Edragons Dragon
Edragons Dragon
9. joulukuuta 2008
United States 
Tietoa: Edragons

Many of you who were originally in this group, not all, but many, know that I was once a proud and about Globalist, supporting the NWO and Humanist agenda. Fewer of you, only those I have confessed to, know that I was also a Satanist during this time as well. It has been over six years now, since my conversion to Christianity.

I want to be abundantly clear, I have witnessed many things in my day that neither science, rationale nor any reason can explain away, and no man or woman that knows me on any truly intimate level of friendship will be able to, with a straight face, make the claim that I've simply lost my mind or some such non-sense. As I was and still am a man of cold hard and calculated facts.

The facts are as such. In this day and age, the bible has been proven mathematically scientifically and prophetically correct and anyone who claims otherwise is unwise of the subject. I will be posting as many videos of evidence as I feel are warranted as well as those that explain what it truly means to be a Christian in today's day and age.

If you are one of these agnostic athiest looking at this group, then by definition you're claiming to be a skeptic. A true skeptic searchs for truth, he doesn't settle in lack of knowledge. If you have neither read the bible, nor sought to understand it beyond what it says on the surface if you have, then how can you claim to be a skeptic? So many of you shrug me off, ignore me and outright refuse to watch, listen or read any of the videos, links or more pressing information I send to you while calling the bible false. How does that work?

Now I'm not claiming to not be guily of this myself. I am. I have Christian friends who send me videos occasionally that they know would help me in my struggles, and I don't always harken to them. But the difference between myself and you is I *know* that I am not only saved, but upheld by Father God in heaven and his son and my Lord Jesus Christ an his Holy Spirit. I *know* you do not, and you have an obligation therein, as a self-professed agnostic skeptic, to find the truth and challenge that which proclaims to be it. I search for strength now, but you search for truth. Big difference. To any Christian's though, do not repeat my mistakes. Study your bibles and listen to faithful preachers!

To that end, I will be posting videos in this group that prove, definitively, that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not only exists, but is the only one who can offer you salvation from your sin and save you from the wrath that is fast approaching our world today. Much of which is being perforated in the globalist agenda.

There is only *one* truth, and that truth is God.

If you refuse to take the time to watch nor read anything I have posted, then claim no longer to be a skeptic. For there is no room for doubt left. 1 Corinthians 14:38 "But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant."

5 kommenttia
Evil Tendencies 2.1.2019 klo 4.17 How Do We Know the Bible Is True? (Time stamped) Head of Human Genome Project Convinced of Jesus Francis Collins - The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence of Belief
Evil Tendencies 1.1.2019 klo 11.22 
To be saved, you must put your faith in Jesus Christ, knowing and believing in your heart that he came to earth, God in the flesh, And was cruficied on the cross in order that he might shed his blood and water for the forgiveness of your sins. He died, was buried, recovered the keys to the kingdom, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father.
Evil Tendencies 1.1.2019 klo 11.22 
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version (KJV)

15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.

This is the gospel of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. In order to be saved, you must first understand that you are in need of saving. Neither the salvation prayer, baptism nor good works can save you. While these three are all a great testament, they are but filthy rags on their own without faith.

Romans 3:10-18 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.
MeoWeoMeow 31.12.2018 klo 12.21 
WWIII soon. Emaniel Macron's 10 horn army of Revelations. Third Temple dedication by Sanheidrin. Russia, Iran, Turkey, surrounds Israel. - As according to Ezekiel, Daniel, John. Concerning the last generation and New World Order.
9. joulukuuta 2008
United States