Island Deathmatch IslandDM
Island Deathmatch IslandDM
September 8, 2013
ABOUT Island Deathmatch

The Island Deathmatch Server

Gamemode Status:

The Island Deathmatch gamemode is still in alpha, but it's being worked on every day. Until the majority of the gamemode is complete, the server will continue to be hosted off of the owner's computer, meaning that the server will have to be shut down during the night. Once the gamemode is at a point that the owner feels comfortable with people donating for, he will set up the donations page so that if the players want a 24/7 server then he will have the means necessary to pay the monthly cost.

Things that are planned to be added:
• Weapons store
• More maps
• Improvements to the scoreboard
• Alliances/spawning on Allys

Things that are being considered:
• Vehicles
• Kill streaks
• Mini gamemodes(ex: mele match, pistols only, ect. initiated by majority vote)

Current Staff:
Server owner and gamemode creator: narpuppy
Server moderators:
• That_White_Guy
• Geek
• Master Jankins

Server IP Address:
Phrawg Jul 1, 2016 @ 7:31am 
Hey guys, sorry I completely abandoned the gamemode without even saying anthing in the group (OOPS XD)! Just incase you are curious I'll tell you guys what happened.

After having the server up for awhile on gm_bigisland I decided to add more maps. The problem was that the gamemode was called Island Deathmatch, so it didn't make sense at all for new players that joined the server expecting something different. My problem was that I forgot to announce on here that I was changing the gamemode name so I lost all of my players. After that I just lost a lot of motivation to keep going with the deathmatch gamemode, wanting to make something much more unique and fun. I have yet to find inspiration to finish a new gamemode, but if I do I'll post it here if you guys care. I'm sorry for letting the few fans I had down! XD
Slayer Feb 28, 2016 @ 11:24am 
rip narpuppy
Pinhead Larry Sep 26, 2014 @ 10:59pm 
i plated on here the first day it was put up. its been my favorite gamemode since. please put it back up.
Tony Tone May 3, 2014 @ 2:39pm 
its not letting me jooin please help it seems like an amazing server
Mr.Curse Feb 2, 2014 @ 12:20am 
this gamemode needs to go back up
like NOW
iTS such a great gamemode i have a friend who would pay money for this to go back up
leonardodolc Oct 27, 2013 @ 5:31am 
how to join in server by ip?
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September 8, 2013