᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌
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᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌
local ffi = require "ffi"
local localize = require "gamesense/localize" -- {LINK USUNIĘTY}
local images = require "gamesense/images" -- {LINK USUNIĘTY}
local csgo_weapons = require "gamesense/csgo_weapons" -- {LINK USUNIĘTY}

local InventoryAPI =
local currency = "¤"
local table_remove, table_insert = table.remove, table.insert
local get_absoluteframetime, globals_curtime = globals.absoluteframetime, globals.curtime
local database_read, database_write =, database.write
local math_sin, math_pi, math_floor, math_random, math_min, math_max, math_abs = math.sin, math.pi, math.floor, client.random_int, math.min, math.max, math.abs
local ui_get, ui_set, ui_new_checkbox, ui_new_slider, ui_new_combobox, ui_new_listbox, ui_new_label, ui_set_visible, ui_reference, ui_new_hotkey = ui.get, ui.set, ui.new_checkbox, ui.new_slider, ui.new_combobox, ui.new_listbox, ui.new_label, ui.set_visible, ui.reference, ui.new_hotkey
local ui_menu_position, ui_new_multiselect, ui_menu_size, ui_is_menu_open, ui_mouse_position, ui_set_callback = ui.menu_position, ui.new_multiselect, ui.menu_size, ui.is_menu_open, ui.mouse_position, ui.set_callback
local client_color_log, client_screen_size, client_key_state, client_set_event_callback, client_userid_to_entindex, client_exec, client_delay_call = client.color_log, client.screen_size, client.key_state, client.set_event_callback, client.userid_to_entindex, client.exec, client.delay_call
local renderer_line, renderer_rectangle, renderer_gradient, renderer_text = renderer.line, renderer.rectangle, renderer.gradient, renderer.text
local entity_get_prop, entity_get_local_player, entity_get_player_name = entity.get_prop, entity.get_local_player, entity.get_player_name

local case_location = "csgo_case_list_f"
local case_menu_list = database_read(case_location) or nil
local case_do_update = false

local function update_cases(start, finish)
local found_something = false
for i = start, finish do -- all csgo cases are inside these indexs
local id = InventoryAPI.GetFauxItemIDFromDefAndPaintIndex(i, 0)
if InventoryAPI.GetLootListItemsCount(id) > 0 and InventoryAPI.GetAssociatedItemsCount(id) > 0 then
local first_item = InventoryAPI.GetLootListItemIdByIndex(id, 0)
local slot = InventoryAPI.GetSlot(first_item)

if slot ~= "" and slot ~= "musickit" and slot ~= "flair0" and slot ~= "customplayer" then --thx sapph
local case_name = InventoryAPI.GetItemName(id)
case_menu_list[#case_menu_list + 1] = tostring(case_name)
database_write(case_name, i) -- key system
found_something = true
return found_something

local function index_all_cases() -- gotta do right here so the combobox has all items
if case_menu_list == nil then
case_menu_list = {}
local updated = update_cases(4000, 5000)
if updated then
database_write(case_location, case_menu_list)
local last_case = database_read(case_menu_list[#case_menu_list]) + 1
local updated = update_cases(last_case, 5000)
if updated then
case_do_update = true
database_write(case_location, case_menu_list)

local mp = {"LUA", "A"}
local menu = {
cases_enable = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], "⟡ Bassn's Case Opener ⟡"),
cases_hotkey = ui_new_hotkey (mp[1], mp[2], " Open Case Hotkey"),

cases_locked = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Lock Window Position"),
cases_pos = ui_new_combobox(mp[1], mp[2], "\n", {"Top", "Bottom"}, 1),
cases_i_pos = ui_new_combobox(mp[1], mp[2], " Inventory Side", {"Right", "Left"}, 1),

cases_audio = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Audio"),
cases_volume = ui_new_slider (mp[1], mp[2], "\nVolume", 1, 100, 50, true, "%"),
cases_speed = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Speed"),
cases_speed_v = ui_new_slider (mp[1], mp[2], "\nSpeed", 1, 5, 1, true, "x"),
cases_stats = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Show Statistics"),

cases_sell = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Auto Sell"),
cases_sell_v = ui_new_multiselect(mp[1], mp[2], "\nSell Type", {"Mil-spec grade", "Restricted", "Classified", "Covert", "Exceedingly Rare"}),

cases_show = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Always Show"),

cases_skin_c = ui_new_slider (mp[1], mp[2], " Inventory Rows", 0, 5, 2, true, nil, 1, {[0] = "Hidden"}),

cases_chat = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Show Unbox in Chat"),
cases_chat_v = ui_new_combobox(mp[1], mp[2], "\nChat Type", {"All Chat", "Realistic Radio", "Fake Radio", "Team Chat"}, 1),
cases_chance = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " - Include skin details"),
cases_indent = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " - Indent Unbox Message"),
cases_rares = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " - Only send message when skin is rare"),

--cases_luck = ui_new_slider (mp[1], mp[2], "Luck", 1, 1000, 1),
cases_case = ui_new_listbox (mp[1], mp[2], " Select Case", case_menu_list, 1),

cases_debug = ui_new_checkbox(mp[1], mp[2], " Debug"),
cases_spacer = ui_new_label (mp[1], mp[2], "\nCases Spacer")

local function setTableVisibility(table, state) -- thx to whoever made this
for i = 1, #table do
ui_set_visible(table , state)

client_set_event_callback("paint_ui", function() --menu item handler
setTableVisibility({menu.cases_show, menu.cases_locked, menu.cases_sell, menu.cases_audio, menu.cases_volume, menu.cases_spacer, menu.cases_case, menu.cases_hotkey, menu.cases_stats, menu.cases_speed, menu.cases_chat, menu.cases_skin_c}, ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
setTableVisibility({menu.cases_pos, menu.cases_i_pos}, ui_get(menu.cases_locked) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
ui_set_visible(menu.cases_volume, ui_get(menu.cases_audio) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
ui_set_visible(menu.cases_speed_v, ui_get(menu.cases_speed) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
ui_set_visible(menu.cases_sell_v, ui_get(menu.cases_sell) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
setTableVisibility({menu.cases_chat_v, menu.cases_rares}, ui_get(menu.cases_chat) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))
setTableVisibility({menu.cases_chance, menu.cases_indent}, (ui_get(menu.cases_chat_v) ~= "Realistic Radio") and ui_get(menu.cases_chat) and ui_get(menu.cases_enable))

--main variables
local dpi_scale = ui_reference("MISC", "Settings", "DPI scale")
local s = tonumber(ui_get(dpi_scale):sub(1, -2))/100
local b_w = s * 7 -- border width
local x, y, w, h = database_read("cases_x") or 200, database_read("cases_y") or 200, database_read("cases_w") or 600 * s, database_read("cases_h") or 200
local screen_w, screen_h = client_screen_size()

local function clamp(num, min, max)
if num < min then
num = min
elseif num > max then
num = max
return num

ui_set_callback(menu.cases_locked, function()
if not ui_get(menu.cases_locked) then
x = x + (50 * s)
y = y + (50 * s)

x = clamp(x, 0, screen_w - 100)
y = clamp(y, 0, screen_h - 100)

local points_location = "case_points"
local inventory_location = "case_inventory"
local points = database_read(points_location) or 50000
local inventory = database_read(inventory_location) or {}

local hide_case_opener = database_read("cases_hide_menu") or false

local min_width, min_height = 200, 100

local got_offset, got_click, is_dragging, is_resizing, off_click, do_open_case, fill_case, is_in_animation, got_h
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