Supreme Hunting Grounds Supreme Hunt
Supreme Hunting Grounds Supreme Hunt
게임 중
2011년 9월 18일
Supreme Hunting Grounds 정보

Gather to play interesting games with your friends and good players...

The purpose of this group is to serve as a meeting point for all players that are interested to play quality games with and against other good players. Also it serves all European players as it has a good ping and less lag then most visited avp server- wpc.

Benefits of joining are:
- you will be playing with good players (both in skill and temper) so you are promised to have a good time
- you have the right to express wishes for special occasions and games (extra score limit or new maps played)
- you can gather achievements here as most of players will be your friends
- the server will be frequently monitored by admins to ensure games are up to level
- although plasma and E grabs are initially allowed, overusing them (spamming) is not skilled and after being warned an admin has the right to remove such player, as it is in the interest of both players and the game itself
- This is a group with joining by invite only, but all admins will have the right to call their friends since they are checked players.. we wouldnt want everyone here ;)
- all members have the right and reponsibility to report any incidents on the server, from technical to players
- everyone is welcome to post ideas about interesting matches and gatherings every now and then, we can increase score limits, play new maps, play night maratons, whatever you desire :D
- special thanks for help in creation of this server to my friend Cetanu (supreme admin)

Enjoy yourselves and good hunting!
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Xmas Event Ideas... Suggestions are appreciated!
2 perspective survivor
댓글 25
void 2011년 12월 1일 오전 8시 10분 
By any chance does anyone would like to try Dead Island co-op?
void 2011년 10월 29일 오전 10시 25분 
3v3 tournament will be launched soon. For more details:
Toyota Prius 2012 2011년 10월 26일 오후 9시 02분 

Yo guys i jsut wanted to ask you guys to help out with a halloween event for AVP. A really awsome guy in PoS, aubs, came up with a haunted house story based event that will take place on halloween. There is a lot of info that i cant post in one single comment so feel free to visit the PoS group profile and check out the annoucments. the Event is called "HALLOWEEN HOUSE OF UGLY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"
void 2011년 10월 25일 오전 10시 09분 
Troll wars continue!
Peter Matt 2011년 10월 24일 오전 7시 19분 
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2011년 9월 18일