Urban Toledo Gang UTG
Urban Toledo Gang UTG
7 Aralık 2007
United States 
Urban Toledo Gang HAKKINDA

The Urban Toledo Gang Gaming Group [UTG]

Welcome, friends, and thank you for joining the UTG![/b]

What we are about[/b]
Each weekend we feature a game to play with people who join the UTG. If the gameplay is grand enough, we edit together an awesome video and feature it on UTG's YouTube channel.

Want more entertainment?[/b]
If you're in the mood for more UTG and we aren't online, feel free to listen to our weekly comedy podcast on iTunes (or your favorite {BAĞLANTI SİLİNDİ}), every Friday!

Want more gaming?[/b]
If that still isn't enough then be sure to check out our PS4 Ustream[] and Twitch[] show, symo-broadcast every Tuesday at 8PST.

Want something cool?[/b]
Lastly, since you guys are pretty cool we'll be giving away Steam giveaways each week just for hanging out. How cool is that? Be sure to comment so we know who is interested, we love hearing from you guys. See ya soon!

Join our free, official Mumble Server:[/b]

Server address
port 1712

YouTube | New Video Every Week!
Ustream | Live Show![]
Comedy Podcast | New Episode Every Friday on iTunes!
SlyBoy's Proz Tipz: IndieCade Part 2 now available on YouTube
UTG's 1st Annual Summer Scavanger Hunt w/ Prizes!
Hello Gang Members! Welcome to the 1st Annual UTG Summer Scavanger Hunt! Want to one of 10 sweet ass-prizes? All you have to do is fulfill the list of 7 things to win GIVEAWAYS, ya big dummies! "Prizes?!" you say? Awww Yissss!
  1. Share a screen shot of you jumping and shooting in a game
  2. Comment on the UTG group a multiplayer game you'd like to play
  3. Comment on any UTG YouTube video the battlecry "Nyaaaaaaaaaa!" and subscribe
  4. Join the SlyBoy's Prozettes Steam Group, nyaaa accordingly
  5. Paste your favorite ASCII art on UTG's Steam group page
  6. Add SlyBoy87787 on Steam and show him the links your check list
  7. Answer one secret question and you'll be rewarded for your efforts!

    1/10 winners announced so far!
The hunt will go until the Summer Sale is active so get out there and get hunting![/b][/i]

2 Yorum
FinalRed 20 Haz 2014 @ 11:39 
We've got our first Scavanger Hunt winner! Congrats to DELTA622 for completing all of the tasks on the list! He won a fresh copy of One Finger Death Punch. Enjoy!
FinalRed 2 Haz 2014 @ 21:55 
We've made a new DayZ video, now up on YouTube!
A Day in DayZ: Part 1
"A lot can happen in just one day of DayZ. In this episode Austin finds a friend who tries to help him on his journey, which involves leg breaks, crawling through the forest, a white knight and a very rotten zucchini"
Sohbet odasına gir
7 Aralık 2007
United States