Just Cause 2 Fans JC2
Just Cause 2 Fans JC2
1. februar 2010
118 kommentarer
ichigokeeki 24. feb. 2017 kl. 15.56 
Hello guys! Recently I found a promo code at a closed forum for $ 20. Got skins red line! In general, I am satisfied there is a referral system is still online ... Join now!
Promo Code: 9IFIxp5o
Website: hoppermoney. online
jbox345 10. juli 2014 kl. 17.24 
Insane 18. des. 2013 kl. 14.22 
i trade key of men of war for just cause 2
sean 17. des. 2013 kl. 14.57 
Just got the game for 2.99!
Stank Mouth 5. okt. 2013 kl. 11.05 
Anyone! I am willing to trade these steam keys all at once for Splinter Cell Blacklist AC4 and Just Cause 2:
Mafia II
Saints Row The Third
Saints Row 4
Skyrim Legendary Edition
Friend/Message me if You Are interested
Stank Mouth 5. okt. 2013 kl. 6.37 
friend me and message me if u wannt to trade a just cause 2 key for Payday2
Stank Mouth 3. okt. 2013 kl. 17.40 
Anybody Got A Just Cause 2 Key Willing to Trade for A Payday 2 key?? Message me for details
76561198107934132 29. sep. 2013 kl. 1.32 
Ninja-LinK 6. mai 2013 kl. 11.11 
Yo ppl plz add me as a friend!
Cosmiccookie 26. mars 2013 kl. 20.20 
does anyone have an extra copy of just cause 2 they can trade with me please??
Crescentfresh 5. jan. 2013 kl. 12.31 
Hey Fans of Just Cause 2! As most of you (who play JC2 fairly regularly) a multiplayer mod of just cause 2 recently came out and is currently in open beta. If you really really like the single player, or .. even if you find it boring, you will love playing with hundreds of other Rico's online! Also, I am part of a large "faction" and steam group which has nearly 150 people which organizes large events like races, roadtrips, and free fall jumping, anyone is able to join and we would love having more members! If you're new to the MP this is one of the best groups to join and ways to learn about MP as we are fairly casual, but very active and organized.

Mod Home Page:

Steam group:

Check us out, you're open to join us and have a completely different experience next time you plan the beta! Below is a link to our group and some pictures/videos that have been recorded from group functions.

Твой пахан 23. nov. 2012 kl. 10.08 
как в нете играть в нее?
Cheerilee<3 18. okt. 2012 kl. 5.06 
hey guys i found something interesting for you! if you wanna get a game but don't have money for the game try these sites to participate in free offers (surveys, videos and more...) and get free steam games or steam wallet for the points you earn there. It will take some of your time earning points but the good thing is that you also can refer the sites to others (like i do ^^) and get points for their completed offers. So if you're interested, give it a try and you'll see that it's worth it :)
(...and if you don't trust those sites at the beginning, check them out using a fake-account :P)

here are the links:
Wolf 26. sep. 2012 kl. 8.26 
Every one im selling some jsut cause 2 extras, add me if intressed
scarecrow 24. aug. 2012 kl. 3.35 
sup just cause is da boom
i miss her 13. aug. 2012 kl. 8.05 
блин как играть по сети у мя ток компания и всё
Namir_PL 4. aug. 2012 kl. 15.53 
Hello all fans of Just Cause. I would like to invite you to the official facebook profile Polish side games in the series Just Cause. is currently working on a new website whose content will translate well into English. Let's make the biggest shopping time Just Cause! ;)
L4.ЭТА ДЖИ ДЖИ 31. juli 2012 kl. 12.07 
Введите сюда текст комментария…Пасоны...передо мной лежит запечатанный дис с игрой "Just Cause 2"!Кому нужно обращайтесь! поменяю на "Batman archam ysulym" или "Dead island!
76561198064705284 3. juni 2012 kl. 22.44 
IT just rocks us
IgorStorm 25. mars 2012 kl. 15.15 
Hi All! Try My JC2 Mod PLZ.
justcause2killingfloor 24. feb. 2012 kl. 15.21 
русаки отзовитесь)
Крип-маг 21. jan. 2012 kl. 19.54 
и я
Officer Balls 21. jan. 2012 kl. 1.57 
да я
fou de pyro 15. jan. 2012 kl. 2.12 
сдесь есть русские?
RedShadow26 5. jan. 2012 kl. 12.30 
hi guys i have a problem with just cause 2...when i install i have that problem "Impossible install (game).(Connection Timeout)"
76561198048082533 11. nov. 2011 kl. 3.37 
everyone add me
76561198036225780 6. nov. 2011 kl. 7.02 
may anybody play Just Cause 2 NOW?
76561198036225780 6. nov. 2011 kl. 6.30 
hello everybody!
thatsnottrue.25 6. okt. 2011 kl. 22.39 
downloading the game .how is it?
76561198020233350 18. juni 2011 kl. 6.55 
76561198042190670 4. juni 2011 kl. 5.01 
Please ad me as a friend please
CptLieutenant 8. mai 2011 kl. 7.25 
i have this game on my xbox 360 and computer
moshe_taco 15. apr. 2011 kl. 21.21 
GREETINgs from San Diego california wassup add me as a friend happy hunting....
Pwn Teacher 15. feb. 2011 kl. 6.56 
just updating demo i like the game from videos on you i watched
Geogre 28. des. 2010 kl. 8.28 
Сало без бутера 18. des. 2010 kl. 9.21 
presque 1 000 000 of chaos in Just Cause 2
Skuua 14. des. 2010 kl. 19.08 
Tone71 10. des. 2010 kl. 15.59 
Hi all! I figured this would be as good a place as any to promote my JC2 trailer video. Enjoy.

A fair few hours into the game and lovin' it!
leva-neiman 21. nov. 2010 kl. 11.26 
Привет всем!!! Я из России!! Добавляйтесь ко мне в друзья!!!!=)=)
Xelos 31. okt. 2010 kl. 4.13 
Hi everybody :) I'm new here. I love this game, so I joined. PS Sorry about my English, but I'm from Poland.
lcb 26. okt. 2010 kl. 2.44 
какой код
ExA 24. okt. 2010 kl. 4.14 
76561198031809204 13. okt. 2010 kl. 9.50 
Hi All, i am new to this group. i read all the comment you people have. And i also download the Just Cause 2 from thr net. But not ablt to play the game as its asking for the CD Keys. Can ane one help me in this. So that even i can share my opion in this group.
=Axton= 20. sep. 2010 kl. 16.09 
wow this game map is big.
peurpdapeurp 23. aug. 2010 kl. 17.57 
hehe i just got this game....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ owns i have the god mode mod and infinite ammo mod though so the article above was kinda pointless for me to read xD go ahead call me a noob Y-Y idc really, its having fun that matters
WILSON 15. aug. 2010 kl. 9.15 
For those of you who have heard of devil may cry... he's a virus spreader. do not enter the sight he posted below (it's gone now) for it is not real just virus filled. NVidia will not give you any free games however they will give you the following:
Portal: First Slice, 11-level demo
Half-Life 2 Lost Coast
Half-Life 2 Death Match and
Peggle Extreme
WILSON 15. aug. 2010 kl. 9.08 
Yes I am aware of that but many of my friends did not so I saw it fit to post it for all of the people who do not already know.
Contradicting is annoying
Phoenix 14. aug. 2010 kl. 3.32 
Yes this was big news ages ago and practically everyone knows about it - they even have steam groups for it. The mod even has its own website where they constantly update news and upload videos of the multiplayer gameplay and progress they are making check it out here