JohnO's Namalsk JohnONamalsk
JohnO's Namalsk JohnONamalsk
27 січня 2016 р.
Коментарів: 114
nate 29 берез. 2016 о 7:55 
nice work all round
John 29 берез. 2016 о 5:54 
Server is moving to a new dedi courtesy of NZEC. Should be up tommorow, no wipes. Ill post the details here when its a goer
nate 28 берез. 2016 о 14:10 
its has been locked since about 9pm last night
Adogg 28 берез. 2016 о 11:39 
yep still locked :(
Flintnz 28 берез. 2016 о 9:45 
Server locked again :(
nate 28 берез. 2016 о 4:42 
ur server is still a hoot johnO, lov'n the crafting recipes nice bloody work
Flintnz 26 берез. 2016 о 12:03 
Thanks John running as smooth as a gravy sandwich :0
John 25 берез. 2016 о 19:05 
Updated, should be good now flintz
Flintnz 24 берез. 2016 о 23:58 
seems the Ryans Zombie mod has been updated, cant access the server

John 24 берез. 2016 о 3:27 
No thats standard bud. Ill be working on my additons soon
AmooMan 24 берез. 2016 о 1:13 
John did you make the new little base at the airport ? Just seen the same one on another server.. just wondering if they stole that from you.
John 24 берез. 2016 о 0:08 
Zombiies are back. Ill look into CUP..
Adogg 23 берез. 2016 о 23:39 
yea why not,maybe chuck CUP weapons in too,everyone should have CUP by now?
Schassis 23 берез. 2016 о 22:22 
I don't mind a few zombies but I've noticed where they spawn there's generally a wholeee lot of them, and they seem to just keep appearing faster than you can shoot them down
John 23 берез. 2016 о 18:49 
Guys, for those that still play. Do you wan't to see zombies make a return (mixed in with the current roaming AI that will fight eachother?) Thanks
Adogg 23 берез. 2016 о 16:58 
thanks for the explanation,most ive seen at obj a2 so far is a mk200 that despawned b4 i could re arrange my ♥♥♥♥ to carry it! lol
John 23 берез. 2016 о 16:03 
Adogg, loot at those areas such as Obj A2, heli crashes etc are by design not intended to "guarantee" high tier stuff, the high tier stuff is included on the loot tables but not a give. Here is an indication of "Ranger" loot table, which is one down from the highest "table" available. Excuse the two pics, but you get the idea --


TheirFourWeapons, for example contain the following list of available guns to spawn -

.338 Norma MMG
Mar 10

So, if the TierFourWeapons catagory is selected to spawn for that loot pile, the above mentioned weapons are rolled for to see which spawn, each having an almost equal opportunity to spawn.

Hope this makes sense, I can always adjust the tables but I wan't these weapons to be an enigma, something special that people fear and appreciate when they find them.

John 22 берез. 2016 о 17:17 
Damn goats. Ill fix the BE kick
Adogg 22 берез. 2016 о 8:13 
went to gut a goat got kicked for "delete vehicle restriction" any chance u can tweak the loot for the hard to get places?havent found anything upper level in those areas yet,keep up the good work mate
AmooMan 21 берез. 2016 о 1:14 
Also might want to change server name again.. cos no more roaming traders.
Here are a couple of ideas for name change//

EXILE Namalsk|New Buildings|Custom Scripts|Dynamic AI|Fixed EVR|Hardcore Survival

EXILE Namalsk|0K Start|Custom crafting|New Loot areas| GOATS !!
AmooMan 21 берез. 2016 о 1:00 
John 20 берез. 2016 о 16:14 
Sheeps and goats now spawn instead of just chickens.. hooray.. and ♥♥♥♥ arma..
John 19 берез. 2016 о 2:08 
Cheers guys, spread the word maybe we can bring the
player base up
Flintnz 19 берез. 2016 о 1:23 
Total agreement wicked
Adogg 18 берез. 2016 о 21:31 
keep up the good work mate!
AmooMan 18 берез. 2016 о 19:30 
LOVE THIS SEVER !!! loot is working perfectly for us. So many good things that set this server apart from the rest ! Best AU namalsk server by far !! and I had tried them all..
Flintnz 18 берез. 2016 о 12:14 
SUh DuDE maybe your not giving the loot enough time to actually spawn, try going back over where you have been
John 16 берез. 2016 о 15:44 
SUh DuDE. Not sure, I played last night and had no issues with loot. Give it another go and see how you get on.
Schassis 16 берез. 2016 о 1:13 
Not sure if it's intended but the last few times I've been on the server I haven't found a single item, not in deer stands, not in those small green checkpoint military shack things, ran through a whole town and searched all the buildings and haven't found anything, and I also lost my character who had basically every item I really needed to survive :/
John 15 берез. 2016 о 16:34 
Yeh it did, right around when the division beta came out. There are a few new faces coming about and really enjoying the server so I hope to see it increase.
Broseph Stalin 15 берез. 2016 о 5:02 
All good. The playerbase must have really dropped off since I was playing if it's gotten that bad?
John 14 берез. 2016 о 23:29 
Ray, if I can get some players in here, definitley, but atm its a matter of trying to get some people in. HLC has trouble displaying corectly in the A3Launcher which makes the server harder to find for plebs who still use it.. so yeh if we can get it filled and bring up any kind of player base i can plug them back in.
Broseph Stalin 14 берез. 2016 о 7:25 
I've stopped playing recently due to The Division beta when it was out and also finding a new job, I loved all the weapons mods since I generally hate the futuristic ArmA 3 ♥♥♥♥. Do you have any plans to add them back in or...?
John 13 берез. 2016 о 17:42 
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, Ive removed the mods, nobody seems to be interested at the moment. This makes it a bit easier for new guys to join, sorry if your not keen on it =(
Broseph Stalin 10 берез. 2016 о 23:28 
Yeah, are all the mods gone :O
Rexhunter99 10 берез. 2016 о 19:55 
Why is HLC gone?
Schassis 7 берез. 2016 о 22:28 
sweet as, without being able to loot from rubbish piles it's been so tough to get items (not complaining) me and my gf are running around half dead until i came upon the traders and had 2.3k to spend which saved our asses! hahahhaa
John 7 берез. 2016 о 1:23 
Hmm ill be on soon to check. You sure u had the mod enabled? F4 was removed for the time being be back soon
Rexhunter99 7 берез. 2016 о 1:12 
Also as that CoD kid said (sorry buddy, your name is making me cringe) F4 doesn't do anything, not sure if intended.
John 6 берез. 2016 о 21:17 
Server is up and running guys
John 6 берез. 2016 о 15:34 
Tests are all good for the update, only thing now is waiting for the map to upload. ETA 2 hours.
John 6 берез. 2016 о 14:34 
Server will be updated to the new exile version as soon as my interwebs uploads the map
Schassis 5 берез. 2016 о 23:44 
Hey John F4 doesn't work for the rubbish piles anymore? :(
Sal Paradise 1 берез. 2016 о 0:36 
really hope you'rll still be around when Tanoa's released
John 29 лют. 2016 о 14:46 
Adogg, short answer, yes.. but, not as you would expect. They arent always there and if they are its in very small numbers.
Adogg 29 лют. 2016 о 6:34 
AI back in too? just about got nailed in vorkuta! running along minding my own business!
John 25 лют. 2016 о 18:08 
Server is remaining up - Took the liberty of updating everyones base to be paid as of today in case you don't get on in time.
John 25 лют. 2016 о 17:29 
Zeds have changed alot since theyre initial implementation. They are totally dynamic now. I think ill hook up another month and see how the update goes.
Flintnz 25 лют. 2016 о 8:10 
Ok got in :)