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Nedávné recenze uživatele Tacitus.Æ

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506.3 hodin celkem (40.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
You will die.

Will play for a long, long, long time.
Odesláno 1. července 2021.
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257.9 hodin celkem (52.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Played the game to level 90+ in online on XBOX 360, I liked it then. Kind of still like it now, although I have one issue with the PC version.

I have no clue whatsoever as to how I can start missions on my own. See, on console when you started you'd have to do certain missions to unlock the later ones, but with PC and all of these DLC things set up, it seems those early game missions are now locked somehow, until you complete the DLC it seems.

I'm not certain, honestly, if this is just an issue I'm having or if its a serious and known thing to everyone. Regardless, the singleplayer is fun, though online mode is the true focus of the game after all this time.
Odesláno 1. ledna 2020.
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165.9 hodin celkem (148.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Like every other Bethesda game, it is a grand game.

Graphics are quite amazing, replayability is a must to see all the ways to do quests or to play each questline in different ways.

The Easter eggs like always are quite fun when you discover them, along with joking around with the games physics [throwing everything around with Fus Ro Dah, lets be honest.. we all do it.]

Like all of the Elder Scrolls games thus far, this game starts you off as a prisoner [surprise!] convicted of a crime of some form or another.. though in this one you get arrested for trying to cross a border, so atleast you know what you've done for once now.. but I guess crossing borders is now execution worthy. [Tell trump!] As in this game you start out en route to your execution over crossing a border, though guess what? Like always you are saved in some unusual way.

Though, really I cant complain about the game, I spent well over 1K hours ingame on console just exploring the expansive world for everything I could find and I am quite certain I am not done finding everything there is to find in this game, from locations to unique weapons or items. To finding hidden quests or unlisted quests around the map, there are so many things to do.

Ontop of this expansive world, like all elderscrolls games thus far, you're more than likely going to delve into the lore of the lands, during which you will quite literally lose yourself in the books around the world or do as I do and dedicate yourself to finding at minimum one copy of every book in the game to store in bookshelves in your mod added home so as to start a library of sorts.

The quests are quite the grand things, the man story is.. it needs some work I guess, it seems a bit anticlimactic considering you fight and kill all of these dragons along the way and level up only to face stronger dragons and other creatures in the world, but when you reach the end of the main storyline you are dissapointed as the Draugr Deathlords were more challenging than Alduin in combat.


This review was not as serious as I wanted to do, but I'm tired as can be as of my writing this.. I just wanted to add a few reviews to games I enjoyed.

I feel that I am not doing this game justice when I review it, but to compensate I would like to mention.

The main story is quite literally an experience, don't forget to point out that exploring this expansive world is an experience in and of itself. From Frozen mountaintops to tundra plains, this map is a grand experience.. you'll go from wandering a plains to standing in a snowstorm in a short while, and then you travel west only to discover that there is a swampy land which beyond it is a sunny and green land.

You go from one enjoyable moment to another, talking to a guard to fighting dragons, wandering the plains to facing bandits or wolves. -- Maybe you want to settle down after beating the main quest? Well you can infact marry NPCs and if you have the Hearthfire DLC you can adopt children aswell!
Odesláno 1. února 2017.
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364.3 hodin celkem (111.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Gameplay: 6.5/10
Repetitive, don't get downed, shoot the cops. -- Don't alert the guards, avoid the cameras, don't touch the lasers.

Graphics: 8-9/10
Great graphics when on max settings with a decent computer, guns are exceptionally real looking even on lower graphics.. the game prides itself on the weapons and the money you earn using said weapons.

Online: Varies
Nothing quite beats the feeling of beating a mission on the maximum difficulty with a good team, though expect everyone, including yourself, to die ALOT just to beat that mission. -- Though completing a difficult stealth mission is up there aswell, but that's if a player doesn't do a troll move and join in using maximum detection loadouts only to fire an unsuppressed gun or toss a grenade before disconnecing and ruining your mission.

This game is a trust game, it plays on relying on teamwork on specific missions.

There are other aspects, but really those are the main three people concern themselves with when they get a game.

Gameplay, Graphics, Replayability, and Online if it is there.

Replayability is possible, playing every possible way to do a mission is almost a lifelong objective.

Lets not forget building your offshore cash up and the upgrading your safehouse parts.
Odesláno 1. února 2017.
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37.2 hodin celkem (25.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
I personally love this game. I havent played it in a while, but it is a great game, if you cant run DayZ or the Arma DayZ mod, then get this.

Its somewhat the same in basis, there are multiple maps, and the gameplay is quite fun.
Odesláno 2. dubna 2015.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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5,357.2 hodin celkem (1,043.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Simplest way to explain this.
Every game that you could ever want. Shoved into one, modable program. That constantly gains new people. New gamemodes, and new mods. Nearly Infinite possibilities with this game. All of that amazingness. 5$.

Want to play hide & seek? No problem. Gamemode for that.
Want to use teamwork to uproot the badguys that want you dead? Gamemode for that.
Want to Build things that use physics, then proceed to use said thing to kill countless people? Gamemode for that.
Want to become the mayor of a small town, maybe be a hobo, a police officer, or even a Black Market Dealer? Gamemode for that.
Maybe you want to fight zombies or even be a zombie? Gamemode for that.

Or, maybe you have more refined tastes, and wish to be in control of the gamemode, or game, you can start a server. Thats right, nothing in this is hosted through steam. No random crashes from their stupid servers.

Or, maybe you want to do something different? Something I didn't name? I can't possibly know, but, what I do know, is that if you do buy this game... you will most definitely get every pennies-worth of your money back, in amazing memories and friends too.

Just my time playing this game alone says enough, over 125+ hours in two weeks. I give this game a 10/10.



Odesláno 28. října 2014.
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13.5 hodin celkem (2.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Amazing game! Though, I reccomend a realy strong computer/laptop if you want to play this without any major FPS issues. 8/10. I have a crappy computer, if I had a better computer I would definitly give this game a 9.5/10 its dropped the .5 because its hard to control the alien and is weird to properly play the Alien campaign without raging every few minutes for going up a wall when you didint even aim at it or hold the button, and the game can be so disorienting.
Odesláno 22. února 2014.
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58.3 hodin celkem (31.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Would play this game every day if it wasnt difficult to start off with a new character. Reccomend this game. Rating it a 7/10
Odesláno 22. února 2014.
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2.7 hodin celkem (0.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Reccomend this game for anyone sick of generic FPS games like Combat Arms, does have some amazing gameplay. Reccomend 8/10
Odesláno 22. února 2014.
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28.5 hodin celkem (11.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Played and beaten, interesting, would reccomend- downside is you dont know what you are doing at first and the end is confusing as Fk. It messes with your head a little throughout the game.
Odesláno 22. února 2014.
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