Conan Exiles Discussion Group CEDG2017
Conan Exiles Discussion Group CEDG2017
28 November, 2016
Grant 29 Nov, 2016 @ 5:28am
Who are you? How do you play?
So this is to give each other some insight as to how we all play and who we are:

Name: Grant
Game style: I'm normally at the front of every fight, I enjoy rping before I kill people ;) I'm not much of a crafter or builder but have no trouble being a scavenger/gatherer or sourcing out materials through other methods. I most likely will rock some sort of sword and shield combo as with how the combat looks blocking will be important.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
William 29 Nov, 2016 @ 3:35pm 
Name: William or Skyth or J-Dub or... any combination of the two.

Game style: I enjoy the survival/crafting aspect of many games I play, RP is quite fun especially with a good group and in combat I tend to be a multi-purpose person/weapon, just let me loose on them!

Future games? This a Life is Feudal MMO group? Would be interresting to find a group for that game :steamhappy:
Grant 29 Nov, 2016 @ 5:17pm 
More for Conan Exiles, sadly I don't know how good or when LiF mmo will be out
Tremain BronzeBeard 30 Nov, 2016 @ 12:30am 
Name: Tremain BronzeBeard
Game style : I enjoy messing with people by trolling them and murdering them. I am happy to rp on a server as long as the gm isn't a shit kent. I usally roll around naked for the extra speed and swing around a sort of heavy hitting weapon. I am not a big crafter but i do like to help set up the base. Or make more weapons to kill people with...
Last edited by Tremain BronzeBeard; 30 Nov, 2016 @ 12:32am
Grant 30 Nov, 2016 @ 3:16am 
My son...
Jay 30 Nov, 2016 @ 10:03pm 
im a mass murderer
SparkPlug 1 Dec, 2016 @ 7:37am 
Name: William, Seth, or Sparkplug
Game Style: I'm big into crafting, spent like 200 hours playing as one blacksmith on lif, when it comes to combat I love to roll in with a bow and hit them from afar. When it comes to close quarter combat I prefer a short sword to get some nice fast swings in.
Fabels 17 Dec, 2016 @ 8:11am 
I cut the brakes WILDCARD BITCHES yeeehaw
Aere Perennius 30 Dec, 2016 @ 4:42pm 
Name: Verena

Game Style: Fighting preference varies a lot, depending on the game. LIF=tank build/warpick, 7 days=hunting rifle, Rust=semi auto with a scope. I'm good at melee or range, definitely an aggressive fighter and a little OCD when it comes to organization/crafting. I prefer fighting, but I'm not one of those arrogant lazy bastards who think they can just suck bullets up and not farm.
Politically, I'm an asset. I totally play the chick card and I usually get a lot of free shit, so...
Varicella 31 Dec, 2016 @ 10:55am 
Name: Brett or Dacone

gameplay style: I enjoy multiple aspects of most survival games, I am a pvper mostly, spent a lot of time playing rust and ark with a group of people I play with killing populations of servers, I do prefer small group gameplay, I like my own space, I contribute but dont like to be specifically tied to strict rules, its nice to enjoy a game and put your part in the best way you feel comfortable.

availibility: I am on almost every day and night

personal preference: I enjoy a long comitment game where long term progression is key, life is feudal is a game I am fond of for progression
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Date Posted: 29 Nov, 2016 @ 5:28am
Posts: 9