GTA Online Friendly Sessions gtaofs
GTA Online Friendly Sessions gtaofs
11 June, 2017
ABOUT GTA Online Friendly Sessions

Grand Theft Auto: Online Friendly Sessions Group

Who are we?

We are a consistent group of legitimate, mature and friendly players who get together in port locked sessions to ensure random players cannot join. We avoid the common issues of modders, trolls, and random attacks without reason. These sessions allow us to make money, and conduct business without the fear of griefers or modders. We help each other as much as possible with resupplying and sales. We have players from all around the world who work together to make all of our GTA Online experiences pleasant and enjoyable.

We do not allow modding or attacking other players without reason. Since we have players from all around the globe, please be respectful of others cultures, identities and beliefs. Harassment will not be tolerated. We do not support modded money as we are all legitimate players. In the event that a player breaks these rules, they may be permanently banned from joining our sessions and removed from this group.

More Info:

Join our Discord!

This is a private group meaning any new members must be given an invite by an administrator or moderator. Please contact any member of our team by joining in game or adding us on steam if you are interested.

Please note that we have set up several rules to ensure fair and fun gameplay for everybody. Also, more information can be found by clicking below.
Click here for rules and guidelines

Joining Process:

New members must be given an invite by a team member (administrator or moderator).

In order for a new member to be accepted, they must have played in a session with several members of the group at two different times. All players must be 16+ and mature.

We do not have a skill or level requirement. You are also not required to be apart of this steam group if you choose.

Please abide by the following rules at all times. These rules are in place to benefit the entire group.

  • Be mature!
  • No trolling, grefing or killing other players without reason or consent.
  • No harassing or annoying other players
  • No modding what so ever (including offering to money drop other players)
  • When asked to kick a player, please do so (There will always be a valid, and logical reason.)

During special events, if you decide to partake, (group photos, car shows, competitions, etc..) more rules may be put into place during that time. While you are not required to be apart of these events, you are required to respect the rules and integrity of each event.

Breaking the rules is a punishable offense to all players (no exception and no favoritism)

Each member is given 2 chances. If a rule is broken (and depending on the infraction) they will be given a verbal warning. If they continue to perform the same action or break another rule, they will be kicked from the session. If the same player breaks the rules again after being kicked a second time (and after a verbal warning each time) they will be removed from the group indefinitely. Some infractions may be result in an immediate removal from the group.

Please report any rule breakers to any of the administrators or moderators. Proof is required for any and all reports unless a team member is present. (Picture, video, etc..)

Win a shark card! (3 available) (Date updated!)
This competition has been delayed until further notice. Once we get a bit more active it will be restarted.

This competition starts now and will end 8/01/17 if a minimum of 75 posts and/or comments exist all together between all members (excluding admins and mods)! (They cannot be repetitive or spammed.) Please note that administrators cannot partake in this challenge. We will make posts to help you all get started.

tona 14 Sep, 2017 @ 7:40pm 
I have been getting messages about the future/current status of this group and I want to give an update. I'm currently looking for another similiar and friendly group to merge with. I will give an update as soon as I find another group. *I'm not active enough anymore to keep this group going.*
русланчик enjoyer 10 Jul, 2017 @ 7:36am - thats the group discord. You can't talk if you are in this group and your permissions are restricted (everyone from this group should join with ingame nickname to get permissions)
tona 26 Jun, 2017 @ 12:40pm 
Here are a few pictures I took:
mik.72 25 Jun, 2017 @ 8:31am 
There are some nice photos!
Bonteski 25 Jun, 2017 @ 5:27am 
Group Photos taken by me can be found in the link below.

Link []
Enter chat room
11 June, 2017