[lag] - Louisiana Antiscriting Group [lag]
[lag] - Louisiana Antiscriting Group [lag]
Creat la
11 august 2007
United States 
50 comentarii
DeviL'd Aag 19 febr. 2024 la 15:38 
AHH i miss the good old days as well. anyone find any friendly servers LIKE the old days?
ntf 29 aug. 2023 la 16:38 
Hope everyone is doing well! I miss the good old times. -Mastrchf
ODBTheWarTurtle 10 dec. 2020 la 22:45 
So I noticed not much chatter here for a while. I just wanted to say happy holidays and I miss you all! I will never forget the banter on the server. Nor will I forget the lans. Hope all is well!
DeviL'd Aag 16 ian. 2020 la 17:29 
mine too Xian :( I still remember the good old days of CS :)
Xian 12 nov. 2017 la 15:38 
This was the only CS server I ever enjoyed playing on. :( -raddishs
|MƗŁŁɆNNƗᵾM ĐØĐØ| 10 oct. 2017 la 22:26 
Sure miss everyone. Hope all is well, feel free to hit me up if anyone is still playing CS:GO, I miss the ol' crew. ---Choppy!
]Blindin1Eye 16 aug. 2017 la 12:27 
Is there still a LAG server?
curiousface.eric 30 mai 2017 la 21:52 
Hey all, Dooman here.
Although i've grown up now, I still look back at playing with you all with a great big smile. Thinking of the hilarious banter from Phantom at whatever topic. The random conversations with FUNGER in the mornings. To the hilarious post match boasting from the winning team.Pure delight
I know I was young and immature back then, I'm sorry for that.I have grown to appreciate that you were all a part of my life, and mine with yours. I think we can all agree that although Phantom is no longer here with us. In truth, he is. with us in our memories and our hearts. Even if the day comes where the last message is posted on these forms, and we all no longer talk to eachother. The memories we all have shared with eachother will still be there. And in a way, are with eachother. Always
Thank you, I am richer for having known you
Dumbledarsh 24 ian. 2017 la 12:50 
Playing CS GO these days, ps this is Jimmy if any of you remember
[0SC]-=Pop-D@wg=- 21 aug. 2016 la 8:41 
Hey yall is anyone still around playing CS?
brew dees 7 apr. 2016 la 22:10 
Wow . . . Rest In Peace Phantom. I loved hearing his voice on the comms, talking about roastin' a hog or some gator hahaha. Never could quite tell if he was serious about the gators! He was a fine gentleman to everyone who set foot in the server, and I wish I could have met him in person at one of the LANs.

I still think about our 1.6 community from time to time, those were my favorite years I ever spent gaming. Everybody who became part of LAG in one way or another helped to shape that.

If you guys still are doing that server on the last friday of every month, please send me a message this month! I'll try my best to join in on the fun! Just as long as we don't play rats_kitchoon because the song that plays on the radio "LICK THE SPOOOON!" was sooo annoying!
CRosSin 15 sept. 2015 la 20:01 
Sorry to hear about phantom. I played many of years with him and he was the first one to accept me into lag. Him and Bunny were my original sponsers. He will be missed and I am hoping to catch up with other originals here soon. RIP Phantom.
Eaphus 10 iul. 2015 la 8:32 
Also, sorry to hear about Phantom...I spent hours and hours and several years gaming with him...he will be missed...if anyone remembers me feel free to add me...I'll still support the group...I remeber a few...uber niknak herboligist popdawg deathscout... I'll be around...happy gaming ladies and gents...hope all is well with everyone... [lag]Eaphus/ Cory from Findlay, OH
Eaphus 10 iul. 2015 la 7:58 
Ok guys it's been a long time for me. I just got my account back which while I was away was hacked into and used. I now will be back on source and csgo. The good ol days in Monroe,Louisiana lan parties!
TeX 23 iun. 2015 la 20:51 
Hey Folks. We all had a great time last month meeting up again. So we are planning to have a monthly CS meet on the last Friday of every month @ the server
The same one we used last time. We got all the old mods working now so come on by starting at 8pm ct time and we can shoot the breeze...while shooting each other :happy_creep:
DeviL'd Aag 6 iun. 2015 la 17:27 
Hey, I just bought a new PC.
I can't seem to find the LAG server anymore. Is it not there or am I dumb?
TeX 22 mai 2015 la 16:31 
Heres a map link if you need to redl the maps
TeX 21 mai 2015 la 22:16 
It is WhatDa? we just been monkeying around on the server trying to get everything working again. Its been a while ^_^ but it should be working now
[lag]Swiper27 19 mai 2015 la 18:08 
hey is that the right ip address because i typed it in and it wont find the server is it up yet
[lag]Swiper27 14 mai 2015 la 15:31 
cool guys see yall on the server but i cant be there the 22 srry going on a trip
Aureum 13 mai 2015 la 20:31 
ok Tex, do an invite thing, I am prone to forget
TeX 11 mai 2015 la 21:58 
Howdy guys and Gals. We are planning to have a get together on the 22nd of May. A nice time to shoot the breeze and remeber Phantom, lag, and all the good times we had over the years. Hope to see y'all there! The server will be
Let me know if you have any questions!
NikNak 3 mai 2015 la 8:44 
.... Phantom?.... wow I'm so out of touch with the [lag] community. So very sorry to hear he passed. Can't believe it. Wow.
[lag]Swiper27 3 apr. 2015 la 21:01 
heys guys
Aureum 3 apr. 2015 la 20:39 
So everyone knows, Phantom passed away a few days ago.
[0SC]-=Pop-D@wg=- 22 mart. 2015 la 10:51 
You guys still have a server?
[lag]Swiper27 2 ian. 2015 la 20:05 
anybody know the lag server ip address
[lag]GranDad 21 nov. 2013 la 23:46 
HI all Finally Back on..hows it going. I would like a links to any game if any? or which server to join..add me Thanks Steve
N4iledU 19 nov. 2013 la 22:29 
Cool. How you been Death? I got my DOD loaded. My play times are varying tho as I play mostly at work. I-net at home sux and wont run most games witout lag out of the world.
Scout 11 nov. 2013 la 20:13 
I'm still around, just been playing DOD a lot.
Cpt Pisstradomi 21 iul. 2013 la 15:20 
Summer LAG party pj?
red 11 mart. 2013 la 19:47 
Hello everyone! we are having a lag cs 1.6 party this saturday, march 16th, at 7:00 central time. Be sure to come and play with some old friends! the server ip is and our website is . Spread the word!
Lazarus 10 mart. 2013 la 11:58 
Hello Guys. I have a 12 Slot server that i made into a lag server.
the server IP is
Right Now its called "[lag] Custom FunHouse : Defuse & Hostage|RANK|*Recruiting*|"
it has a few mods on it. not very many add ons. I have sourcemod on it for admins
Its only a 12 man til we get more interest. I may need some help with expanding it so we can get
a growing populated server. If you have any questions or want to add me my steam name is darkangelwarrior.
Look Forward to seeing everyone there.

月光 8 mart. 2013 la 9:28
lets bring lag back
red 7 mart. 2013 la 10:01 
Hey guys! there are a few of us interesting in trying to bring the clan back again! please contact me if you are interested in helping also be sure to go the forums.
brew dees 16 febr. 2013 la 16:01 
We all should get together and play some games. I miss everyone :(
Lazarus 14 febr. 2013 la 19:37 
Hey everyone. i used to play with phantom and the crew years back. he even made me [lag]. sorry to hear about his health. I have signed up on the forums and saw you guys had a CS:GO server for a little while. I have one now and its a 12 man. Anyone interested. I am willing to make it a Lag server. :)
|MƗŁŁɆNNƗᵾM ĐØĐØ| 1 ian. 2013 la 20:06 
I miss our [lag] team!
red 2 apr. 2012 la 12:44 
Hey everyone, We have a new website and forums set up for [lag]. Be sure to check it out and sign up for the forums.
The new server ip is
DeviL'd Aag 18 febr. 2012 la 19:45 
I miss this place :(
TvBoi 26 ian. 2012 la 15:29 
is the server gone now? :(
[0SC]-=Pop-D@wg=- 2 dec. 2011 la 16:56 
Wuzzup? Anyone still around?
月光 18 mai 2011 la 12:31 
Unofficial, Yet Official Map Pack for the [lag] server for those who aren't aware is here :

We need more traffic on the forums anyway.
Razor 10 apr. 2011 la 9:43 
oh still love you guys, FYI.
[lag]Penfold 10 ian. 2011 la 10:59 
yeah and I seem to have lost all my favorites... what's the IP????
Bøunŧy 20 dec. 2010 la 21:40 
what happend to the server? everything is gone :(
A Kobold 25 mai 2010 la 6:51 
Not quiet anymore!

...... now where's my damn cookie?
Karen_the_Beast 2 ian. 2010 la 0:16 
Happy New Year everyone!
Karen_the_Beast 24 dec. 2009 la 13:52 
Happy Jesus birthday and happy holidays everyone!
[lag]Gandalf 13 oct. 2009 la 15:56 