Hans' Trade Server Group -(HF)-
Hans' Trade Server Group -(HF)-
August 5, 2012
All Discussions > HansCraft > Topic Details
El Cabaro Jan 11, 2014 @ 12:01pm
Grief Report
Alright this is a lengthy-er list than usual so i'll do this bullet style

-My house was broken into
-my bed and crafting bench were stolen
-the output end of my cobble dispencer was vandalized
-my crops were stolen
-EC Tower of Power was vandalized: Both doors and pressure plates stolen, workbench and furnace stolen
-cabana vandalized: door stolen, bar tampered with
-my chickens may be missing (i dont remeber if i still had chickens)
-Cabaro castle: all torches and front doors stolen

That appears to be it. By the way, could someone repost the "Report Griefing Here" link? I Cant seem to find it. Thanks.
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El Cabaro Jan 11, 2014 @ 12:39pm 
i repaired the damages myself, but i would still like this to be looked into. also, i need a new public furnace for the ECTP.
NOT THE CHICKEN:tradingcard:
ærømagnetica Jan 11, 2014 @ 3:48pm 
Alright, the missing blocks, like the crafting tables and the workbenches, might've been from an earlier grief which has since been solved.

I probably should've told you your house was griefed a fuck ton, I had a 3 man team repair it.

For now, I'll replace the doors and what not.
ærømagnetica Jan 11, 2014 @ 3:57pm 
oh, they've already been replaced
oh well have some free shit in one of your chests
El Cabaro Jan 11, 2014 @ 4:04pm 
Originally posted by KCUROV:
oh, they've already been replaced
oh well have some free shit in one of your chests
i apreciat the offer, but i only reaaly need to know how to make something unprivate again so i can put the furnace back
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