Anacardium   Isle of Man
Tomorrow, he was longing for tomorrow, whereas everything in him ought to reject it.
So anyways there is no greater spectacle than a dumbass gettin whooped by a stick on the ground

like your forebears crawled out the ocean and built cabins and made fires and designed intuitive inventory systems in first person shooters that let you pick up the railgun AND hold on to the candy bar

and look at u. u lost to a stick
Yiff 28 gen, ore 1:49 
as an expert on gays this guy aspires to be the gayest
KuroDaKing 22 nov 2024, ore 16:05 
hope u die irl, teabagging queer
Beltempest 17 ott 2024, ore 16:37 
I'm so sorry about your steam, do you want to help me burn down their headquarters? in the name of or lord, satan
MUTINYYY 17 ott 2024, ore 14:58 
Sorry your account got locked. I will be writing a letter to steam about this incident. Cold, hard, inked up letter
Ratsune Squeaku 15 ott 2024, ore 10:18 
Thanks for inviting me to your Halloween Dinner Party, unfortunately my ankles are no longer working and I don't want to have to drag myself around your house. I think maybe next time I will come by. I'll miss out on the Ghoulish Chicken Tendies :'(
MUTINYYY 4 ott 2024, ore 14:12 
Thanks big nut. I appreciate it