DoW2 Elite Begginers DOW2EB
DoW2 Elite Begginers DOW2EB
29 december 2013
OM DoW2 Elite Begginers

Group for ELITE Mod beginners.


Before someone says it, yes I know I spelled beginners incorrectly but thats what happens when I try to do something that requires half a brain cell while I'm half asleep

Please note that the designated hosts may not always have the time to fit games into their schedule!

This group is a remake of the original group made for Elite beginners. This time around though I plan on organising games and planning out playing times rather than just random game announcements, however their will be random un -planned games being hosted. I will induct some members to be hosts for said games and I will make sure that they are from different time zones to assure maximum amount of games played.

If you want to become a moderator then please message either RyanM7074™ or Swiftsabre with a request for moderator priviledges so that you may host games on behalf of the group, organise group events or generally be a helpful soul. All of this can be done at your own leisure, though we do expect something out of you in this position.

Even though their will be designated hosts this does not stop you for using this group to organise games for yourself!

This group is not just limited to new players, 'pro' players are welcome to join and help out or even play a few games with the beginners.

I strongly encourage the use of group chat and get to know some of the members, who knows maybe you could make a friend or two.

Do not be a rage quitter or else I shall be very angry![/b]

Chapter Master:

Beginners Tournament Organisers/Dark Apostles (Administrators):

Hosts/Captains (Moderators):
Red Beard
Dark Heretic
Adeptus Noobus

ELITE Mod website[]
Keep up to date with ELITE Mod[]
Primary ELITE Mod group
SE ALLA (78)
Corniflox wins Beginners Tournament 7!
Tex takes Monthly Rumble Tournament 14!
83 kommentarer
Impregnable The Dictator 21 maj, 2024 @ 6:24 
Notice: This Steam group is not used anymore.

We have a Discord and a forum that are where all the activity happens. Links for them are below.

Discord Server []

Elite Mod Website []

The Newest Patch
Download (ModDB)

Patch Notes (Forum)
Head over to the Releases Section []of our forum to view patch notes from the newest patch.

For any issues with installation or technical difficulties, visit our Discord's technical-discussion channel [].
harigrave 10 maj, 2021 @ 5:51 
hi im new, looking for someone who can play with me and teach me how to play ty mates
Orbital Wavekiller 29 jul, 2019 @ 4:12 
hey guys. please add me for dow2 last stand ;)
ngo.thinh012 24 nov, 2018 @ 22:32 
pls add me, i'm new to this game , even i play more than 100 hours with bots :)
neutraL 2 aug, 2018 @ 22:32 
Looking for beginners/mid level player to play some games anytime!
Add or message me to get some games going !
GAY_WEED_DAD_69 26 jun, 2018 @ 3:30 
Anyone wanna play Today or tommorow in the evening? Add or message me!
SE ALLA (880)
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