Altis Tales AltisTales
Membership by invitation only
Altis Tales AltisTales
3 March, 2015
ABOUT Altis Tales

Altis Tales - group now closed.

Servers and group have now closed.
We're getting back together - come join us! :D

Instead of Teamspeak we now use Discord which is open to everyone!
The Discord link is -

Some of us server oldies are there right now, including myself (Moon) and Manykey.

Hope to see you there!



ARMA 3 Epoch "Tanoa" server coming
Please sign up to and unsubscribe from this group!

For those of you still reading, this is what I posted in the E83 group:

This is a duplicate of our forum post, you can see the original here -

Hi everyone

As some of you many know, the Exile server has been down since the 1.0 update came out. Unfortunately one of the mods updated (and we didn't realise straight away) so that delayed being able to connect to it.

In the meantime we have been having a chat amongst ourselves (Moon, Dusk, Mosquto) and put a thread on the forum with a vote option for which mod/map we should be looking at next if we changed things up, you may have seen it.

The results were quite surprising, with a clear lead for Epoch and a fairly even split between Altis and Tanoa map.

There were some really good points made against going back to Epoch (lack of mod support, still in the early stages, zombies/sappers etc., not the game style everyone wants).

We've taken those things into consideration and have also thought, what do we (Moon, Dusk, Mosquto) want to play on? We've realised that while Exile has been stable for a good while now, it's not really interested any of us so we haven't played it, we've just been servicing a server and paying all the associated expenses for other peoples fun. And not many peoples fun at that, the server numbers have been dropping slowly again. We've had a peak of 10 players and apart from that it's been less than that for months. We really appreciate our core player base who have stuck with us for a long time (you guys know who you are!), but it's not sustainable the way it's going.

So...what are we going to do?

Well, all three of us want to play again. So we're going with Tanoa. It's an interesting new map to explore, we've not really looked at it yet except in streams and screenshots so it's something exciting and new to work through.

We're also going back to Epoch. They have just released a new version 0.3.9, they are now open source which means more people can work on the project and some really interesting new things have been released in this latest version.

Here's some of the differences between Epoch and Exile for those that have forgotten:
Traders all over the map, not just in three cities with a player driven economy - you can buy what is sold at the trader.
A trader city will come soon with a new update
There are lots more missions from traders to earn money etc.
Supernatural elements - cultists, sappers, invisible Predator type enemies and the drones summoning kill squads.
A new feature is when you are killed, you can detonate your body or respawn as a sapper! Should be a bit of a laugh.

We are also going to put the zombie mod back in, it's far improved since the disaster of last September with the Esseker map so that should be good fun.

The Streamers Server
We have a few brilliant streamers who we know that are interested in trying another zombie related survival game so we will be inviting them along. They may bring their friends / viewers with them which could lead to a fairly populated server quite quickly. And of course, we will also be streaming from Tanoa!

Hunt / team up with the owners
This time, we're not as interested in the numbers of players in the game. Epoch can give an interesting experience without other players, so this time it's for us to play, and you are all invited to join us, we'd love to have you! You should find us in the server quite often.

We know it's not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, so apologies if anyone is disappointed.

Lets hope Epoch 0.3.9 can deliver some excitement and adventures in Tanoa!

Hope to see you there.

Moon, Dusk & Mosquto.

Gungas 17 Nov, 2024 @ 11:44am 
So quiet
Emiko 9 Jul, 2017 @ 8:36am 
BITANGA 23 Apr, 2016 @ 6:31am 
ahh.. cool
Moon The Mischievous 20 Apr, 2016 @ 9:09am 
Hey Bitanga, I've got some news for you, I'll be posting it tonight. :)
BITANGA 18 Apr, 2016 @ 1:02pm 
Hey guys, just a quick question..
what happened to Altis Tales? i used to play there until exile went out (played on epoch)
i can see that the name of the server was changed to Element 83, but cannot find it in A3 launcher
Moon The Mischievous 11 Oct, 2015 @ 5:26pm 
Just a little update on the new server...

It's being a bit of a pain!

Battleye is conflicting with, well, virtually everything and is kicking players!

We also need to make sure the AI doesn't start fighting with itself, zombies attacking AI missions would be fun at first but not in the long run!

So the server is still locked for the general public, you can get the password from us on TS but it's kicking people until we get the battleye fixed. Hang in there Exilers, we'll get there!
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3 March, 2015