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1 person found this review helpful
14.6 hrs on record
I've been looking forward to this game for a hot minute. I was a huge fan of Void Bastards and had beaten the game a few times, and when I learned about Wild Bastards I knew I was gonna love it. The best way I can describe this game is that it's FTL with the Darkest Dungeon 2 relationship mechanic. The loop is simple, you arrive to a sector, go between various planets, choosing which characters get beamed down. You fight through the planet, looting anything and everything you can, then bail. Rinse, repeat until you get to the end, where you can spend any resource you didn't for Infamy (which is also rewarded from killing enemies).

There are one big issue with the gameplay loop, and that's any mods (weapon mods, armor mods, etc) and normal cash (called Cramm) are lost, along with your resources. I feel like it's a step too far, it makes grabbing anything that isn't character upgrades feel useless by the end, even with how powerful some mods are. This isn't a deal breaker, but it feels like a lot of the unlocks in the game are Mods, and some mods are "character specific", where they either give an extra buff to specific characters or they debuff the character its equipped unless it's one specific character. The worse part about these mods, you can get those types of mods even if you don't have the character. I've gotten Sarge's weapon mod numerous times way before I got Sarge, and every time it went unused.

Now granted, that complaint is ultimately minor compared to how much good this gameplay has. A lot of people say the gunplay is "weak", but if you play Void Bastards, you know the Gunplay involves less mechanical skills and more tactical. And let me tell you, this game is BRIMMING with it. Some characters completely counter specific types of enemies (Smoky and Kaboom get 75% and 100% Fire Resistance for example, making them a hard counter to any character that deals Fire damage, which is a lot of extremely powerful enemies.)

The looting on planets is fantastic, the only complaint I have about it is not being able to tell how long you have until a Prince arrives. So sometimes you have a big planet with the Prince arriving in one turn. But it also adds a level of Risk versus Reward. You keep anything you loot on the planet, even if your characters 'die', so you could risk it even with a Prince on the board.

TLDR: Lot of depth, if you enjoy FTL/Void Bastards, you'll love this game. a solid 8.5/10 in my book.
Posted 24 September, 2024.
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186.8 hrs on record (144.6 hrs at review time)
I'm not gonna lie, I have a lot of mixed feelings about Payday 3. I want the best for this game, I want this game to be the best version that it could be. But is it? No, far from it. To say it's bad though is a massive overstatement. I know people don't read the details on these so I'll keep it brief. This game itself is good. The gameplay is alright, it's just everything around the game was completely neglected. It's starting to get the care it deserves, and I'm very much happy about that, but it needs more care. More active care anyways. I HIGHLY suggest grabbing it on sale, they had done a massive sale for the launch of Fear and Greed (the 4th DLC) where the game was half off, even the Gold edition was the price of the base version is now. I just hope it keeps going.
Posted 21 September, 2023. Last edited 5 October, 2024.
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22.2 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Unironically the most fun I've had in an arena shooter for a long, long time. Playing with a full group of friends has been a blast, but what impressed me is the solo experience. Yet to try 2V2s, but 1v1s are extremely fun. One issue, 2v2s while in a premade seem to be bugged and doesn't apply level equilibrium. So you go against higher level people with better equipment, so beware.
Posted 6 June, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
220.5 hrs on record
So with the game quality slowly getting into question, the only devs that actively played the game leaving for other projects, Skill Based Matchmaking which has caused an intense rise in toxicity and cheaters, all of which nothing is being done about. And to top it all off, they are now actively supporting an NFT using their most recent DLC drop. Behavior... are you ok? Do you really play your game anymore? Do you even care?
Posted 18 October, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
86.6 hrs on record (65.4 hrs at review time)
When will people learn to just, enjoy a game sometimes. Seriously the hate mob for this game is utterly insane and when you look deeply at the arguments... unless they experience game breaking bugs (corrupt saves, frequent crashes, etc), lots of complaints just fall flat. The only valid complaint I can think of is some promises weren't kept and when you think about it from a game design perspective, it just wouldn't work all that well. Wall Running is the main example, you have to design the city around that mechanic to a degree, which is lots of development time, and if you make it required? It could cause huge problems level design wise.

Other than that, people are hating this game just to hate it. Review bombs are frequent, excuses are insane. The Discussions forum of Cyberpunk is utterly toxic right now. It's... sad. I feel so sorry for the devs of this. Overworked, not given the chance to polish the way they want by corrupt suits and the rabid "fans" that are now pissing their pants angry. It's disgusting to see how much spite people are giving this game. Consoles are a different story sure, but for Steam? On PC? People, calm, the hell, down. Please.
Posted 22 December, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
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30.0 hrs on record
Due to technical issues that plagued me for over a year, preventing me from playing the game. I've officially given up on getting this game to run. The technical service was utterly useless, merely pointing me to the forums to where I've read post after post with people suffering the same issue as I. "The Defiance Service is Unavailable. Please try again later." Due to how finicky the issue is, since this message appears when the game is also in maintaniance, I've been unable to solve it properly. Going to the guide on their website, 3 of their four solutions haven't worked. The last solution, opening specific ports on my router, is utterly useless. As when I clicked the link for my specific internet router (Linksys), the website literally didn't exist anymore. I've been unable to play this game, for years. The customer service was utterly useless, the forums didn't help either, and I've just been waiting, and waiting, and waiting. If a customer rep from the company sees this, please, don't point me to customer service, as I've already gone there. Don't point me to the forums, I've already gone there. Point me to the proper website for my router, or tell me specifically which ports to open on my router. The fact I even have to open ports on a router to properly play a game is stupid, and makes it not worth it at all. But if you want me to play, either do that, or actually fix the connection issues like this. It's frustrating to have to go to this length
Posted 4 October, 2020.
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35 people found this review helpful
101.3 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Yet another game out of the blue, surpassing everyone's expectations, Gunfire Reborn remains an impressive feat of taking the torch that, no, not Risk of Rain 2 was carrying, what Immortal Redneck was.

For some reason I don't see this comparison, maybe because Immortal Redneck was that small of a game. But imo this game and IR are both great examples of Rogue-Lite FPS games. Where Immortal Redneck stood out by the comedy style and it's movement, Gunfire Reborn stands out in its gameplay. From the guns to the characters, and the enemies, everything is polished to a very smooth degree, providing intense action in a surprisingly chilled out way.

Immortal Redneck died due to lack of support, both from players and developers. Nobody really played it, nobody really watched it, and the devs didn't have a reason to care for it despite its unique gameplay. Now Gunfire Reborn is able to succeed where it failed, I hope this gets the care that it deserves, as plankton said, "Don't let the good die young!"

It's like an 8/10 tbh, it's a good time all around.
Posted 14 June, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.1 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
1: It's Free
2: It's SCP
3: It has tons of awesome people playing it
4: The RP is real wacky and fun
Why wouldn't you play this? Unless you don't like getting spooped
Posted 28 June, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
1,136.2 hrs on record (1,049.3 hrs at review time)
This game has gone through a ton of ups and downs. We started off as simple bank robbers, soon we robbed a bank that's never been successfully robbed before, ok cool. Then we steal a diamond that's magical and cursed, cool story bro. Then we rob a casino, ok. Then we get set up and our boss gets kidnapped. Oh god. Then we get a bunch of weird magic ♥♥♥♥ that our boss was after. Ok wtf. Then we break him out and find out he's infected with a man made virus and is expected to die, wtf. NOW WE ROB THE WHITEHOUSE! WHAT?! It's absolutely rediculous, and that's not even talking about the developer's side of things, such as the controversy of Crimefest 2015 (in which I'm one of the owners of the Completely Overkill pack mind you), when Overkill left their publisher, 505 Games, which potentially caused all the debacle that was happening back then, to the story developments now. It's been a giant ride, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ let me say it was a fun one. I'm honestly proud to watch this game develop to where it is now, and witness it's transformation the way it did. Just as Overkill salutes me and the many other people who has supported this game over the years, I will salute them back for letting us join the ride
Posted 26 December, 2016. Last edited 21 November, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
286.3 hrs on record (56.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Still a great game, but it needs some loving. It's hasn't really gotten something to change the gameplay significantly in a long time as it seems that Tripwire is more focused on DLC than improving the gameplay.
Posted 9 November, 2015. Last edited 4 January, 2022.
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