JohnO's Namalsk JohnONamalsk
JohnO's Namalsk JohnONamalsk
2016 年 1 月 27 日
关于 JohnO's Namalsk

AU Namalsk

About the server

This is not EXILE as you know it...

Before you get involved there is some important information you need to know.

Traders, vehicles and the economy

Traders - Inside the trader hub you will not find your typical traders where you can buy everything you want, there will only be a select few traders and the items they sell will be vastly different to what you are used to. There are items that simply cannot be bought.

Roaming traders - There are some traders that roam around the map, these function just like normal traders and will sell higher quality gear (but not the highest).

Vehicles - When you see the vehicle or aircraft trader you will notice that certain vehicles cannot be bought. This is by design, these vehicles spawn persistently in the world in limited number and can only be found. Think along the lines of old school DayZ mod or Breaking point. The pin code for these vehicles is always 0000.

Economy - You will notice making money is difficult. Trading on this server is by design intended to be secondry to looting. You can buy things if you like, however do not ever expect to be in such a financial position that you can buy whatever you want, when you want. It simply will not happen.

The environment and loot

Surviving on Namalsk will be difficult, the weather can kill you, there are radiated areas and other antagonist that want you dead, on top of all that there are players..

When it comes to looting, you will not find what you want instantly, loot is progression based. The further you venture, the better gear you mind find. Loot in general is rare. Forget the standard EXILE mentality, not every building will have loot, you wont be geared in seconds upon spawning...Finding a high tier weapon will be an achievment and something sought after.

Still interested?..

Grab the required mods here -

@Exile and @Namalsk found HERE[]
New EXILE Reborn servers
New - RHS Sector Control server
114 条留言
nate 2016 年 3 月 29 日 上午 7:55 
nice work all round
John 2016 年 3 月 29 日 上午 5:54 
Server is moving to a new dedi courtesy of NZEC. Should be up tommorow, no wipes. Ill post the details here when its a goer
nate 2016 年 3 月 28 日 下午 2:10 
its has been locked since about 9pm last night
Adogg 2016 年 3 月 28 日 上午 11:39 
yep still locked :(
Flintnz 2016 年 3 月 28 日 上午 9:45 
Server locked again :(
2 聊天中
2016 年 1 月 27 日