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Diposting: 1 Feb 2017 @ 2:37am

Like every other Bethesda game, it is a grand game.

Graphics are quite amazing, replayability is a must to see all the ways to do quests or to play each questline in different ways.

The Easter eggs like always are quite fun when you discover them, along with joking around with the games physics [throwing everything around with Fus Ro Dah, lets be honest.. we all do it.]

Like all of the Elder Scrolls games thus far, this game starts you off as a prisoner [surprise!] convicted of a crime of some form or another.. though in this one you get arrested for trying to cross a border, so atleast you know what you've done for once now.. but I guess crossing borders is now execution worthy. [Tell trump!] As in this game you start out en route to your execution over crossing a border, though guess what? Like always you are saved in some unusual way.

Though, really I cant complain about the game, I spent well over 1K hours ingame on console just exploring the expansive world for everything I could find and I am quite certain I am not done finding everything there is to find in this game, from locations to unique weapons or items. To finding hidden quests or unlisted quests around the map, there are so many things to do.

Ontop of this expansive world, like all elderscrolls games thus far, you're more than likely going to delve into the lore of the lands, during which you will quite literally lose yourself in the books around the world or do as I do and dedicate yourself to finding at minimum one copy of every book in the game to store in bookshelves in your mod added home so as to start a library of sorts.

The quests are quite the grand things, the man story is.. it needs some work I guess, it seems a bit anticlimactic considering you fight and kill all of these dragons along the way and level up only to face stronger dragons and other creatures in the world, but when you reach the end of the main storyline you are dissapointed as the Draugr Deathlords were more challenging than Alduin in combat.


This review was not as serious as I wanted to do, but I'm tired as can be as of my writing this.. I just wanted to add a few reviews to games I enjoyed.

I feel that I am not doing this game justice when I review it, but to compensate I would like to mention.

The main story is quite literally an experience, don't forget to point out that exploring this expansive world is an experience in and of itself. From Frozen mountaintops to tundra plains, this map is a grand experience.. you'll go from wandering a plains to standing in a snowstorm in a short while, and then you travel west only to discover that there is a swampy land which beyond it is a sunny and green land.

You go from one enjoyable moment to another, talking to a guard to fighting dragons, wandering the plains to facing bandits or wolves. -- Maybe you want to settle down after beating the main quest? Well you can infact marry NPCs and if you have the Hearthfire DLC you can adopt children aswell!
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