The Cutie Rangers ZePonies
The Cutie Rangers ZePonies
게임 중
2012년 9월 5일
The Cutie Rangers 정보

The Cutie Rangers
The Cutie Rangers is a small group (for the moment), the current task is to get as much bronies/people into the group as possible, now alot of you may ask- "Why do you need people?", "Why are you even trying, the group is going to fail!", well the answer to that, is The Future. IF we get alot of people into our group we may have:

High chance:Big Raffles, Random events...

Medium chance: LiveStream, Videos on youtube...

Low/Slight chance: Our own servers, Tournaments...

The main game of our group - Team Fortress 2 ( Because its the most popular game )
Secondary- Garry's Mod ( We play it sometimes )

If anyone wishes to speak with the officers please contact "MexMass" or "Unprofessional Suicide Bomber".
MexMass is the main officer, Unprofessional Suicide Bomber is second in charge.

Donations are very appreciated.
If someone wants to become player of the week, please donate to us or play with us.
If you wish to play with us you:
1. Must have "Skype"
2. Be 14 or older.
3. Do not spam or brag.
4. Have a mature like sounding voice.(Unless you're a female)

Please feel free to comment at the comment section...
(WARNING) Any hate towards people or large amounts of cussing comments will be deleted immediately.
If there's an immature person cussing/swearing everywhere, please contact us and the person will be evicted from the group permenetly.

We want YOU to help! The group isin't going anywhere if we wont get help, the way you could help is by inviting all of your friends to the group! ( "invite friends" button on the main page)

We started making Some videos. Our channel is CrowTheShow (TheCrowShow)

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Payday the heist free on steam for 24 hours!
댓글 31
Dragzyn 2014년 6월 1일 오후 3시 38분 
hello everypony, was checking out different groups and you folks seemed pretty cool to join. Keep strong and Brony on :)
FUME 2014년 5월 22일 오전 5시 50분 
whats up :bow:
Spark 2014년 5월 20일 오전 9시 52분 
Where is Tirek???
AudioGlitch 2014년 5월 18일 오후 4시 08분 
Hello eveypony :D
Scholeric 2014년 3월 16일 오후 10시 06분 
Jeez the group has been quiet. );
Jet chivalry Fang 2013년 12월 1일 오전 10시 15분 
hello there are you a fan of mlp do you like daring do? do you wish the books was real well than help out a freind of minde by giving your SIGNATURE to make them come true here is the info From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rainbow Dash was introduced to a book series called Daring Do. We only know one book out of the whole 8 booked collection (according to this screen shot ), but I, and possibly a few others, would like to know the rest of the series in its entirety. If you would like to agree, please sign this and make this a full fledged book that you can hold in your hands to add to your MLP shelf or just your general book shelf.
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2012년 9월 5일