The Hunger Games TF2 Server thgtf2
The Hunger Games TF2 Server thgtf2
18 July, 2012
United States 
Fixer4U 15 Oct, 2014 @ 4:46pm
Minecraft server discussion episode 3 book four part 72 (electric boogaloo)
You guys remember how I've been going on for around a year about getting the scrub army a quiet server? At *LONG* last, I finally found one. Me and a few close friends are setting up a place, already, but you're free to run around and settle wherever you'd please.

A few things to note:
The server is pretty sparsely populated, so there won't be much beside the admins, us, and a couple regulars.
The plugins are pretty standard. Sethome, tpa, rollback for grief fixing, anti-theft plugins, stuff like that.
The admins contacted me via the forums and are expecting us heading in, so be sure to mention that when you go in.
I'd appreciate it if we didn't kill each other with dirt blocks over enchanted weaponry like last time, although that was hilarious to watch, that's not the direction I wanted to have our 'Kingdom' heading.
As previously implied, my friends and I are making a kingdom-type place and all my buddies from the Grunger Grames are free to join up with us.

Other than that, I don't have much to say other than emphasize how cool these guys are. Hope to see you on, and have fun.
Live server map:
Server IP: Play.TheAtlas.US
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RyeGye101 16 Oct, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
Awesome, cant wait to start doing stuff
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