Lossless Scaling

Lossless Scaling

Inquiry about Turning Off the Displayed Data in the Software关于软件显示数据关闭问题的咨询
您好,我在您这购买和使用了这款软件产品,但是我遇到了一个问题,软件下载和打beta开版本之后,右上角会有一个显示fps 和 GPU 和 CPU 等的一些数据,您这个设计很好,但是我却无法在软件中找到关闭的地方,他已经对我在日常生活中使用电脑造成了不小的麻烦和困扰,请问一下开如何关闭?Hello, I purchased and have been using your software product. However, I encountered an issue. After downloading and opening the beta version, there is a display in the upper right corner showing data such as FPS, GPU, and CPU. I think this design is great, but I can't find a way to turn it off within the software. This has caused me quite a bit of trouble and inconvenience in my daily computer use. Could you please tell me how to turn it off?
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Don't use the beta version perhaps ?
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