fun and I'm even growing resentful of the game.

I AM too old for this ♥♥♥♥. I have enough games to last me a lifetime and I want to enjoy Death's Door at the ending as much as I enjoyed it in previous areas so I can move on.
RichGoo 20 Feb, 2022 @ 1:24am 
No difficulty setting? Excellent! Makes this a purchase for me.
BagelOrb 20 Mar, 2022 @ 10:26am 
I agree that this game needs a difficulty setting. I don't enjoy to repeatedly have to walk for a couple of minutes only to get slain again in less time and do the whole cycle over again until I beat this sub-boss in the second level. The current difficulty level might be very well catering to a large audience, but meanwhile people who are not as good in such games have less fun in this game. Not sure if I will keep playing.
golfan88 20 Mar, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
The only way that i beat those hard boss fights is when I decided to be less aggressive and only do one or two hits and then shooting them with fire from afar. This was very different than my normal play-style which was max haste and upgraded hook-shot with a slash to do as much damage as quickly as possible. If you slow down and do more avoiding damage than trying to burst down a boss, it becomes easier. I promise. This is from someone who 100% the game but it took 25 hours.
Roshambo 20 Mar, 2022 @ 5:23pm 
Originally posted by Iocaine Powder:
I like this game. I like the narrative, I like the metroidvania.

I am just too old to 'git gud'.

You should try Dark Souls. I really think it would be up your alley.
itsamamaluigi 28 Mar, 2022 @ 9:30pm 
Yeah I made it to the yeti boss and I can't get any farther. It's too hard. Guess I don't get to finish this game.
Lhetre 31 Mar, 2022 @ 10:31am 
This games is not for me.
Thank you all.
barnaby 1 Apr, 2022 @ 12:30pm 
Yeah. Sadly spotting this thread has stopped me purchasing the game, which is a shame because it looks beautiful. But if as it sounds it's one of those "git gud" cases where there's no leeway for being, well, a bit unredeemingly rubbish, it's a no-buy.
shanemurry 1 Apr, 2022 @ 5:57pm 
There should be a difficulty setting. I absolutely agree. want to see the rest of the game. But, Betty is too hard for me
BOT Cecil 3 Apr, 2022 @ 10:14am 
I have the same issue, and with metroidvanias in general. Despite absolutely loving the genre they sometimes really piss me off, especially when the checkpoints are too far and i have to play through entire sections only to get back to the boss and get rekt again and again.

I actually love playing older metroidvanias on emulators because i can save state at any point. I finished several Castlevanias and a Metroid, now working through Castlevania SotN. Meanwhile i still haven't finished Hollow Knight on PC because after a certain point i find the checkpoints spaced too far apart and i'm not good or patient enough to deal with the twitch-based platforming.
golfan88 3 Apr, 2022 @ 1:19pm 
Originally posted by barnaby:
Yeah. Sadly spotting this thread has stopped me purchasing the game, which is a shame because it looks beautiful. But if as it sounds it's one of those "git gud" cases where there's no leeway for being, well, a bit unredeemingly rubbish, it's a no-buy.

The original post might have been a "git gud" but honestly, patience is the key. I am not the best player by any stretch of the imagination. But once I got used to not trying to burst enemies down and get my hits in and focus on dodging more often, I could beat the boss by death by a thousand cuts. This particular boss is the hardest one in the game. It is a war of attrition and not a fight of the strongest one wins. Patience wins.
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