Hans' Trade Server Group -(HF)-
Hans' Trade Server Group -(HF)-
August 5, 2012
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
[UNFINISHED] A guide on admining
Since this is an extremely unfinished draft and I haven't bothered editing it, there might be spelling mistakes or just mistakes in general. Please correct me if you find one!


In this thread, I'll put tips, and general how-to's on being an admin on HF, while at the same time doing my best to keep it short and fairly easy to understand.
You don't have to follow this, as it isn't a rulebook, but you should because a lot of the admins handle situations wrongly, and this can teach you how to properly handle a situation described in this thread.
So if an admin doesn't necesarily follow this guide, don't blindly report them for it. They aren't in the wrong unless they abuse their power.

Header texts, AKA big letters, are sections, header texts with bolded and italic letters, are subsections.

Admining in general, some guidelines
To start off, try and be serious, but don't be a nazi. Users are more likely to cooperate with a nice admin, and rule breakers or potential ones will be intimidated by a serious one. It's best to balance out this. Keep in mind, though, not to goof around and join in on dumb stuff. It's okay to joke around, but remember to enforce the rules.

Study the rules. It helps a great deal if you've carefully studied the rules and memorize some of the biggest offenses. You don't HAVE to, but it's strongly recommended.

Don't pick favourites. If a friend of yours breaks a rule, and it's a serious rule, don't let your emotions get the best of you. I'm not necessarily saying be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, or to be generous, just remind your friend that whatever they're doing that involves admin intervention, it's against the rules and that they need to stop.

Take morals into consideration, but to an extent. As in, if someone gives you some sort of a sob story saying "IF YOU BAN ME YOU TAKE THE FUN AWAY!!!" or "pls don't this is my only server!!!" don't hesitate banning them. This, and don't ban people on their first offense. It's good to keep track how many rules a single person has broken, I know a lot of the admins who read this won't do this, but it's a HUGE help in the long run. Alternatively, you can follow the guideline below this and they'll keep track for you.

Make sure the head-admin and/or owner knows you've banned someone. If you've banned someone, please let either KC or Hans know that you've done that. It makes it easier to us to determine if they should be unbanned in the future. Be sure to include their Steam name and how long you banned them for and the reason behind their ban.

Don't break the rules yourself. I've seen a lot of admins break fairly minor rules, that no one really takes note of, like occaisonally micspamming or bindspamming. While these aren't really bad rules, it's tediating to see an admin do this.

On the topic of rule-enforcing
In this section, we'll discuss rules, and their consequences.

A lot of admins on HF generally miss out on enforcing the rules on a rulebreaker.
In fact, a lot of the admins only know parts of the rules from experience. Experience being seeing another admin enforce a specific rule. I'm not saying EVERY admin is brain dead, I'm only implying some of them have only read the rules to an extent.
Hackers, and how to ban them
When it comes to hackers, there's always a huge disadvantage to our normal admins. To put it short, they panic when a hacker joins. There's a mass confusion of doing /freeze @all and then unfreezing themselves, finding the hacker, and banning them. Sometimes, an innocent player gets banned in place of the actual hacker.

Defining hackers as aimbotters and name changers, there's an easy way to combat this. Go into console, and type in "status" This'll give a list of the current players, a lot like "sm_who"
The only difference is, sm_who lists who has commands, whereas when you use status, it'll define current players, whether they're spawning or not, their Steam ID's and how long they've been on. It also gives you their full names.
To use this in conjunction with banning a hacker, to the left of the status list there's # and userid as a dropdown. To ban the hacker in general, look for the hacker with a duplicate name. It's easy to tell if their name is a copy because with duplicated names in status, it'll show an extra space next to their copied name. To the left of their name is three or less numbers, that's obviously their ID.
Using this with /ban is easy, just input

/ban #USERID permanent "Hacking/Namechange Exploit"

For example, if I were hacking and you did status, and my ID would be 123, you would do:

/ban #123 permanent "Hacking/Namechange Exploit"

To avoid banning an innocent person, make sure they are actually hacking by spectating them. Sometimes aimbotters are obvious, sometimes they are not. It takes a keen eye to spot one of them who tries to hide it.

Properly muting someone, and identifying spam offenders

When it comes to these kind of people, it's fairly easy to enforce the rules on the types of offenders specificed.
Keep in mind though, whenever you gag/mute someone, and they rejoin, do

/silence "name"

Replace "name" with their FULL name, keep the quotation marks. This makes it so they can't talk OR speak over the mic. If they rejoin again, do

/ban "name" 60 "Rejoining after being muted"

Also, remember people can talk using !pc as an exploit. If they do, warn them that they can be banned for exploiting that. The ban length can be a maximum of a day, or 1440 minutes.

For micspammers, you can just mute them and forget, a lot of the time. To define micspammers in depth, you can explain micspammers as people who spam music over the mic, or hog it for at least 20 seconds. You don't have to be exact, just estimate it.

Bindspammers are similar. They can be defined as someone who spams "say" binds in the chat. If it's a mass spam, and a lot of people join in on it, mute all of them depending on how many binds they posted. Roughly estimating, leave people alone who spammed less than 3 binds, warn people who spammed more than 3, as a minimum, and gag people who spammed at least more than 6. It doesn't matter how small the bind is, it doesn't exempt anyone from this.
For attention ♥♥♥♥♥♥, it's literally easy to stop them. Don't feel bad for muting/gagging them, because Hans Fortress, actually TF2 itself, is not a place to discuss real life and personal matters. Continuing this, don't feel obligated to believe their story if they're a female. It's easier for male members of the community to believe a female attention ♥♥♥♥♥'s story solely because she's a female, and if this isn't treated at the start it can become "poisionous"
I'm not ruling out females as specifically being attention ♥♥♥♥♥♥, males can be attention ♥♥♥♥♥♥ as well. I do not mean offend anyone.
Defining the "No attention whoring" rule, it's okay for people to mention bad things in their lives, just not to continuously ♥♥♥♥♥ about it. Over the course of weeks, might I add.
What I mean by this; if someone says "ugh my life just took an utter turn for the worse!" and they start up a conversation over it, don't mute them or gag them. Only warn them if they do this every time they join our servers.
If someone does continously attention ♥♥♥♥♥, tell them while it ISN'T against the rules to mention IRL problems, it IS against the rules to attention ♥♥♥♥♥.

When it comes to general ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and jokesters, if they try to be an annoying person or if they generally be a douchebag, warn them to stop. If they continue, mute them.

Ultimately, whenever you see someone being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or someone attention whoring and you choose to intervene, be sure to let KC or Hans know that you've done something about it.

Scammers and Impersonators

For a more serious offense, such as scamming, induct a full investigation rather than banning on sight and being rid of the problem.

How to induct an investigation on this is a tough task, but is usually simple. Firstly, get the supposed scammer's steam ID using status and saving it, giving it to KCUROV or Hans for reference, or get their profile link and use and getting their ID. Once you've got their ID, ask the current players who is in the wrong, and who is right. Also, ask for the offender's FULL Steam name. It's rare if the players can give the exact name, but it's always appreciated. If the victim provides FULL proof of being scammed, then you can ban the offender.
Make sure you can define if it was an actual scam, or an attempted one, of course. If it was an attempted scam, make sure it actually was. Sometimes during a trade, one of the traders will back out of the deal with no warning because they didn't like the deal. The other trader, then, will assume it's a quickswap and report the first trader. If this is the case, and you're sure, then it was a simple misunderstanding and everyone goes free.
Defining types of scamming, there's sharking, and quickswapping. I'm defining this from the top of my head and I'll edit this as soon as info becomes relevant.

Sharking is fairly obvious to spot, newer players being the prime victims. How people go about sharking is also somewhat simple, they convince the newer player that the item the sharker wants is incredibly cheap when it's really an unusual or a hat. They'll offer a weapon in return, and the newer player being new to the game will assume it's a good deal and accept. Make sure that the sharker is perma-banned.

Quickswapping is harder to combat. Quickswapping, essentially, is swapping out an offered item quickly while the other trader isn't paying much attention. For potential victims, it's easy to advert this, but also easy to fall prey to. Dealing with this is fairly different from the normal punishment of a perma-ban. The punishment for confirmed quickswapping is banning them for 1440 minutes, or simply a day.

Impersonators can be handled differently depending on who they've impersonated.

If they've impersonated an admin or a donator, ban on sight. No exceptions, reguardless of rank.
If they're impersonating a normal user, tell them to change their name or they will be banned for a day. Or 1440 minutes.

Gamblers and Middlemanning

If someone is gambling on HF, they MUST do it with an admin middleman.
Even if you're not feeling up to it, and they insist on gambling, you MUST middleman for them.

There's two kinds of gambling styles commonly used, elsewhere and on HF; spycrabbing and heavy boxing.

When people spycrab, teleport them both to a hidden place on the map so no one outside of the match screws it over.
Whichever person does the spycrab taunt three times loses
(executed by taunting three times with the disguise kit, and doing the random spycrab taunt)

When people heavy box, teleport them to the boxing ring

/msay There's a heavy boxing match going on, interfere and you will be kicked.

Governing a boxing match is easy. Each participant plays as heavy, and they try to kill eachother with melee weapons. First person to die three times loses. If anyone kills either participant, kick them. If they come back and do it again, ban them for 60 minutes.

Admin Commands
*copypasted from another thread for ease of access*

for "name" replace name with the person you're using a command on, keep the quotation marks
for "reason" replace reason with why you're kicking/banning someone, keep quotation marks
Oh, and you don't have to use a forward slash, you can use an exclamation mark instead.

/kick "name" "reason"
removes someone from the game
/ban "name" 60 "reason"
bans someone for 60 minutes
/gag "name"
/ungag "name
mutes someone in text chat
/mute "name"
/unmute "name
same as gag but for voice chat
/silence "name"
/unsilence "name"
gag/mute combine
list of commands
/vote "topic" "answer1" answer2"
makes a vote, replace "topic" with the topic of the vote, and replace "answer" with the voting decisions
/slay "name"
kills a player
/csay "message"
tell a message to the server, replace "message" with the message you want to say

Anyways, like I said, this is an EXTREMELY unfinished guide, parts that should be in here might be left out, and there might be spelling mistakes because I wrote some of this at 2AM.
I'll fix it when I get off my ass and stop being lazy.
Last edited by ærømagnetica; Mar 4, 2014 @ 4:32pm
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Gas Leak Gaming Mar 4, 2014 @ 4:04pm 
Is it possible for you to make this private to only people in the group? Any other person can look at this (possibly stickied) and find loopholes, etc...
nobody Jul 10, 2014 @ 12:12am 
glad i got a look at this.
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