Dark Souls PVP Group SLPvP
Dark Souls PVP Group SLPvP
4. lokakuuta 2013
Tietoa: Dark Souls PVP Group

"The dance of battle is always played to the same impatient rhythm. What begins in a surge of violent motion is always reduced to the perfectly still." - Sun Tzu

A group focused on the Soulslike PvP community. Keep things positive, friendly and show each other respect.

PvP Info[]
First dark Souls 3 DLC on October 26 Includes PvP Area “Immortal Competition.”
Siliconera lähetti viestin:
Bandai Namco announced in Japanese video game magazines this week that Dark Souls III is getting its first DLC on October 26. It’ll feature new weapons, new magic, and a PvP-exclusive map. [Thanks, Hachima.]

In Japan the DLC will go for 1,200 yen, with a season pass for both the first and second DLC as a set for 2,000 yen. The season pass also includes an original PS4 theme. The screenshot from the magazine shows a new area covered in snow.

As far as the new weapons and magic go, there are images showing a great sword with colorless flames, magic that looks like an icy storm along with one that looks like a circular boomerang made of light. The new PvP-exclusive map is called “Immortal Competition.”

20 kommenttia
Pritcher 3.6.2022 klo 0.09 
Just looking through my old groups, I remember I was playing my giantdad in the forest when I got invited here by a particularly noteworthy combatant. Sad to see that all things, in their due tenure, will come to an end.
rareShif 7.11.2017 klo 22.05 
It's sad :/
kekggg 16.10.2017 klo 21.56 
rareShif 6.7.2017 klo 17.35 
Is the group dead ? :/
DaPope 8.2.2016 klo 11.58 
I will be host a fight club in 2 days 2 or 3PM Eastern Time. grab as many people as you can to the dragon bridge. There's more information here .
VERSEL777 23.12.2015 klo 9.33 
hi hi hi hey i advise you to watch my playtrough if you still didnt tired by dark souls(actually hard to be tired by such greatest game ) but also dont get bored i'm making a new vids and made new vid wich looks like people liked it wich called DarK SoulS that happens when you are taking too many drugs