Admiral Vivec
Caomhan An'givar aep Ilamras Elhudan   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Please read the Counter Idiocy Act 2015, amended 2019. Full text below description.
NOTICE of the Act's effect: PLEASE expand the description below.
By making any comment on this profile or any mods owned by me, you agree that your conduct will be enforced by the Counter Idiocy Act 2015.

The universe is not just infinite in its vastness, but also in its minuteness.
–The Great Gerangelos

An aesthetic judgement only becomes morality when we transfer the appraisal of the object to the subject, when we turn it into an attribution of responsibility (that someone 'ought' to like, do, or refrain from a particular aesthetic ideal). Why do we make this leap - what makes us want to attribute responsibility - is that it is powerful.

That law is not morality per se and is rather aimed at the protection and restriction of interests only - this goes to the 'function of law', as distinct from answering the question of 'what law is'. Because law is not a concept that we can inquire in the Socratic method, and find an answer a priori - but the Wittgensteinian sum of all examples, and sometimes those examples may have verged on one unified concept of law. However, if we are answering questions such as: 'why have law?' 'why was law created in the first place?' 'what function was law supposed to have, which was the interest for its creation?' then it is apt to examine the function of law. And to this we can say that it is not concerned with moral justifications for interests, but the balance of interests themselves, as a means to bridge the abyss which exists between each mode or class of thought, of ideas, and every culture when plain words do not carry meaning across. And in this way too we may see that law props up a certain imbalance of a power structure, because it can create the harmony for the dominant class to maintain its supremacy even when moral arguments with the lower classes fall on deaf ears.
Counter Idiocy Amendment (Subscribers and Visitors) Act 2019
Part 1 Preliminary

1 Purpose of Act
(1) The purpose of this Act is to provide a regulative framework for interaction between subscribers and visitors and the Owner of the profile.

2 Commencement
(1) This Act commences on the 1st of July of 2019.
(2) This Act does not affect any activity before the commencement date of the Act.

3 Definitions
(1) In this Act:
subscribers include the following:
(a) A person who subscribes to a mod uploaded to the Steam Workshop by the Owner of the profile.
(b) A person who, whether or not he or she has subscribed to the mod uploaded to the Steam Workshop by the Owner of the profile, obtains a copy of the mod by some other means, whether by legitimate means or not.
visitors include the following:
(a) A person who is added as a friend on Steam by the Owner of the profile.
(b) Any person who comments on the profile of the Owner of the profile.
(c) Any person who, whether or not that person is also a subscriber, comments on a mod uploaded by the Owner of the profile.
(i) A visitor does not include a person who comments on a mod of which the Owner of the profile is a contributor to, but not the owner.
(d) A person who is a follower on Steam to the Owner of the profile.
Owner of the profile or Owner means:
(a) The identity of the person who owns the Steam profile Admiral SnowyUSSR or any other aliases as the Owner may, from time to time, alter or vary.
(i) For the avoidance of doubt, the Owner's profile is that which is based on the following link: .
mod means:
(a) A modification of a Steam game that is uploaded onto the Steam Workshop of that game.
(2) All terms specific to the context of Steam will be given the meaning attributed to them by Steam.
(3) All other words shall be construed according to their plain and ordinary meaning.

Part 2 Provisions Regulating Subscribers

4 Redistribution of Owner's Work
(1) In this Part:
A redistribution means an actual or attempted upload of the contents of the mod under any URL other than the one used by the Owner of the profile when the mod was uploaded.
(2) Any mod uploaded by the Owner of the profile onto the Steam Workshop must not be redistributed in any manner, part or whole, without the express permission of the Owner.

5 Permission to Redistribute
(1) Permission may be granted by the Owner of the profile by contacting the Owner either through a comment on Steam (whether on the profile or on the mod) or by other means.
(2) Permission will be granted by the Owner of the profile for a request to alter the mod for the purposes of a translation of the mod and subsequent upload of the translated version of the mod:
(a) if the request objectively represents a genuine request, and
(b) the Owner can reasonably infer that genuine attempts will be made to complete the translation and subsequent upload.
(3) After permission is granted, the upload of the mod by a subscriber must expressly acknowledge that they have sourced a part or whole of their mod from the Owner of the profile.

6 Failure to Comply with this Part
(1) Failure to comply with this Part will result in a report of the redistributor of the mod to relevant authorities. For example, a redistribution on Steam will lead to a report to Valve Corporation via Steam.
(a) The Owner of the profile may also exercise a right to publicly denounce the actions of the redistributor of a mod of the Owner for their failure to comply with this Act and the general principles of equity.

Part 3 Provisions Regulating Visitors

7 Rules Regulating Comments
(1) To avoid any doubt, in this Part:
A comment means a comment left on the Steam profile or mod of the Owner of the profile.
(2) Any comments posted by a visitor must be courteous and respectful to the Owner of the profile and any other addressee mentioned expressly or impliedly in the comment.
(3) A courteous and respectful comment does not limit a comment made objectively for the purposes of constructive criticism.

8 Special Rules on Requests
(1) In this Part:
A request means a comment left on the Steam profile or mod of the Owner of the profile that was made objectively for the purposes of requesting the Owner of the profile or any contributor to a mod made by the Owner to include a feature or features requested by the visitor in an update to the mod.
(2) A request can be ignored, rejected or deleted by the Owner of the profile whether or not the comment containing the request is phrased in such a way that is not courteous and respectful.
(a) However, the Owner should endeavour to explain the reasoning as to why the request should not be fulfilled by the Owner.
(b) The Owner does not have to endeavour to explain when in a situation that is time-pressed by other real life issues.

9 Failure to Comply with this Part
(1) Failure to comply with this Part will entitle the Owner of the profile to a right to delete the comment without notification to the visitor responsible for posting the comment.
(2) If a visitor repeatedly fails to comply with the requirements of this Part, the Owner of the profile may report the visitor responsible for posting the comment or comments to Valve Corporation via Steam.
(3) If the Owner chooses to do so, the Owner may also give a warning concerning the conduct or denounce the conduct of the visitor before pursuing the powers provided in Subsections 1 and 2.

Part 4 Obligations of the Owner

10 Promises made by the Owner
(1) Any promise made by the Owner of the profile either on the profile, mod description of a mod owned by the Owner, or comment left anywhere on Steam by the Owner, will not be treated as immediately containing an intention to be legally binding under contract unless the Owner expressly provides otherwise in the promise.
(a) To avoid any doubt, the Owner will not impliedly intend a promise to be legally binding.

11 Liability of the Owner
(1) The Owner of the profile will not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury incurred by the usage or download of mods published by the Owner either due to the negligence of the Owner or otherwise.

12 Implied Standards of the Owner
(1) If the Owner does not make a promise under Section 10 concerning the quality of a mod published by the Owner, and that promise was intended to be legally binding, this Section applies.
(2) It will be implied that any mod uploaded by the Owner will only be made publicly available when it is edited to the best of abilities.
(a) This Section does not limit the right of the Owner to upload a mod when not completed because it is in the interests of the community to do so, and this interest outweighs the interest of upholding the implied standard set by this Section.
(b) An interest of the community may include, but is not limited to:
(i) An interest in accessing the mod in an unfinished state or state that has not been edited to the best of abilities to avoid delay and waiting.
(ii) An interest in making the mod available in an unfinished state or state that has not been edited to the best of abilities to attract visitors who may be able to positively contribute to the mod.

13 Terms and Conditions for the Owner's Mod
(1) The Owner may modify the rules of this Act for a particular mod by supplying express terms and conditions in the description of a mod uploaded by the Owner that will serve as a notice of contract with the subscriber.
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Battlecruiser Operational
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Ladies, Gentlemen, PLEASE read the 'Counter Idiocy Act 2015', available publicly on my profile which sets out some basic agreements on using my mods. Upon subscription to this mod you agree to be bound to its terms. SUMMARY – • 5 years ago, I (also known a
80 avaliações
Criado por — Admiral Vivec
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Admiral's Observatory II
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329 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 18 de mar.
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453 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 18 de mar.
162 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 13 de mar.
Conquistas   39 de 75
Protein Sheikh 6 de fev. às 22:15 
hey bro do you still make mods for total war games ?
Vic 12/ago./2020 às 5:11 
RoM is always open for new members, even if you can't do a lot
Dinoman598 7/mai./2020 às 10:13 
Can you please work on the LOTR mods. I want Orcs and The Evil Men
JustLeo 30/set./2019 às 7:21 
Well, I am a submod dev and when I shared some pics of your stuff with the team we all agreed they were more than good enough
Admiral Vivec 28/set./2019 às 18:03 
I don't think they are good quality enough and I have learnt a lot more since making them. If I ever go back to LOTR modding I will, but I was using, for example, outdated texturing methods. I am also doing a lot of testing/modding for battle realism for total war though; if people ask for that I am happy to share.
JustLeo 27/set./2019 às 16:02 
Would you ever think of donating some of your models to Rise of Mordor or the submod? if so we would gladly except them.