Unofficial Artemis Players Group UArtemisPG
Unofficial Artemis Players Group UArtemisPG
15 de octubre de 2014
Todas las discusiones > Public Forum > Detalles del tema
Fish 3 ENE 2018 a las 17:45
TSN RP 9 Years old - Join us for Season 15! (2022)
Join the Terran Stellar Navy RP Community as we Celebrate our 9th Birthday later this year Season 15 is just getting underway so its a good time to Enlist!

Join Our Discord []
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Watch our Trailer

Our Duty Shifts are Every Sat at 20:00 UTC / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST on our Team Speak 3 Server:

New Players Welcome

  • Training
  • Awards
  • Game Master Controlled Missions Every Week
  • A Story that reacts to player actions
  • Our own expansion and Mods
  • A Rich Universe in our Sandbox.

With the shock waves of the Project mars event rebounding across the universe the Hegemony have abandoned there advance into neutral territory leaving systems haggered by war and in desperate need of help, pirates and opportunistic nerdo wells. not to mention the distinct possibility of the war flaring up at any moment or acts of sabotage its a time of volatility and opportunity for the USFP and their armed forces the Terran Stellar Navy!
Última edición por Fish; 5 MAR 2022 a las 18:22
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Mostrando 1-7 de 7 comentarios
Fish 26 ENE 2019 a las 11:58 
Still going strong here in 2019!
Fish 28 SEP 2019 a las 13:01 
Sabasti 29 DIC 2019 a las 11:33 thing do we actually *do* training in the TSN? Also, newbs may have no idea what a sandbox is.
Última edición por Sabasti; 29 DIC 2019 a las 11:33
Fish 2 ABR 2020 a las 11:44 
I think its kind of implyed Sabasti, if you have some training you want we have a whole training department for you to talk to (In theory).

Stuck at home due to the pandemic? TSN is here to while away your Saturday night. we are going strong still - last shift we had 7 ships in operation at one point - 35 Bridge personel. We are even pulling togeather the odd mid week event as there are lots of people home join our discord[] for more infomation.
Fish 3 SEP 2020 a las 6:14 
Bumping, War is about to be declared, we will be in the fight for our lives soon!
Fish 5 MAR 2022 a las 18:11 
Bump - Starting season 15 looking for new Cadets to climb the ranks every Cadet has an admirals baton in there duffel! (metaphorically)
Fish 30 MAR 2024 a las 12:56 
And still running! - Slowly headint towards Artimis Cosmos release with an updated Game Master system, ships systems and some very cool things!
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Mostrando 1-7 de 7 comentarios
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Todas las discusiones > Public Forum > Detalles del tema