L4D2 Boycott (cont'd)
L4D2 Boycott (cont'd)
14 October, 2009
TheCrumbBum 28 Jan @ 1:36pm 
stay strong brothers
Rebeldaughter 28 Mar, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
general shepard works for big pharma dont trust a word he says .... i will never buy left 4 dead 2 im still playing the better version lfd1
Garry :з 20 Oct, 2022 @ 3:10am 
also l4d2 is still really great :steamthumbsup:
Garry :з 20 Oct, 2022 @ 3:09am 
@alijust wait what? valve became like EA? where is L4D3? HL3? Portal 3? Where are the microtransaction that make the game Pay To Win?
VVARHEAD 2 Jan, 2022 @ 2:45pm 
all the OGs here.
Pho3nix_404 2 Jan, 2022 @ 1:06pm 
The real heroes you don't read about in history books
Rebeldaughter 13 Jul, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
Rebeldaughter 13 Jul, 2021 @ 6:50pm 
Garry :з 23 May, 2021 @ 5:11am 
btw L4D2 is great
Garry :з 23 May, 2021 @ 5:11am 
"Y'all complained last time we released two games within a year, so we're being safe and waiting 50 for the next." -Valve, probably
PYROSIUM 16 Jun, 2020 @ 8:43pm 
L4D2 is actually great lol
RainingMetal 30 May, 2012 @ 4:43am 
This group hosts a similar cause:

Feel free to join if you're interested.
weedwizard420XXX 3 Jul, 2011 @ 9:25pm 
I did not boycott the game. However, I find it to be the biggest piece of ♥♥♥♥ Valve ever released and have made it my duty to troll every last person who plays it. I will never forgive them for killing L4D1, a much, much, MUCH better game. Now they're porting over the original campaigns. ♥♥♥♥ Valve. They stole my money, VAC banned me when my account was hijakced, and killed one of my favorite games. They won't be recieving any more money from me.
Krunjey 12 Jun, 2011 @ 8:05pm 
In the mean time, people that want a recent zombie game can get Dead Island, RE:ORC, or DR2:OTR, if they aren't bored of zombies yet. Just don't give in to Lies4$$$.
cattabliss 10 Jun, 2011 @ 8:10am 
loool wow, i'm so glad i stopped supporting valve products, i boycotted portal 2 as well, never gave in to l4d2.

two games aren't going to change my life, they may as well not exist lol
Eepblock 17 Feb, 2011 @ 12:01am 
wow, i think we just got B-slapped by valve...
Krunjey 16 Feb, 2011 @ 11:12pm 
"The easiest starting point for new campaigns is the three remaining Left 4 Dead 1 campaigns, so the DLC [for Left 4 Dead 2] will include those."


L4D1 is now fully absorbed into L4D2, totally invalidating L4D1 as its own product. This would be like if BLOPS had all of MW's campaign and MP maps/killstreaks/perks, or Portal 2 being release one year after Portal 1 and included all of Portal 1's campaign.
LSD 31 Dec, 2010 @ 12:49am 
"I'm gonna laugh if next week, out of the blue, they give L4D1 players L4D2 for free...."
Far from happening. This boycott won't accomplish anything, and never did. It's just a collective way of seeing how many £/$/*eurokeyicantfind* that Valve is missing out on. They never intended to give us anything for our money. Hopefully we've all learnt a lesson here.
DadStownCowboy 30 Dec, 2010 @ 5:49pm 
I never gave in, my friend bought it for me. I'm still boycotting by not playing it. And even if I did purchase it, I'd still be here because valve needs to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ deliver on content.
daves 30 Dec, 2010 @ 3:06pm 
I think that everyone that fall in the temptation of buying left 4 dead 2 should be left the group
DadStownCowboy 30 Dec, 2010 @ 2:07pm 
'L4D2 is being offered at 75% off (Just under 5 dollars) for people who own L4D1, and although that's not EXACTLY what I wanted, I suspect it's the best damn compromise we're gonna get, and it does technically fulfill the requests of the original boycott.'
It only fullfilled the expansion pack price for original l4d owners. Not the content.
Friendly to DClass/Scientists (e 30 Dec, 2010 @ 11:11am 
I give up. Simple as that.

It's apparent that our collective boycott efforts, while impressive, were ultimately in vain. It would be physically impossible for Valve to remedy their actions, even if they wanted to...

L4D2 is being offered at 75% off (Just under 5 dollars) for people who own L4D1, and although that's not EXACTLY what I wanted, I suspect it's the best damn compromise we're gonna get, and it does technically fulfill the requests of the original boycott.

I understand that my actions in finally buying this game are contraindicated by this boycott, and that I, essentially, gave in to the system that has foresaken us... so sorry about that.

I'm gonna laugh if next week, out of the blue, they give L4D1 players L4D2 for free....
LSD 14 Dec, 2010 @ 10:03am 
Wow it didn't go on sale :(
So where the hell is our conten- ahem, i mean. Uh, why is it delayed then?
LSD 14 Dec, 2010 @ 8:31am 
For those of you who still haven't caved in at the price of the L4D DLC, i suggest you check out Killing Floor. It's similar to L4D in that it's a team based zombie-like shooter. But it's also very different. It's received a lot of free content updates, like new enemies, guns, maps etc. and it's seriously fun. Just like what i had expected from Valve. It'll probably have a price drop in the next treasure hunt sale since it has a new content update coming out today. Give it a go if you haven't already.
And @ the guy below: It's funny that there's only one game on your list that hasn't missed my point, but nice try!
Vivid Denim 3 Nov, 2010 @ 5:02pm 
you are all babies, complete man childs
Verus Redemptio 30 Oct, 2010 @ 8:54am 
I'm proud to say I still do not own L4D2 despite numerous sales and persuasions of a very small number of friends that actually played it, all of which have since gone back to TF2, a game which actually receives the kind of support we used to expect from Valve.

I was once even gifted the game by a friend who resented the idea I was in this group, and I purposely never activated it. The gift therefore expired after about 5 or 6 days and he was forced to find someone else to gift it to.

I cannot, and will not, simply accept the fact that Valve made a game with such limited content, claimed it would receive new content in the vein of their other games, sold it at full price, then suddenly decided to roll all the new content into a new game due to limitations on DLC size and distribution problems that are only a factor on consoles.
SNAKE DOC 29 Oct, 2010 @ 6:24pm 
OK so I just got gifted the game, after being offered getting half the price covered by a friend... $3.51 was the price and I'd consider that a tip after a good meal of steak (or whatever food you prefer).

On a more serious note I still support this group and the boycotting of the game, and I'm glad there hasn't been a L4D3 announced yet...

In all honesty I really didn't feel like neither buying or playing the game, but my resistance to persuasion (and bribery) failed me tonight. :p
War_Tiger 18 Oct, 2010 @ 9:15pm 
It's funny to see people defend their own tormenters. Potluck you clearly do not understand the real issue. Nor do you understand me or what any true boycotter in this group stands for. Thats fine I'm sure when you go to a restaurant and order a 12 ounce stake and they give you a 4 ounce steak you say "Well IT TASTED GOOD SO WHO CARES!!?!?!??". After reading what impossible said below it just reinforces my belief that all valve is doing with this game is playing some big joke, and when you buy that game for even $1 or half a quid or a russian ruble or even 1 billionth of a zimbabwian dollar you're supporting their great big joke by being the butt of it. "HAHA WE LIED AND MADE YOU GIVE US MONEY!" Enjoy the other 2/3rds of your steak potluck after all you did pay for it...Twice
Dzsordzs Szorosz 16 Oct, 2010 @ 1:46pm 
You know the "L4D and L4D2 just updated with the sacrifice" picture that was on the front page when the DLC was released? They changed it to LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ONLY now! No ♥♥♥♥, check out the store front page! It's almost as if they are trying to hide the fact that L4D ever got the DLC!

The marketing of this DLC basically went from
"It's going to be Left 4 Dead DLC" to
"It's going to be Left 4 Dead DLC that Left 4 Dead 2 also gets" to
"It's going to be Left 4 Dead 2 DLC that Left 4 Dead also gets" to
"It's going to be Left 4 Dead 2 DLC that Left 4 Dead gets a little piece of" to
"It's Left 4 Dead 2 DLC"
LSD 16 Oct, 2010 @ 10:59am 
And why did you see the need to openly insult Tiger? Bit of a prick move if you ask me.
LSD 16 Oct, 2010 @ 10:56am 
That went out of the window when yearly releases and DLC became the norm. If i have to pay 40 quid for a game with 12 hours of boring content (a lá modern warfare 2) then of course i'm not going to enjoy it. Name 5 new games (last 2 years) which aren't half arsed. Exactly.
DadStownCowboy 16 Oct, 2010 @ 10:18am 
... what ever happened to liking a game because it had a good story, or just plain looked good, or even had amazing gameply. (not saying MW2 did). If you're a gamer that thinks because a game only has 5-12 hours of gameplay its automatically ♥♥♥♥, you should just stop playing games entirely before you start saying ♥♥♥♥ like that. I loved this boycott with my life but it must come to an end.
DadStownCowboy 16 Oct, 2010 @ 10:14am 
War, you seem to think mostly everyone is in this group based on the price. I was part of this group based on the fact that Valve should have supported L4D as promised. But when I DID see the price that low, why the hell not buy it and enjoy with about 50 of my friends. Sadly I can't continue on with the boycott but I support it. I played about 500 hours of Left 4 Dead and enjoyed every one. Seeing how it was basically dropped and left behind is what made me join the boycott. But most people's reasoning for buying the game when the price was that low was, it was at the price of an expansion pack for games in which most see Left 4 Dead 2 as instead of a full game. That was why I bought it. And you're implying that every new game is half-assed. To me you sound like a whiney kid that whose mom didn't get him the lollipop he wanted for being a good kid because, "Oh Modern Warfare 1 and 2 only offered 6-10 hours of gameplay, or Medal of Honor sucks because it didn't have enough gameplay,...
War_Tiger 15 Oct, 2010 @ 10:15pm 
It seems practically no one realizes the real purpose of the boycott or ANY boycott for that matter. I've only seen a few posters below me who actually understand what all this is about. It isn't about the money. Maybe for some, but truly it is about saying ♥♥♥♥ you to companies that think they can take advantage of the consumer. I was there at day one with the original boycott I've given the rant when it was $30. when it was $20 and I'm just too tired and depressed to see so many people break and fail to understand the true purpose to give another rant at $6. Enjoy the near future where all games are half assed $80 games that'll offer an average of 12 hours of gameplay. Oh thats right you guys will ♥♥♥♥♥ about the price because thats all that matters right? So let me correct that. Enjoy your $20 half assed games that offer 5 hours of gameplay and the next sequel comes every month. Thank you to everyone who has stayed strong.
LSD 7 Oct, 2010 @ 12:17pm 
Oops, it's £4.41. That does seem even tastier, but no. Bad LSD. They wouldn't put it so low if they didn't plan their next ValvEA-yearly-release to come out soon.
LSD 7 Oct, 2010 @ 12:14pm 
While i see the price now is reasonable, and i'd love to play L4D again with a server which doesn't lag, and with friends and everything, i'm not gonna buy it. It's the principle. Last year i decided i wasn't gonna fork out any money for this until valve sets themselves straight. They promised to support the original L4D, and they haven't, STILL. So no, you won't be getting my 6 quid Gabe or Robbin or whoever eats the money.
Almaverde BIOS 7 Oct, 2010 @ 7:35am 
I'm sorry to everyone who was defending a principle, but I feel Agamemnon's point of view was right here. I purchased the game for a price I deem reasonable, so, no hard feelings if I'm needed to leave.
Friendly to DClass/Scientists (e 6 Oct, 2010 @ 7:41pm 
Kammy, Agamemnon, I think no less of either of you if that was truly your philosophy to boycotting in the first place.

But for me, the L4D boycott was not primarily about the money, it was abot the principle. Valve has proven what they are capable of dishing out to the community in terms of DLC, they promised to dish that out to us, and they never did it.

And to make matters worse, they ported the L4D1 survivors to L4D2... What's next? The L4D1 campaigns? Soon, I feel, L4D1 will be completely obselete, and I had completely wasted 50 dollars for a revolutionary game... that completely sold out to its sequel less than a year later.

I wouldn't feel so bad about any of this if they didn't deny it. They're trying to make this DLC look like a favor to L4D1 players... I suspect the only reason we, l4d1 players, were given this campaign was so that we didn't COMPLETELY flip out over the character ports.
NIK 5 Oct, 2010 @ 3:27pm 
Alright then, it's been a pleasure to be part of this group guys. Sorry to decrease your numbers but I truly feel like I made a point by not buying at launch nor paying even 20 dollars.

Thanks for being a legit group and I'll still see some of you guys in l4d1. :)
Tyrol 5 Oct, 2010 @ 2:56pm 
Not at all, kammy. In fact I just bought it myself. In truth this is what I had wanted all along--for L4D2 to be priced for what it is, a DLC pack. $7 is fair for a DLC pack of this size. So no, no hard feelings if you want to leave the group if you purchase the game.
NIK 5 Oct, 2010 @ 2:23pm 
Guys, I'm pretty tempted to buy l4d2. I mean 6.79 is freakin dirt cheap and I feel I made as a consumer a point that I disapproved of Valve's actions by not paying anywhere near full price for it.

Now obviously I'd have to leave the group if I did but you wouldn't put me on the same level as the original l4d2 boycott leaders or those who said they'd boycott but didn't would you? I'm not a copout am I?
Balls Of Steel 5 Oct, 2010 @ 12:18pm 
Your right valve is not activision, there EA!
Krunjey 28 Sep, 2010 @ 1:29pm 
@ Agamemnon

Valve is not Activision (for now), they know they can't pull the same thing twice in a row. Maybe L4D3 for 2011.
Dzsordzs Szorosz 26 Sep, 2010 @ 12:58pm 
@LSD Although wether it's a better version or not is debatable, i'm pretty sure Valve wants everyone think the L4D2 version is the better version. Why else would Chet say "we didn't want to make you go buy the (♥♥♥♥♥♥ and abandoned) Left 4 Dead, so we're releasing it to L4D2 as well."?
With that intent in mind i think it's fair to call unfair, which is what "Hitler's" point is troughout.
LSD 25 Sep, 2010 @ 10:25pm 
@ the hitler rant, why'd you put "why would you play the l4d version when you can play a better version on l4d2"? isn't the point of the group that l4d2 simply isn't better, it's just milking the cow dry with gimmicks? or did i miss something?
there were a few typos too :(
Tyrol 25 Sep, 2010 @ 9:52pm 
Interesting links. Simply confirms what we've been saying all along, although that was never a secret. I am glad though that apparently they have finally stopped the lies around proclaiming L4D1 is "still alive" and that bug fixes count as "immediate attention" on the same level of L4D2's updates.

My prediction has been proven wrong though. November is coming up and still not a word on Left 4 Dead 3. Maybe they think they wouldn't be able to pull another wool blanket over the masses so soon again?
daves 25 Sep, 2010 @ 12:52am 
But in fact I agree with you. There was no need to do a second game.
Sarevok 24 Sep, 2010 @ 9:30pm 
@The Comedian:
All good. But that's what most people's problem is with L4D2. Scavange has a version for L4D1 now. Melee isn't that special. You could probably skin a knife in the back of their hand to have melee like style in L4D1. So it looks like they slash, instead of just punch.
New special infected, mostly mods to existing.
Spitter = smoker that doesn't grab but places damaging stuff
Jocky = Hunter, instead of pushing them to the ground, they move around with them instead
Charger = similar to when a tank punches you, you go flying. Only difference is that you are also pinned and don't just get up like with a tank.

New weapons? Hardly. All the snipers are just skinned with improved fire rates and/or clip size. Silenced smg? Same as the normal one, different sound.

There are ALOT of overlaps imo, and i can hardly see the "need" to make a new game
Dekland 27 Aug, 2010 @ 3:41pm 
@Krunjey: Thanks for the link. I'm a couple days behind but i'll get an announcement about that dlc, and good points.
Dzsordzs Szorosz 24 Aug, 2010 @ 7:51am 
It looks like Valve's chet faliszek is responding to the backlash regarding the Sacrifice DLC, it can be viewed here
And here:

I also made a Hitler rant about the announcement, in case anyone's interested.